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Cheap Home Remedies for Fungal Nail Infection

Updated on August 6, 2010

A Bad Case of Fungal Nail Infection

Don't let you nail infection get this bad.
Don't let you nail infection get this bad.

Fungal Nail Infection

Cheap Remedies

Fungal nail infections are not as uncommon as you may think. Often times, a person will develop a fungal nail infection and not even be aware of what it really is. People may think they have a nail infection due to a lack of some vitamin or that they may have hit their nail on something without noticing and a stubbed toenail can also be mistaken for a fungal nail infection.

There are different types of nail infections and of course some fungal nail infections can be worse than others and a common problem with over the counter creams is that they don’t always work. The best creams can only be bought after receiving a prescription from your doctor and if you are not entitled to free health care then they are always quite expensive. If your finances are on a down turn at the moment as is very common now you needn’t let your fungal nail infection go unchecked just because you can’t afford the creams.

On the list of cheap household items that may be used are:

  • Vicks Vapour Rub
  • Baking Soda
  • Dettol

Treating Your Nail Infection

Both of these items are useful for clearing up bouts of fungal nail infection. Apply Vicks Vapour Rub twice a day to the affected area, people usually notice that the yellow infected area soon becomes black, it ceases to spread and simply grows out in due time. However, even after the nail appears to be healthy it is a good idea to continue using Vicks Vapour Rub for a little while after to ensure that the fungal nail infection stays away.

Using the Baking Soda to help clear up a fungal nail infection will also help to rid your feet of athlete’s foot. Just sprinkle some of the Baking Soda into your shoes to keep the fungal spores under control and stop the spread of fungal infection to other areas.

Help prevent the spread of fungal nail infection to yourself and others by:

  •  Showering instead of bathing
  •  After showering, use talc or ensure that skin is fully dried before clothing
  •  Wearing flip flops in public changing rooms/showers/gyms etc
  •  Washing your hands after touching any infected areas
  •  Cutting down on your sugar intake and reducing the amount of bread you eat.
  •  Try to wear open shoes as much as possible to allow air to the nail infection

A treatment I would recommend to anyone who suffers with a fungal or nail infection should bathe their feet in a tub of cool water that has half a cap full of dettol poured in. After soaking for a while, dry them thoroughly and apply the treatments. Although, this treatment is not advisable to anyone who has open wounds on their nail infection.

I advise anyone who thinks that they may have a fungal nail infection to seek professional medical advice prior to beginning any form of treatment.


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