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How to Treat Hives At Home?

Updated on July 24, 2017

Hives are a skin reaction characterized by red itchy welts. They appear and fade repetitively as the reaction runs its course.

Hives are caused by an overstimulated immune response; it is usually seen as a skin rash. Food allergies, drug allergies, temperature changes, viral infection, autoimmune diseases and overexposure to sun triggers urticaria.

What Triggers Urticaria?

There are several triggers that could set off the development of hives on the body. It is vital to identify the exact cause and to steadily avoid it. Common causes are:

  • Allergens including foods namely nuts, eggs, soy, wheat, and shellfish, medications, drugs, pollen can trigger urticaria. These agents cause a release of histamines which damage the normal working of the immune mechanism. An anomalous immune mechanism generates hives.
  • Certain medical conditions like mononucleosis, mastocytosis, rheumatic fever and lupus may set off urticaria.
  • Detergents, soaps, cosmetics, latex, plants, etc. could trigger hives in some people.

Symptoms and Clinical Picture

Urticaria develops when capillaries which are located in the epidermis of the skin pours out fluid. This fluid builds up in the tissue and forms a hive or a weal. As a rule, the body reabsorbs this fluid in some time, and the weals subside. This may take a few hours to a few days, and sometimes even months. The rash is seen as red, inflamed weals/blotches on the skin, which are very itchy, and occasionally painful.

Treat Urticaria Naturally with Foods

  • First and foremost in an acute case of urticaria, a cornstarch bath is recommended for quick results and relief. Add two ounces of corn starch to a bucket of lukewarm water; and have a bath. Corn starch soothes the irritated skin and eases the blotches.
  • Next, it is important to follow a healthy diet, more so, if you are prone to urticaria and have frequent exacerbations; and it is triggered by dietary errors. Integrate plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Ascertain the food trigger causing the hive formation and steadily steer clear of it.
  • Incorporate foods like tomatoes and Bell pepper in your diet. These foods are known to boost the immunity and also help prevent allergic reactions.
  • In chronic and returning cases of urticaria, you have to determine the precise cause of the disorder. It is essential to identify the causative factor –allergic reaction, yeast infection or a medical condition.

Successfully Treat Hives at Home

Specific home remedies can help allay the intense itching and discomfort quickly. Effective home remedies to manage urticaria are:

  • Aloe vera is one of the most effective and quick acting home remedy for hives is aloe vera. It instantly soothes inflammation, swelling and itching; and facilitates d\settling of the rash.
  • Nettle tea drinking nettle tea helps improve the symptoms rapidly. Have about 2 to 3 glasses of the decoction.
  • Oatmeal blend together 2 to 3 spoons of oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of corn starch and some water. Apply over the weals. It will quickly relieve the swelling and itching.

Aloe, Nettle and Oatmeal are Excellent to Manage Red, Angry Welts on the Skin; they Rapidly Soothe the Itching and Burning


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