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You Have Character!

Updated on August 13, 2014

The sun is always rising somewhere!

Dark and alone in a canyon made of stone. In the distance a light is shown.
Dark and alone in a canyon made of stone. In the distance a light is shown. | Source


(On Saturday last I was feeling down in the dumps. And it occurred to me that others might be also. And I thought to myself “what in hell do you have to be down on yourself about?” Then it struck me hard that I had it easy because I could ask myself that question and actually see the good. Like I say I was down in the dumps for no particular reason just an imbalance of sorts that comes over many of us empathetic types for no good particular reason. So I commenced to sit down and write a piece for myself to remind me. And then it hit me that others might need a reminder also, so I started to write an article. It went well but as I was down in the blues, way down I did not publish it. Then on Monday a famous good man died of the disease that I call “down in the black hole”. And it hit me to revisit this article and publish it because --- well because I have no right not to. High or low I hope it helps you go.)

Pick up that tempo, bring on the horns and let us move to the beat!

Know you by your character and not mine.

In you is good character and that character is all you and yours. Good character is that which makes us act in good ways. You have that. Because you do good things. You may not always see your good character but there are those of us who do and always will. Be true to yourself.

You have been touched in love by something and that something loves you when you cannot love yourself. Breathe deep on that for a second or two and know that I love you. There really are those of us who run around loving folk they do not know. Reckon the reason is that we figure there is good in just about everybody.

You have it but you may not know it. By looking at it here you may find what you already have. I am proud of you because you have character, as it is your own. Yet I share it with you because you are giving and that is part of your character.

No one has walked in your shoes. Yet you are at least metaphorically standing. This is character. You do not give up regardless of hardships. Clearly you have had hardships and clearly you are reading this so pat yourself on the back for sticking to it.

Walk and do not run, we will be waiting however long it takes.

Here are some of your character traits, just some.

You are smarter than average. “How does he know this” you ask. Well the answer is simple. You are reading this. That means you are literate, looking to learn new things and capable of finding those new things in this tough and tumble mumble of useless information on the internet.

You are discerning, you would not be reading this far into this article if you had not decided that it may be of interest. And while it may do nothing else it is interesting ;-)

You probably write quite a bit as this is a writers site, Hubpages that is, and if you follow me you probably are looking for inspiration for your own thoughts and not blindly looking at the dribble I write.

You are happy or looking to be happy. An article on character is not for those looking to be glum.

You are looking to improve your life and as such are reading an article in a category about personal success.

You are kind, at least kind to me for reading and spending so much time on my article which lifts me up at your own sacrifice of your valuable time.

You have the ability to lift others up, just by being you.

You feel bad for people in bad situations and you desire that you could make their life better.

You get down and you get up and in so doing you have different perspectives and that is good.

Ain't no valley low enough.

One foot at a time builds character.
One foot at a time builds character. | Source

You got it, just reach out and there ain't no......... to keep me from you!

Your character

Can you see how special you are?

See results

Look outside

Sometimes our good character is hard to see from the inside.

That is known as an inside job. We let our mind get into the big forgetter mode and we just cannot call to mind all of our good qualities. But others can. I am no hero to remind you of your good character I am just an observer. And sometimes folk on the outside can see our inside and out better than we can. And some of us are so lucky as to see that good in almost everyone. So it is a good and right thing for us to remind you “forgetters” about your good character. Maybe I am off on one or two of the above. But I am darn sure I am not off on many of them.

Count your blessings you could be like this!


Somewhere you made the decision.

No one forged your good character but you.

We have mentors and parents and teachers. But we all face much the same stuff and we come out different (thank goodness). That is our innate ability and intense intuition that forges our character. Oh it does not make news or even enter into gossip circles but generally speaking we all do great stuff. I like freeways. Tons and tons of deadly missiles flying down a few lanes at enormous speeds. And yet through common character 99.99% of the time we all get where we are headed safely and soundly and somewhat on time. That is a miracle but an explainable one. Most people have the decency and character to drive in accordance with good manners and others safety in mind.

YOU DO! And that makes you a fine person in my mind.



Know this:

If you have trouble loving yourself. Know that I will until you can love yourself. And If I am too far away or too abstract for you. Just call a buddy and ask her if she will love you until you can love yourself.

Rise Up I say to you and look at your character and let nothing diminish or fog you view of the greatness that is you.

Hey if you really want it just take it.

This article was written by Eric Dierker. I reserve all rights to this article and desire no duplication without attribution. On the other hand feel free to share the content just let folks know where it came from. Copying it and claiming it as your own would be stupid and subject you to my legal harassment of you. Besides if someone asked you what it meant you would not know so yes it is copyright protected as original work by me. Just leave a comment to ask to use it elsewhere and please share it.

To read more by this fascinating author visit, Eric Dierker on Facebook and Pinterest and my sweet blog resipsaloquitor on google blogs.

OK I admit it, I need more publicity. If you steal this content please let me know so I can make a big deal out of it and get some press time.


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