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Five Fantastic Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Updated on April 19, 2014

Use Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga for weight loss? Sounds too good to be true. It is very difficult to believe that the slow and no-strain yoga routines can actually help someone lose weight. However, look at the number of celebrities who swear by it - Madonna, Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry - the list is actually endless. So, can yoga really lead to weight loss?

Well, apparently yes. Practicing yoga for around 30 minutes everyday, 7 days a week can really help you shed those excess pounds. Regular practice of the yoga poses or asanas seem to promote weight loss slowly but steadily. Once you have lost the excess pounds, these exercises can also help keep the weight away for as long as you continue doing it.

Of course, nothing can be achieved without a healthy eating habit. Since the practice of yoga encourages an individual to be more mindful in daily life, you may also notice changes in your eating habits as well. A regular practice of yoga routines makes you more aware of the present. You are more aware of what you are putting into your body and what is good and what is bad for you. So, you can expect better control over your appetite as well.

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

So, if celebrities can lose weight with yoga, why can't you? Although there are more than 100 poses that can lead to a healthy weight loss, here are five of the best yoga poses for weight loss.

Sarvangasana or the Shoulder Pose

The Sanskrit word 'sarva' means 'all' and 'anga' refers to 'parts of the body'. So, we are basically talking about a yoga pose that gives a good workout to all of your body parts. Also referred to as the 'shoulder stand', Sarvangasana has a positive effect on the thyroid gland and your metabolism. This will, of course, lead to weight loss. Besides this, it also relieves stress and anxiety. So, if you are an emotional overeater and use food as a means to deal with stress, this yoga pose will definitely be quite helpful.

However, avoid doing this yoga asana, if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, neck injury or cervical spondilytis. The pose should also be avoided by women during menstruation or pregnancy.

Here is a video that tells you exactly how to do this yoga pose.

Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose

The Sanskrit word 'bhujanga' means 'snake'. When you do this posture, you are like a snake with its hood raised. So, the upper part of your body is in a raised position. The cobra pose provides a good stretch to the shoulders, chest and abdominals. It will tone up your buttocks and strengthen the spine. It also stimulates the abdominal organs, especially the kidneys, improves digestion, and enhances blood circulation. This is another excellent pose for weight loss.

If you have back injuries, stomach ulcers, hernia, make sure to avoid this pose or consult a yoga expert before doing it.

Here is a link to a video that tells you how to do this pose.

Halasana or the Plough Pose

The word 'Hala' means 'plough'. The pose will reduce excess weight without causing any weakness in the body. It is excellent for your backbone and will improve the flexibility of your spine. It also massages the internal organs so your body will be functioning in a healthier way, which in turn, will promote better weight management. It is also an excellent asana to promote strength and vitality in the body.

If you have any problems with your liver or spleen, make sure to consult a yoga expert before practicing it.

Here is an excellent video that tells you exactly how to do this pose.

Ardha Matsyendrasana or the Half Lord of the Fish Pose

This posture is named after Rishi Matsyendra, who is said to practice this pose on a regular basis. The asana is beneficial for weight loss since it stimulates the pancreas, liver, and kidneys. The yoga pose is quite useful in the treatment of diabetes and constipation. It is also beneficial for the digestive organs. The pose is especially effective in decreasing waist fat.

This very useful spinal twist position should, however, not be practiced by people suffering from peptic ulcers, hernia or hyperthyroidism.

Here is an excellent video that tells you exactly how to do this yoga pose and also gives some variations for it.

Trikonasana or the Triangle Pose

'Trikona' means 'triangle' which in itself explains the position you will be in while practicing this pose. This is another excellent pose that can help in stimulating your metabolism and boosting weight loss. Just like Ardha Matsyendrasana, this one is also effective in reducing fat around the waist. It is also quite useful in toning up the calf muscles. The posture is also quite beneficial for kidney problems, knee problems, a hunched back, and tight hamstrings.

Here is an excellent video that tells you exactly how to do Trikonasana.

Precautions While Practicing these Yoga Poses

Keep in mind that these excellent yoga poses for weight loss should be done slowly. Jerking movements can cause injuries or strain. Make sure that every movement is controlled and done slowly. For excellent results, the poses should be held for 2-3 minutes. However, hold for only five seconds in the beginning and then slowly increase the duration. The more regularly you practice, the easier it will get to hold this pose for as long as you want.

Practicing yoga for weight loss will surely work if you do it consistently and properly. It will not only benefit your body but will also have positive effects on your mind, which in turn, will change the relationship you have with your food.

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