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Why Dehydration Can Be the Answer

Updated on May 8, 2021


The solution to the prevention and treatment of dehydration-produced diseases is water consumption on a regular basis. Kidney failure, colitis, kidney stones, high blood pressure, muscle spasms, gout, dizziness, kidney infection, diabetes, asthma, heatstroke, and lightheadedness are merely a few of the conditions and diseases that can develop from neglecting the basic daily ritual of drinking water. With the simple intake of an added amount of water every day you can neutralize many of these illnesses.

The brain function is the leading water rationing system in the human body. It consists of only 2% of our body weight but can receive up to 20% of blood circulation. In modernized countries, there is a fictional belief that tea, coffee, alcohol, and manufactured drinks are acceptable substitutes for the purely natural water needs of the daily "stressed" body. This is a serious mistake made by most of us. It is true that these beverages contain water but they also contain dehydrating agents. For example, coffee contains caffeine, a diuretic, which by definition, increases the excretion of water from our bodies.

Another serious error is silencing the different signals created by water shortages in our bodies with chemical products contained in medications. They are immediately detrimental to the cells of the body being treated. Chronic dehydration of the body is a persistent water shortage that has been established for some length of time. Like any other deficiency disorder such as Vitamin C deficiency in scurvy, iron deficiency in anemia, vitamin D deficiency is rickets, the most efficient method for treating the disorder is by supplementing the missing ingredient. It stands to reason that by understanding the health complications of chronic dehydration their prevention and cure are simple: Increase the water intake.

Human beings lose their thirst sensation as they age, therefore, they become chronically dehydrated. "Chronic and persistently increasing dehydration is the root cause of almost all currently encountered major diseases of the human body". It was found that most pains having to do with indigestion (dyspeptic pain) like gastritis and heartburn can be treated with an increase of water intake alone. If there is an associated ulcer, attention to the daily diet comes into play. The correct diet will enhance the rate of repair. The current use of antacids and histamine blocking agents does not benefit a chronically dehydrated person whose body is crying out for water.

Other types of dyspeptic pain:

Colitis pain - This is felt in the lower part of the abdomen. It is often associated with constipation, itself caused by persistent dehydration

False appendicitis pain - A severe pain appearing in the right lower abdominal region can mimic an inflammation of the appendix. This can be relieved by one or two glasses of water

Several other ailments that can be either partially or completely neutralized by the intake of enough water are:

Hiatus Hernia (SEE BELOW)

Rheumatoid Arthritis pain (SEE BELOW)

Anginal Pain (SEE BELOW)

Headaches (SEE BELOW)

Low back Pain - Water is not only a lubricant for the contact surfaces but 75% of the weight of the upper body by water volume is stored in the disc core. The principle in the design of all joints is for water to act as a lubricating agent. To prevent back pain, one needs to drink sufficient water and do a series of special exercises that will create a vacuum to draw water into the disc space.

Neck pain - This can occur as a result of bad posture, working at the computer for many hours in a frozen position or from using a bad pillow. Neck movement is important to establish enough fluid circulation within the disc spaces in the neck. An easy way to lessen this pain is to slowly and repeatedly bend your neck and head backward as much as possible for 30 seconds at a time. This prolonged extension brings water into the disc spaces.

Stress and depression, high blood pressure, and higher blood cholesterol can also be traced to water shortages in the body.

With dehydration, the level of energy generation in the brain is decreased and many functions that depend on this type of energy become inefficient. This inadequacy of brain function can be labeled depression. A depressive state caused by dehydration can also lead to chronic fatigue syndrome.

When we do not drink enough water to serve all the needs of the body some cells become dehydrated and lose some of their water through circulation. This in turn creates several events that cause a rise in tension recognized as hypertension or high blood pressure. The primary treatment for hypertension should be an increased daily water intake.

Higher blood cholesterol can most definitely be traced to dehydration. If a cell membrane is well hydrated, water is the adhesive material that holds together the hydrocarbon bricks of the cell membrane. In a dehydrated membrane, cholesterol is manufactured to stick the bricks together and prevents further loss of water from the cell.

Last but not least, a most serious disease that can become prevalent in the elderly is insulin-independent diabetes. This type of diabetes is treated by chemicals that are needed to release insulin from the pancreas, so the diabetic can control the clinical symptoms. Insulin-independent diabetes is probably the end result of brain water deficiency to the point that its neurotransmitter systems are affected. Water and salt are absolutely essential for the generation of hydroelectric energy, particularly for neurotransmitter systems.

Our bodies need an absolute minimum of six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Alcohol, coffee, tea, and caffeine-containing beverages do not count as water. in order not to shortchange your body two more glasses of water should be taken around the heaviest meal or before going to bed. The shortage of water intake during the day has proven to lead to many serious consequences for our bodies. Dehydration can be controlled If we put our minds to it.

As the author of the book "Your Body's Many Cries For Water," Dr. Batmanghelidj stated, YOU'RE NOT SICK YOU'RE THIRSTY

Hiatus Hernia

Hiatus Hernia is a displacement of the upper part of the stomach through the gap of the diaphragm into the chest cavity. With a part of the stomach redirected into the chest, food digestion becomes painful. Stomach acid pushes upward through the esophagus, causing heartburn. When there is not enough water in the body, normal digestion does not take place, making a hiatal hernia more possible.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis can be viewed as an indicator of water deficiency in the affected joint cartilage surface. With some arthritic pains, the salt shortage may be a contributing factor. In well-hydrated cartilage the rate of friction damage is minimal. In dehydrated cartilage, the rate of abrasive damage is increased.


Anginal Pain A common factor of diseases in the heart and lungs is established dehydration. Exercising such as walking, along with an increased water intake will diminish angina occurrences.

Very frequently migraine headaches are brought about by dehydration which can be caused by unregulated body temperature. Excess bed covers during sleep, alcoholic beverages, and excess environmental heat without water intake can initiate a headache. In short, a migraine is an indicator of critical body temperature regulation at times of heat stress. Sufficient cold or iced water may by itself be able to cool the body (and the brain) from inside and promote closing of the vascular system.

References: YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER by F. Batmanghelidj

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