Does light from bulbs bother your eyes? PLEASE HELP.

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  1. rochelj profile image61
    rocheljposted 12 years ago

    When you see a bright lightbulb, does it bother your eyes, and possibly cause a headache?
    Do you see flashes of color, or black spots that you see after you look away from the lighbulb?
    (similar to after a camera flashes, and you see a flash of color or black spot when you move your eyes afterwards?)

    Do you think this is connected to Sinus Problems, or Glaucoma, or Macular Degeneration?

    Does it cause or exacerbate the above, or a migraine, or permanent eye damage or loss of vision?

    Is it a temporary problem that can be ignored? How common is it?

    How can you prevent permanent vision loss, glaucoma and macular degeneration, migraine or sinus problems and how do you deal with sensitivity to indoor light?

    1. Daughter Of Maat profile image93
      Daughter Of Maatposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Your questions are actually quite simple. Looking into a bright light can cause migraines if you have a history of them. The flashes of color and black spots are called an after image. They are due to the light saturating the retina, the black spots and colors are the cells "resetting." This is not connected to sinus problems, glaucoma, or macular degeneration and it is a natural phenomenon.

      If you are seeing flashes of light or black floating spots this is different. They do not indicate a definite retinal detachment. Most of the time this is caused by a normal aging process called posterior vitreous detachment. The vitreous is the jelly-like substance in the back of the eye that gives the eye it's rigidity and is attached to the retina. As it ages, it liquifies and detaches from the retina. SOMETIMES, the vitreous can pull too hard on the retina as it detaches and rip or tear the retina which leads to retinal detachment.

      Glaucoma and macular degeneration can be prevented by regular check ups at the eye doctor, preferably an ophthalmologist if you have a family history of any eye diseases or systemic disease like Diabetes or Hypertension. Glaucoma is can't be prevented simply because ophthalmology hasn't figured out what causes it yet, just how it works. Although we do know it is hereditary and more prominent in African Americans than other ethnicities. Macular degeneration can be prevented by eating a healthy diet rich in fish, nuts, and leafy green vegetables. Always wearing sunglasses outside is also beneficial. If you don't eat lots of leafy greens you should take a vitamin tailored for the eye such as Icaps, or Preservision.

      Hope this helps!

  2. relache profile image73
    relacheposted 12 years ago

    I think everything you've brought up here would be best dealt with by making one simple visit to an opthamologist and getting your eyes examined and not fishing for blind clues on an internet forum.

  3. missolive profile image59
    missoliveposted 12 years ago

    flashes of light are one of the symptoms of retinal detachment.

    All of your questions are rather hefty and broad. However, it is not uncommon for people to be sensitive to different types of lights. Sensitivity can increase during a migraine or allergies. Symptoms of glaucoma and macular degeneration usually include some sort of peripheral vision loss.

    I hope you find the info you are looking for.

  4. profile image0
    Muldaniaposted 12 years ago

    I think it unwise to stare directly at a light bulb.  Most people doing so would find that when they look away, their vision is distorted in some way.

  5. rahul0324 profile image77
    rahul0324posted 12 years ago

    i share the same experience. It is a natural phenomenon. When you look straight at a bulb, the light rays enter directly in fact very directly into your eyes reaching your blind spot on the retina, that is why everything blurs and you can't see a thing. Following this effect the neurons at the back of the retina send a signal to you brain which is magnified in magnitude and of no such relevance  as you were not able to see anything. Your brain images a black spot and intensity results in headache

  6. Disturbia profile image60
    Disturbiaposted 12 years ago

    I have to agree with relache, go see an eye doctor.

  7. thesingernurse profile image73
    thesingernurseposted 12 years ago

    Given those signs and symptoms you have enumerated, it seems that you need a physician's expert advice. Further evaluation shall be done before a diagnosis and possible treatment modalities be employed. Unless there is a medical doctor here in Hubpages who might encounter this forum query (which I think would be most unlikely), it would be best to avail a medical consultation ASAP.

  8. rlaha profile image60
    rlahaposted 12 years ago

    I will have to agree with those before me that it could be anything, so it would probably be wise to see an ophthalmologist or an optometrist for further advice.  Good luck!

  9. profile image56
    SanXuaryposted 12 years ago

    These new light bulbs really hurt my eyes and I am unsure if I will be able to even use them. I once went to a Church that used them and had to leave and never went back.


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