What is the best thing to do when suffering heat exhaustion?

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  1. Naomi's Banner profile image72
    Naomi's Bannerposted 12 years ago

    What is the best thing to do when suffering heat exhaustion?

    How can you prevent this from happening again in the future and once you have experienced it are you more prone to getting it?

  2. MichelleA2011 profile image60
    MichelleA2011posted 12 years ago

    I experienced heat exhaustion years ago when working at a day camp. I had spent a good portion of the day outside with no hat and not hydrating myself enough. When I left at the end of the day, heading to the bus alone as my brother was working a little later at the camp, I felt tired, lethargic and in no mood to walk down the street to the bus. I went back into the building to wait for my brother so we could go home together and eventually burst into tears from not feeling well. I was taken into the office where the staff used ice packs to cool down my hot skin. I stayed home the next day, then made sure after that that I always had a hat and a large thermos of sorts with ice and water.

    Since then, I have never experienced heat exhaustion again and hope I never do!!

  3. BabyCheetah profile image67
    BabyCheetahposted 12 years ago

    The main thing you need to do is stay hydrated. I fainted once from heat exhaustion and woke up with people all around me staring. I had to get my mum to get me, got home and and drank a big bottle of water and lay down in a cool place, it even gave me cramps but soon after I drank the water they went away. I felt much better again after that. Never happened again, I just didn't realise how dehydrated I was sad

  4. wychic profile image85
    wychicposted 12 years ago

    Stay hydrated, and make sure to consume electrolytes -- it can be fruit, it can be sports drinks, whatever it takes. Personally, I am very prone to getting it, and have a 3-hour outdoor volunteer obligation every other Saturday. I had a LOT of trouble with it the last couple of times that I was volunteering, and had to be forcefully moved into a cool area before I got to the point that would require an ambulance. I don't know if you're more prone after the first time, but you are more prone with age -- young children and people over 65 are the most likely to get it. I know I've had heat stroke once (a potentially deadly medical emergency -- get well-versed on the signs and what to do), and had heat exhaustion more times than I can count (I've seen it as hot as 124 here).

    Now I've been taking fully-clothed cold showers before going to said obligation, including soaking my braided thigh-length hair with very cold water (this may not work so well in areas with high humidity, but I live in a desert), wore a hat and loose light clothing, wore a neck cooler, and brought along a 2L hydration pack full of ice cold water. The pack helped keep my back cool, and gave me ready access to water even though I didn't have the time to stop working.

    This topic cuts really close to home today, because I just got back from said obligation -- and two ladies who were standing in line (it's a food co-op) had issues. One told somebody, and was immediately ushered into the shade and we gave her our neck coolers and cold water bottles. The other didn't say anything, and collapsed. The EMT's checked them both, sent the first home with instructions to go home immediately, take a cool shower, and stay inside, preferably with air conditioning. The second was rushed to the hospital where she is being treated for heat stroke.

  5. delaneyworld profile image71
    delaneyworldposted 12 years ago

    Note:  I am not a physician. 

    Be sure to be aware of the warning signs of heat stroke.  Heat stroke is a medical emergency.  It happens when the body's temperature is raised dramatically and cannot cool itself down.

    You might feel dizzy, nauseated, have a headache, vomit, rapid pulse, problems breathing, confusion, seizures, absence of sweat with hot skin. 

    A person needs to be transported to an ER immediately.  The body temperature must be raised.

    Be sure to remain hydrated, avoid being out in the heat between the the times of 10 am and 2:00 pm or when the sun is highest in the sky.  Do not physically exert yourself in the heat.  Keep drinking that water and other drinks with electrolytes, stay cool and remain aware of how you are feeling. 

    If you experience any of the symptoms above, it's to the ER you go.  It's not something to be taken lightly and can be fatal.  Heat exhaustion is less serious, but still needs to be tended to vigitlantly. 

    Children, elderly and athletes are more prone to it.  Just be cautious, wear sun protection, stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, avoid direct sunlight and be cautious.  Sending good thoughts your way.  Stay safe out there in this hot weather!  smile

  6. felicitylovespari profile image40
    felicitylovespariposted 12 years ago

    The best thing to do  when suffering heat exhaustion is first drink water and much better if you can buy gatorade nearby to replace the fluids and electrolytes loss which if not given intervention can be fatal and mostly the the main reason why some some wont survive.Second is bring the person to a warm or cool place and lastly pat a wet towel to the body to absorb the heat


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