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The Benefit of Gardening For Health

Updated on July 26, 2011

What is your hobby? I thought we have different hobby, it depend on each person. How about gardening? As we know gardening is very enjoyable activity. Where is we can plant various vegetables. Such as flower, tree, even organic plant. We can do this activity at anytime, in holiday or weekend. This is also a good activity in leisure time, even for the retirement person. I thought all of us can do this. There are various activities we can do in gardening, like: cultivate the soil, sowing seeds, watering, fertilizing, mowing the lawn or trim the leaves. I believe that could become a great moment. 

Gardening activities can become an enjoyable hobby, but these activities also bring many benefits not only for women but also for men. Gardening is also useful for the young age and the older. But there’s a secret that we must to know about gardening.  We can call this “the miracle of gardening”. Why I called like that? Because by gardening we can get many benefit for our health and good for the sick people. 

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My father is my inspiration to write this hub. He is the witness of the miracle by gardening.  She got a heart attack a couple years ago, because he likes smoking. Every day he can spend a pack of cigarette. I never stop to give him advice to stop smoking. But he always ignores my advice. I always worried the heart attack will come suddenly. But it never happened again until my father has a new hobby. What is his hobby right now? His hobby is gardening. That's why I want to share his experience with all of you. So, we can do this hobby with fun and then we get all the benefit by gardening. We can learn about the benefit of gardening below.

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Positive impact for health

By gardening is the same when we doing some exercise. We can burn calories so good for our health. To remind us again, by gardening will be doing activities such as cutting the grass, prune the plants, manage pots, planting flowers, providing fertilizer and watering the plants. Gardening activities will burn between 280 calories to 380 calories per hour. The number of calories which burned is the same with sexual activity during the three hours or the equivalent of jogging or running for 30 minutes or run a distance of 2.5 km. Even gardening can burn more calories than cycling. Gardening is equivalent with a workout at the gym. We all know it will spend a lot of money. In addition, this activity is very strongly support the physical and psychological health.

Gardening activities are also useful for men's health, especially for sexual problem. Gardening can overcome the problem of impotence or erectile dysfunction for men. By gardening it will reduce the risk of impotence. So, my friend, do want to try this?

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Reduce stress levels

Gardening can also reduce stress levels. After completing a full day or a week full of work at the office, we may get stress from the work. It would be nice to go home and start gardening at the end of the day or on weekends. Gardening activities can reduce stress, pain and frustration. Whereas, while waiting for the plants growing from day by day or waiting the flower bloom. It will train our patience and look the future with positive thoughts.

For the older age, they will get benefit by gardening. Caring for plants make the elderly feel that they still needed and would not be lonely. For those who are experiencing mental health problems or have psychological disorders, gardening activities also have a positive impact. With gardening, someone can feel comfortable and calm. Especially when working on the garden with plants and beautiful flowers. Furthermore, caring for flowers and gardening activities can help to get self confidence.

We can show the beautiful flower to other neighbor or family, even friend or relative. Some research shows that people will feel more comfortable with the environment that many green plants. We also felt fresh all the time. After wake up we can see beautiful flower, dew on leaves, and the air felt fresh in the morning.  Even in the afternoon, the environment look cold and it doesn't hot anymore.

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Look her smile, she's so happy

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Curing illness and accelerate the process of health recovery

Some patients in the hospital will be cured faster when they're on the green environment or in the room which has indoor plants. Patients who are in the treatment period, when they were measured for the blood pressure and heart rate will give good result. By making a beautiful home garden, it can accelerate the healing of family members if they get sick. Other benefit by gardening is lowering the blood pressure, so it can avoid the hypertension. Gardening activities was also able to help people with diabetes problem. Since the number of calories burned, it will directly influence the levels of sugar in the body.

My father has proven the miracle of gardening. Like I said before, my father who get heart attack a couple years ago also felt better. Right now his activity is caring a flower garden. He has a beautiful anthurium  garden. The leaf of this plant looks green. He also loves anthurium with her heart. He never stops to watering this plant in the morning, provide fertilizer and replace the pot if the plant is already big. He looks enjoy.

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Extend the life of

Because health is more stable and the mind also calm, then this will affect for the age. Some research showed that people who enjoy gardening have longer durations of life than others who do not like gardening. Maybe some of us didn't believe this. But if you want to think again, the people who have a lot of thought and tend to stress more quickly or getting old, they never calm even for a while. He always thought her work, deadline, even count the money. Their mind never rest and always chased by the negative thinking. This totally different when they try to be relax, more to see a beautiful flower. They can do something different from their job in the office, like gardening.  If they usually hold keyboard in front of the computer, try to hold a hoe, felt the different between paper and soil. This is become unforgettable moment in their life.

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