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Superfoods are Healthy, Low-Cost, and are Found at Your Local Grocery Store

Updated on March 14, 2013

Super-Foods are Healthy Foods

There are foods that are known as "Super-foods" that do not have to be expensive to be nutritious and good for you. Most Super-foods can be easily found at your local grocery store, and most of them have names that are well-known by everyone. Super-foods are healthy and they contain: vitamins, anti-oxidants, flavonoids, fiber, protein, minerals, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and beta-carotene, and more. Super-foods are: Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Kale, Low-fat milk, Pinto Beans, Whole Eggs, Black and Green Tea, Oatmeal, Mango, Broccoli, Canned Salmon, Turkey, Dried Blueberries, and many more, which include: Oranges, Pumpkin, Soy, Spinach, Tomatoes, Walnuts and Yogurt. These foods are jam-packed with vitamins, anti-oxidants, and nutrients. Food should be eaten in moderation, and whole foods are the best source for getting the daily requirements needed to stay healthy (homeostasis). Homeostasis is a state of well-being (feeling well). Healthy food doesn't have to be expensive to be healthy.


Orange Carrots with Stems
Orange Carrots with Stems | Source

Sweet Potatoes and Carrots

Sweet potatoes and carrots get their orange color from high concentrations of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a healthy anti-oxidant. Beta-carotene is good for the health of the skin, as it helps to generate new skin cell growth, which adds a healthy glow to the newly generated skin cells. Sweet potatoes are packed with fiber and B-vitamins, and are inexpensive at local grocery stores. Carrots are a root vegetable and their scientific name is: Daucus Carota. Carrots are close family members of parsnips, parsley, dill, cumin, and others. Carrots are a great source of Vitamin B, C, and E, potassium, calcium pectate, fiber, B6, copper, folic acid, thiamine, and magnesium, and more. Carrots contain 87% water in mineral salts. Sweet potatoes are relatively inexpensive, and help to neutralize wrinkle and skin damage caused by exposure to the sun. Sweet potatoes are packed with fiber, B-vitamins, and cost less than 50 cents a serving, which is a great bargain for a healthy diet. Carrots should be eaten in moderation, and chewed well to get the most nutrients. Eating an excessive amount of carrots or drinking too much carrot juice can lead to a condition called: Carotenemia, in which the skin (mostly the hands) will turn a yellowish-orange color, which can lead to jaundice.


The Purple and Green Leaves of Kale
The Purple and Green Leaves of Kale | Source

14 Top Cancer Fighting Superfoods

Kale: A Hardy Cabbage

Kale is a vegetable, and, also, a form of cabbage with stems that grow large green or purple leaves with no compact head. Kale is a little bit bitter in flavor. Kale is nutritionally rich in calcium, vitamin K, folic acid, magnesium, beta-carotene, and kale is unusually high in fiber. Kale is delicious, and a great source of nutrients. Kale is easily grown, tolerant to cool climates, and has been cultivated for over 3000 years. Kale will keep you feeling full for a good amount of time, and is a great source of indole-3-carbinol, which is a chemical that boosts DNA repair in cells, and appears to block the growth of cancer cells. Kale is full of vitamins, minerals, and health enhancing anti-oxidants, fiber, calcium, and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Kale is inexpensive and easy to prepare. Kale that retains a lot of pesticides should obviously be avoided, and organic kale is the best choice if and when it can be found. The Internet is a good place to search for finding organic kale and if its (kale) is available.


Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collard greens and kale have high levels of glucosinolate glucobrassicin, which is broken down to produce indole-3-carbinol. Its possible that indole-3-carbinol might be an anti-carcinogenic, anti-oxidant and anti-atherogenic. Tests and more research needs to be done to see if indole-3-carbinol has any health benefits. Larger randomized controlled trials need to be done to see if there are any health benefits to indole-3-carbinol to see if its effective.

Low-Fat Milk is a Super-Food

Low-fat milk is a great source of calcium, potassium, essential nutrients, and Vitamin D. One eight-ounce glass of low-fat or 1% low-fat milk has nine-essential nutrients, which is good for health, and powerful for the fewest calories. Low-fat milk is low in calories, and at the same time is good for bone health. Low-fat milk makes a great "Super-Food."


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