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Healthy Diet System

Updated on January 31, 2012

Weight Loss Remedy - Overcoming Weight Loss Excuses

We often make excuses when it comes to losing weight. Because of this, we stop ourselves from doing our diet routine, gain more weight and get disappointed in the end. How do you stop making those weight loss excuses?

You make many weight loss excuses and it automatically comes in without realizing it. Losing weight is not that easy but you have to discipline yourself. Next time, ask yourself why you make excuses every time you commit it.

Some of the most common excuses include:

• No time to do any exercise.

• No time to prepare healthy meals.

• Too old to exercise.

• No enough support

• Not feeling well.

• Bored with exercising.

The excuses mentioned above are just a few. You might have noticed that some are just lame excuses. So how do you stop making those weight loss excuses?

Find out why you are making excuses. Are they acceptable? Or you are just thinking of another better way? If not, then why are you not taking some action? There are some who didn’t like being overweight yet they’re doing nothing about it because they are afraid that they might fail and end up still overweight. Don’t be afraid of change...

The way you think will affect how you succeed with your weight loss routine. The more negative you think, the more excuses you’ll commit and fail. Don’t let your low self-esteem win over you.

Strive harder for something that is important to you. Lack of time with exercises is the one of the most common used excuses because we are too occupied with other things. Lack of time is not a valid excuse because if we think that losing weight is really important for us, we need to find time to for it no matter how busy we are. Do as much as you can each day and you’ll feel more energetic.

In order overcome weight loss excuses, know you need to understand the reason why you’re making an excuse and think its importance to you. Discipline yourself; strive for a happy and healthy you.

If you’re having difficulties in losing weight alone, join support groups whereyou can meet people who can make your weight loss routine successful. Clinically proven products are also available to help you in your weight loss problems, such as ProactolTM, a new clinically proven fat binder. It is made of non-soluble and soluble fibers, immediately attaches to fats found floating on the surface of the stomach.

This creates a fat-fiber complex that is too large to be absorbed in the small intestine, allowing the fat to pass naturally through the body. In clinical studies, ProactolTM has been proven to bind up to 28% of dietary fat intake. You can take it in after eating.

Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Before you start eating your favorite, you might want to know whether you’re having too much cholesterol. Few years ago, many were not aware what cholesterol level is but with all the information everywhere people are becoming aware how their cholesterol levels affect their lives. You have to remember that you are what you eat and what you eat has something to do with your cholesterol. What is cholesterol? How will you know if you have a healthy cholesterol level?

Cholesterol Is...

Cholesterol is a type of lipid needed in all the vital functions of the body. Every single one of our cells is surrounded by cholesterol and its job is to insulate our nerve fibers. By insulating the nerve fibers, the cholesterol ensures that the nerve signals are traveling properly which is extremely important. Cholesterol also produces hormones which are used to carry specific signals around the body.

Too much cholesterol in the body would increase your chances of heart disease. If you have a high cholesterol level, you should bring it down. Even though cholesterol is essential for our bodies to function properly, still it should be controlled properly.

What Is Your Cholesterol Level?

How do you know if your cholesterol levels are high? You have to consult your doctor let you know exactly what your cholesterol level is. Knowing your levels is not really enough to tell whether or not you have a risk of heart disease, you need to find out what your Lipoprotein levels is.

Lipoproteins are molecules which are especially designed to carry cholesterol around the body. They are important because they control exactly how much cholesterol is in your body. Now, there are two main types of Lipoproteins:

- High Density Lipoproteins - Low Density Lipoproteins

The one which you really need to be aware of is Low Density Lipoproteins. A high level of Low Density Lipoproteins means that you have a bad cholesterol that here is too much of it to build up. High Density Lipoproteins means good cholesterol that they are used to carry cholesterol away from cells and to the liver.

The complicated thing about cholesterol is the right level you should belong. The doctor has the ability to tell you how low your cholesterol levels should be. The average person usually should have around 4.0mmol/l but if you have a low density lipoprotein count, then you should have around 2.0mmol/l. As mentioned, however, each person is different so you need to get your levels checked to see exactly what you should be aiming for.

Cholesterol is important and you should know what levels you have for you to know what you can do about it. More and more people are developing heart disease due to high levels of cholesterol so it is advisable to go to your doctors to know your cholesterol level.

There are many ways to improve your cholesterol level. Eat healthy food that can help lower your LDL cholesterol level. With a healthy diet, your body is protected from the damaging effect of cholesterol. You should quit smoking, lose weight and exercise to raise your HDL cholesterol level.

Following a healthy low fat diet can lower cholesterol levels. If healthy eating and exercising don't work after about six months, consult your family doctor of the medicine to lower your cholesterol level.

Are All Natural weight Loss Plans Beneficial to Your Health?

All natural weight loss plans sound almost too good to be true. Is it even possible to lose weight, look and feel great without being forced into an unnatural diet or without taking dangerous drugs?

Well, if you want to lose weight, you have to have a plan. You have to set some goals and pursue them. And you have to be patient. There is no such a thing as fast weight loss. You cannot take a pill and get rid of all the fat deposits in a matter of weeks or months. Your body just doesn't work this way.

Here is a good plan with all the things you will have to do to lose weight safely and effective:

1. Exercise.

This is nothing new really, but exercise is probably the most important predictor of whether you will succeed at long term weight loss and weight loss maintenance. In order for exercise to be helpful in weight loss, you should strive for a minimum of five 30-minute sessions per week. The good news is that recent research has shown that three 10-minute sessions in a day are as good as one 30-minute session.

The goal of exercise for weight loss is to burn more calories, although exercise offers many other benefits as well. How many calories you burn depends on the frequency, duration and intensity of your activities.

Even though regularly scheduled aerobic exercises are best for losing fat, any extra physical activity helps burn calories. And since lifestyle-related activities may be easier to fit into your day, you should think about ways you can increase your physical effort. For example, make several trips up and down stairs instead of using the elevator, park at the far end of the lot and walk instead of taking the bus.

2. Stay focused on being healthy, not on becoming thin.

Many people become more successful at long-term weight loss when their motivation changes from wanting to be thinner to wanting to be healthier. Change your mindset to think about selecting foods that will help your body's health rather than worrying about foods that will affect your body's weight. The Food Pyramid offers a basic outline of the types and amounts of food you should eat each day to give your body the nutrients it needs for optimal health.

Adopting a new eating style that promotes weight loss must include lowering your total calorie intake. But decreasing calories doesn't mean giving up taste, satisfaction or even ease of meal preparation. One way you can lower your calorie intake is by eating more plant-based foods - fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Strive for variety to help you achieve your goals without giving up taste or nutrition.

3. If you have to use any weight loss pills, don't try those advertised as "fat burners" or other nonsense of this kind.

There are plant extracts out there that can help you reduce the sensation of hunger and bind some of the fat in your meals so you get the benefit of a relaxed approach and positive attitude.

A good attitude is essential for your success. A good attitude can help you have patience and not try to see fast results. Fast weight loss will only result in gaining back all the fat and then some. All natural weight loss plans and baby steps do work wonders!

Is Your Diet Helping You Lose Weight?

The way you diet can do wonders for your body-image and health in the long run or it can forever ruin your hopes for looking gorgeous and feeling great. Everybody is into dieting today, regardless of whether they're doing it knowingly or not. We all believe that we should eat more broccoli and a lot more raw fruits and vegetables and less fat and so on.

And for the most part of our lives we do try to stay on the right side of healthy, but it's not always easy. Add to that the fact that there are so many conflicting stories on what's hot and what's not when it comes to healthy foods and you can easily find yourself in a dieters' hell.

So what can you do to be sure your diet is both helping you to lose weight and stay healthy in the long run?

The most important thing when it comes to diets is to use common sense. Common sense wouldn't let you starve to death with plenty of food around you and it would most likely make you feel you've had too much when you give way to your eating cravings! So yes, common sense is your best ally when it comes to healthy diet choices.

The next very important thing is to understand that your body needs proteins, fats, sugars, fibers, vitamins and minerals at all meals if it is to feel satisfied with what you've been eating. Ideally, every time you eat, your plate should have some protein, a little fat and a little fibrous mass to ensure that you feel full and satisfied.

This takes some planning and for some of us planning can be hard because we are so much into the "mindlessly munching on pretzels" habit. You have to admit it, it's a lot easier to reach out for a bag of whatever junk food is available than to plan a balanced meal. It also means that if you plan to replace potato chips with a fruit snack, you won't feel good about it and it won't make you feel full. An apple followed by, say, some plain yogurt, will do more to keep you filled than two apples. Have a bit of everything at every meal!

Another thing we hear all the time is that raw food is better - as in healthier - than cooked food. It follows that you have to eat as much raw food as possible. But you are not told that eggplants and beans sometimes harbor toxic compounds that can wreak havoc on your digestive tract if you eat them raw. Many starch containing plants cannot be eaten raw because our bodies do not process that particular type of starch unless transformed by

high temperature processing - cooking, that is.

Other veggies, like carrots, contain fragile nutrients that can be destroyed in a frying pan. But cooked carrots still contain tons of great nutrients and vitamins. And no, there is no evidence that sushi is any better for you than grilled salmon. What to do then? Eat a mixture of raw and cooked fruits and veggies, and use common sense. If it's normally eaten raw, go for it. If it's usually cooked into a culinary delight, don't eat it raw.

Diet choices should be made according to your own body's needs and way of life. It is really of no use to starve yourself or eat disgusting foods just because others said it's healthy.

Eating a Healthy Diet

One of the important things you can do for your overall health is to eat a healthy diet. Your diet affects your weight and increases your risks of health diseases. Deciding a healthy diet is easier to say than to do because it is tempting to eat less healthy foods. Different people decide different healthy diet because you might eat this kind of diet while others just cannot stand the food you eat and find its alternative. That’s what health experts are here for, to let us know which food are healthier than others.

What are the principles of healthy eating?

Know What Healthy Food Is and How You Should Eat.

When pursuing a healthy eating plan, you should remember the following:

1. Try and Eat a Variety of Different Colored Food - You should remember that different foods have different nutritional values. Food can be rich in antioxidants or Vitamin C. So, when you go to do your regular weekly shop, try and see what different colored foods you can pick up.

Down the fruit and vegetable aisle you should see greens, yellows, oranges and reds. You should have as much of a color variety in your trolley as you can. For example, when picking out fruit pick up strawberries, oranges, pineapple, apples, blueberries and bananas and you will notice what a large color selection you actually have. The same goes for vegetables. Basically, more color means that it is better and healthier for you.

2. Eat Foods from All Food Groups - The problem with many diets these days is the fact that they tell you to cut certain foods from certain food groups, out of the diet altogether. This means that you lose important nutrition and don’t eat as healthy as you could be. So, the answer to a healthy diet is to eat a variety of different foods. Generally, fruit and vegetables should make up the main portion of your diet but you still


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