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Homeopathy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Meditation and Cognitive Behavior Therapy for ADHD

Updated on July 15, 2017

What is ADHD?: Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

ADHD is typically characterized by diminished attention span or absolute inattention and / or hyper-activity. Common manifestations include:

  • Easy distraction by the least stimulus; generally unnoticed by others.
  • Decreased attention and focus.
  • Procrastination
  • Restlessness, irritated, gets up again and again and is very fidgety.
  • Talks too much.
  • Interrupts people all the time.
  • May engage in activities that are perilous, without considering the consequence of their actions.

ADHD Treatment: Medication for Attention Deficit Disorder

Treatment and management of ADHD comprises of an integrated approach: drugs and medications, counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy and meditation.

By and large, drugs used are: stimulants, non stimulants and anti depressants. These increase the patient’s concentration level, decrease restlessness and help in impulse management.

On the other hand, there may be some associated side effects of using drugs. The side effects are easily and effectively tackled by the physician / therapist, by modifying the dosage and frequency of administering the medicine.

Homoeopathy for ADHD: Alternative Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder

Homoeopathic drugs have a favorable and positive effect on the brain. They act as nerve tonics, predominantly; when the person experiences trouble keeping his mind fixed on a particular thing; is restless and edgy, squirmy and very sensitive to external stimuli.

Homoeopathy medicines pacify the nervous system, soothe frayed nerves and have a fortifying effect.

Homeopathic drugs like Arsenic Album and Argentum Nitricum have a very calming effect on the nerves and help manage ADHD by improving concentration and reducing anxiety and panic attacks.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a psycho-therapeutic methodology that manages ADHD successfully, solves problems associated with behavior, manners, understanding, conduct, cognition, and emotions, by means of a methodological, purpose-oriented, and rational technique.

  1. The therapy concentrates on accepting the person’s behavior and conduct as a manifestation of the disorder, and not as a negative feature.
  2. The therapy focuses on good behavior and overlooks minor improper behavior.
  3. An important aspect of the therapy is goal setting. Practical and clear-cut goals are chalked out and the patient is helped to attain them.
  4. Rewards or consequences, depending on the patient’s conduct, are also an important part of the therapy. Correct behavior is rewarded, whilst, bad behavior bears the consequence.
  5. Long-term and continued counseling is important for successful and lasting cure.

Meditation as Natural ADHD Treatment

Meditation is a powerful tool that can manage practically all psychological problems. It encourages the process of healing.

  1. Meditation stimulates relaxation, restfulness and peace.
  2. Meditation will make you aware of your thought patterns, and will help you identify and change negative thought patterns.
  3. It generates a composed way to work and function.
  4. It reduces the number of mistakes and errors that you make
  5. It eliminates mental chatter and helps concentrate on the task at hand.


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