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Walking Away from Depression

Updated on April 13, 2015

Getting Over Depression - A Momentary Low or Something more Serious?

Low feelings are common on long dark, rainy days or deep into a cold winter. Sadness after bereavement, divorce or physical accidents is normal and usually begin to lift within a year. However, if it doesn’t lift and is accompanied by loss of concentration, lack of appetite, loss of sleep, frequent crying, social withdrawal, loss of pleasure in the things that used to make you happy, not caring about yourself, then sadness or grief may have progressed to depression.

First, realise that you are not alone, recent mental health reports find that women aged 45 - 64 suffering from this often debilitating illness, have increased by one-fifth in the last 15 years. Also that, one in four women over 35 years old has experienced depression, and between 5 - 12% of men will be clinically depressed in their lifetime. The tenuousness of job stability and the flailing economy does not help either.

Although it may feel like a life sentence to sufferers, with the right help four out of five people do get better.

Dealing with Depression or just Burned Out - Alpha M

Health Issues

Depression can also be caused by genetics. If your parents or siblings suffer with depression, you are at a greater risk. Lastly, if there is no obvious reason for depression, it can be caused by Biochemical factors, of which there are many.

There are a number of combined physical, social and psychological pressures put on women which can put them at particular risk. More women are seeking help as their children grow and don’t need hands-on care, biological change in menopause and of course the recession may have contributed to the rise in depression.

Women over 40 are known as the sandwich generation - as they are caring for children living at home sometimes well into their twenties, they are often working women, and may also shoulder the burden of caring for elderly parents. Woman facing these pressures may feel angry, but when that anger isn’t expressed it often turns inward and can manifest itself in medical problems such as depression. Typically, it is only strong, reliable people with a high sense of responsibility that will get stress related depression.

Depression Symptoms in Men

Men, particularly high-achievers, prefer to ignore depression and behave in a contrary way, as they hate to feel 'not in control' and may react by denying anything is wrong.

  • Has the drinking gone for one in the evening, to possibly three before Dinner. This is one to watch as you may end up battling two problems instead of one?
  • Has the performance in bed suddenly become very important, and bedding anyone who will, despite your previous monogamy, could be indicative of depression.
  • Have you suddenly taken up a dangerous sport, or traded your investment broking job for one in the opening a new nightclub? Trying to prove to yourself and whoever else is looking, that you are invincible could well mean you really should look for help.
  • Have difficulty handling emotions, whether it is unreasonable anger because someone took a park you wanted, or did not complete the job the way you thought they should, to feeling nothing at all about anything. Pushing away those closest to you in order to deny the sadness or pain you feel.
  • You cannot accept compliments, you don't believe them or perhaps think you are unworthy of warmth, is a classic sign of depression.
  • Avoidance: if you become a chronic seeker of human company, while a normal amount of socialising is healthy, being with people at all time in order to avoid thinking about what bothers you and how you are going to solve your problem, is extremely unhealthy.
  • Lack of concentration is another telling sign, as are unhealthy dreams of impossible achievement in life such as desk jockey today and astronaut tomorrow. You can of course make healthy changes in your life with a clear, achievable plan of getting there.

6 Must know Signs of Depression - Kati Morton

How to Beat Depression

If depression is ruining your life, therapy and medication is very successful. The Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK reports that 80% of people recover from depression in around six months with or without treatment. However, that leaves one in five still depressed two years later. If you have one episode of depression, you are 30% likely to get another, if you have three or more, you’re likely to continue having depression throughout your life if you don’t deal with it through therapy and possibly taking anti-depressants.

Treat the first episode of depression properly and you will be far less likely to have a recurrence.
Getting over Depression - assist the therapy by doing the following:

• Get out into the fresh air - go for a walk everyday, this helps your body clock to adjust and work properly, take off your sunglasses and help your body regulate it self.

• Take Omega - 3 fatty Acids, and a good multi vitamin with the accent on B vitamins - latest investigations reveal that Vitamin D is always low in those who are depressed - so replace this vitamin - Tuna Fish is good and yes, sunshine about 20 minutes everyday, your body can manufacture it from sunshine.

• Exercise perhaps dance or aerobic will involve you.

• Ensure you have a good sleep routine. Low lights, read a book, listen to radio, a tired body and a calm mind induces good sleep.

• Socialise with good friends and family. It can be simple, a museum visit, the movies, watching sport.

• When you have negative thoughts - talk to yourself as an adult would to a child - and put them away. Write the thoughts down and your answers, trigger points too will help. This is going to give you a good picture of where, how and why you are where you are. Strength is in knowledge.

Where to go for Help

Your GP is best first port of call. Clinical psychologists will tell you that, in moderate or severe depression, anti-depressants can lift the mood in order that people become able, to once, more engage with life and start getting better.

If you are feeling suicidal, please stop everything now and ask for help. You will get better, life will be worth living, but first you need to ask for help you cannot do it by yourself - let someone help you please.

Don't let money be a problem, use clinics or your church to get help.


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