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Fitness and Weight Loss - Top 10 Ways a Hurricane Can Melt Off the Pounds

Updated on December 14, 2012

Kite Flying Weather

When the local weather becomes severe enough that it damages properties and possessions, the people affected by this type of loss often begin to also lose weight in their actions to remedy the damages. They may also worry calories away in these situations. Others may overeat instead and begin to gain some additional weight.

Regardless, why not make the best of some less severe weather conditions and make them work to your health and fitness advantage?

When the tail end of a hurricane passes through your state hundreds of miles away, you can lose weight in any of 100 ways. These are 10 of them. Do not attempt to practice these exercises in a hurricane condition -- Seek shelter or evacuate to a safe location if a mandatory evacuation is called in your area.

(public domain)
(public domain)

Isometric Exercise

Fight against the wind as you walk -- This is good isometric exercise.


Make sure not to walk sideways into the wind, because this action will make it too easy to navigate the high-speed gusts. You will not receive the benefits of isometric exercise in this manner and will be wasting the strength of the gale.


Walk straight ahead into the wind and make a good challenge for yourself.


Photo credit, tree: OwnMoment on

Aerobic Exercise

Run away from the rain.

It is impossible to do, but good exercise to try.

Make sure to wear well-constructed shoes that have good traction.

Do not run from the rain if it is accompanied by lightning, for the lightning may catch you. Seek shelter indoors. Do not hide under a tree or near a metal or telephone or high-power line pole.

(public domain)
(public domain)


Always stretch for 20 minutes before attempting weight training exercises.


You might do this by stretching yourself across the trees that have fallien in your yard and thankfully, missed your house and car.


Climbing back and forth across the trees is also good stretching exercise.


(public domain)
(public domain)

Weight Training

Next, after your stretching is completed, lift the boat that ran aground on top of your car. Do this lift in sets of 3, five times daily, or until the county has removed the boat.

When doing this lifting, remember to bend your knees and lift with your legs, not your back.

Caber toss (public domain)
Caber toss (public domain)

Weight Training

Additional weight training is easily accomplished by lifting the trees and damaged lumber that your neighor has tossed into your yard.

Again, lift with your legs as you toss the materials back into your neighbor's yard. Do some finger stretching before you dial the city's number to report your neighbor.

Sometimes it's a long walk (public domain).
Sometimes it's a long walk (public domain).

Aerobic Exercise

Walk to the gas station with your gas can because you forgot to fill up the car before the wind storm. Find that the gas station is out of power, but is giving away free ice.

Carry 50 pounds of ice and the gas can back to the house. Repeat daily until you run out of gas stations. That's additional weight training.

(public domain)
(public domain)


Climb over fallen trees on your street to get to the bus stop.

Find the bus stop closed by fallen debris. Walk to the next one.

Repeat as needed.

(public domain)
(public domain)
I'm a poor starving Jackalope, so please feed me.
I'm a poor starving Jackalope, so please feed me.


Clean out your chest freezer and cook for a block party in your neighborhood. Invite the neightbors to bring their thawed foods as well.

Chase off jackalopes and other interlopers that attempt to steal the food.

This will provide additional opportunities for weight training as you lift the foods quickly to the outdoor-grill cooking site and flip burgers and steaks on the grill. Do not cook the jackalopes, for you have enough food to get rid of.

Be careful to stretch the hands and fingers before cooking to stave off carpal tunnel syndrome.

(public domain)
(public domain)

Joint Mobility

Walk two miles to the temporary disaster shelter. Listen to people complaining that there is no cable TV and no place to buy a Lotto Ticket. Eat a light hot meal, play Bingo, and walk back home. Repeat three times weekly.

Stretching for Health & Safety

Excerise Can Prevent Injury

Following an effective regimen of regular exerise that is best for you individually and that includes Breathing Exercises, Warm Ups, Stretching, Aerobic Exercise, Weight Training, and adequate Cooldowns can prevent injury as well as increase your overall health and well being.

Such exercise can make you stronger and more flexible, so that you have better balance and even when you fall, you may be less injured. It can give you confidence to face any storm and help others through it as well. It will stave off fatigue for a longer time than for others that do not pursue exercise of the nature listed in the above paragraph. It can increase your immune system so that you do not fall prey to stress-induced illnesses that can affect those surviving disasters and even small storms. Exercise can help you through a storm in many ways.

For some fat-burning exercises to go with your bad-weather regimen of activity listed in the illustrated content above, please see the link at : Fat Burning Exercises.

Further Weather Preparation

Weather Proverbs for Forecasting Things to Come

Mare's tails and mackerel scales make tall ships take in their sails.

Cirrocumulus clouds make up a "mackerel sky" that looks like it has puffy scales. This often comes before a warm front as it approaches. This will bring winds that change direction from northeast and east to southwest and west), with rain. Mare's tails fly in these winds, (Tall ships take in their sails during storms.)

When the stars begin to huddle, the earth will soon become a puddle.

When clouds increase in size and number, entire regions of the sky full of stars may be hidden by the clouds. This makes the remaining groups of stars in the clear sky seem to huddle close together. If clouds increase, then rain might be on the way.

A wind from the south has rain in its mouth

A wind blowing to the south often signals an approaching cold front. It often blows over the east quadrant of an approaching low pressure cell, signaling rain.

Here's an old one:

Red Sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning.

Interestingly, in the New Testament we have Matthew 16:1-3 : When evening comes, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,' and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.

Eliminate the need for predicting a storm, then starting to exercise right before it in order to prepare. This applies fo health storms as well -- Start a program of exercise that fits your needs today, if you have not already done so. Ask your doctor or local health clinic if you need help planning it. This includes the physically challenged as well.

Happy Exercising!


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