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Understanding Yeast Infections

Updated on April 3, 2012

How to Deal with Yeast Infections

In order to increase your chances of eliminating the fungi responsible for the yeast infection, you need to understand the important aspects of the disease itself. This involves knowing the root cause to be able to identify the most effective cures available.

Candida overgrowth treatment can take on the medical and natural approach. Always remember to check with a medical professional when you notice an onset of yeast infection. Your doctor may prescribe topical or oral medicines to help ease the discomfort. A Candida overgrowth treatment may also involve a few lifestyle and dietary changes.

But what's more import antis to understand why Candida infections appeared in the first place, what is it, how you get it and why does it appear. This page will talk about the various types of yeast infections and the main causes of it.

Types of Yeast Infections

There are several types of yeast infections. Knowing what causes each of them and how to identify them is just as important as treating it.

  • Yeast Infection

This happens with an overgrowth of the Candida fungi in specific areas of the body. This can be a result of a weak immune system, external factors or improper hygiene. To be able to determine the best natural remedies for yeast infections, you first need to check your lifestyle and see what changes you need to do to help solve the problem.

  • Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis happens with abnormal growth of multiple organisms in the vagina resulting to natural bacteria imbalance. This infection is contagious and can be passed on to the partner during intercourse. Possible causes include having more than one sexual partner, use of IUD birth control and scented douches.

  • Trichomoniasis

This disease is transmitted through sexual intercourse. This is especially hard to detect in men because it doesn't show any visible symptoms.

  • Atrophic Vaginitis

Atrophic vaginitis is mainly caused by reduced levels of estrogen that usually happens after menopause. The burning pain and itching are results of the dryness of the vagina due to aging.

Common Causes of Yeast Infections

Though some people are lucky enough to only experience mild cases of Candidadias once in their life, some(especially women) are constantly haunted with frequent yeast infections. This is when you experience the constant onset of yeast along with the symptoms that you always have to deal with.

The infection itself is already hard enough, but having Candida as a constant companion is another thing altogether. You might be one of those frequently plagued with this issue and you can't help but wonder why.

Below are the most common reasons as to why the Candida Infection happens:

1. Clothes

The type of clothes you wear can be the cause behind your disease. This is because overly constraining clothes can increase heat and moisture in the vaginal area. This is especially true for clothes made of synthetic materials. Wearing tight fitting jeans can trigger yeast growth, eventually resulting to infection. Choose comfortable clothes made of cotton instead.

2. Sexual Activity

If you are sexually active, frequent sex has a tendency to irritate your genital area, increasing your risk of yeast infection.

3. Weak Immune System

Individuals with weak immune system can easily get various types of diseases, Candida overgrowth included. This is because their body doesn't have the necessary defense to protect them against harmful microorganism and bad bacteria.

4. Sugar in the Diet

Frequent yeast infections may also be a result from a diet that is high in sugar. This is the case with diabetic people with uncontrolled conditions. To prevent this and cure your infection you need to alter your diet, cut off or control your sugar intake.

5. Unhealthy Lifestyle

An unhealthy lifestyle can make you prone to various illnesses. Stress itself can weaken your system. When this happens, it's easy for harmful bacteria to attack the body at its weak point. Learn to live a healthy lifestyle and develop healthy habits.

6. Diet

Certain foods trigger the growth of yeast. This is true especially for yeast-based products. Even beer drinking can trigger yeast outbreak. If you are prone to recurring yeast, educate yourself about the infection. Alter your diet and search for specific food types that hold off or fight yeast growth.

7. Medication

People who are constantly taking antibiotics might not be aware of it, but they are killing the beneficial bacteria with too much medication. Strong types, like the ones for transplant medications, HIV or cancer, can weaken the body and letting the Candida to grow uncontrollably

8. Birth Control Products

Spermicides used in various birth control products can destroy the healthy bacteria in the body, making it prone to yeast overgrowth. Other high-dose birth control pills that contain estrogen can also trigger yeast growth in the vagina.

9. Treatment Used

Other types of Candida can develop some kind of tolerance with certain medications. If not properly treated, the infection could get worse or keep on returning.

10. Sexually Transmitted Disease

Another reason could be your partner. If you are experiencing frequent candida infections you should propose your partner to go to a doctor and be checked out. It is very likely that he or she is infected, and whenever you have sex he or she passes the disease to you.

Just because you are prone to recurring yeast doesn't mean your situation is totally hopeless. The key to solving this issue is finding the root cause of your problem. In this case, it is vital for you to see a doctor to help solve your dilemma.

Symptoms of Candida Infection in Women

In order to determine the most effective yeast infection remedies for women applicable for you, you first need to understand the different - symptoms involved with the fungal infection.

  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Reddish and inflamed vulva
  • Sore vagina
  • PMS
  • Vaginal itching
  • Painful urination
  • Rash in the genital area
  • Dizziness
  • Painful sex
  • Irregular periods
  • Lack of sexual drive

If you experienced most of the above-mentioned symptoms of yeast infection, check with your doctor immediately. Don't wait for your condition to get worse before you do something. It is easier to treat the fungal infection it is cured during its early stage.


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