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Toy Story 3 Halloween Costumes - Buzz Lightyear Costumes 2t 3t 4t and up - Express Shipping

Updated on June 27, 2011

I want to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween

Why write about Toy Story 3 Halloween Costumes?

"Josh, Im gonna be Buzz Lightyear" he says.

"Huh," I reply. Startled, I look up from my laptop to see my 6 year old Nephew smiling up at me. "Buzz Lightyear!" He yells a bit louder, the toothy smile is hard to ignore.

He begins to run around the room with arms extended like wings, hopping from foot to foot. "To Affinity and Beyond" he yells and laughs. (Give him a break he's 6)

"Josh, Josh" He yells, still louder.

"Yes, Jordan, " I reply. "Im Buzz Lightyear" he laughs and runs off.

Now being the nice Uncle that I am, its become my task to find the best Buzz Lightyear Costume from Toy Story 3. My Journey is chronicled below.

Picking the Best Toy Story Halloween Costume


Toy Story 3 Halloween Costume
Toy Story 3 Halloween Costume

Buzz Lightyear Halloween Costume 2010

Childrens Buzz Lightyear Costume options abound, Its not a difficult costume to find, so my search was rather easy, as I see it, there are really only two essential elements to a Buzz Lightyear costume:

  • Buzz Lightyear Spacesuit costume
  • Buzz Lightyear Jet Pack

Some may consider the Bubble Helmet to be essential, but I dont want such an awkward costume element impeding my Nephew's visibility as he runs around trick or treating and if I was to have the costume myself I wouldn't want the Bubble interfering with my ability to eat and drink while partying.

See The Joy the costume brings

Buzz Lightyear Costume for Children and Toddlers

My first searches always encompass the two main retailers online, eBay and Amazon. I usually choose to buy from eBay as the prices tend to be significantly less for the exact same products plus a more diverse and rare selection exists for costume items.

The only reason I would choose to buy from Amazon is if I am planning to make a bulk purchase then I can take advantage of the free super saving shipping option. Of course, you may be more comfortable with the worlds largest online retailer and take this route solely for ease.

My first search that shows general Buzz Lightyear Costumes is available below.

Buzz Lightyear Costumes are available for all imaginable sizes, including baby costumes!

Buzz Lightyear Wings

Buzz Lightyear wings are crucial. But, you don't want ungainly plastic wings sticking out hitting people and getting stuck on things, the solution, is to get inflatable wings, they still achieve the look, they are not heavy to strap on and your probably not going to hurt anybody.

The Wings are also referred to as Buzz Lightyear jetpacks, so take a peek at any of the items that fit those terms below.

Buzz Lightyear Goggles

As mentioned earlier, running around with a Bubble on your head is neither fun nor safe The official Buzz Lightyear Goggles will provide the authentic look without cutting down on your visibility or mobility.

Mens Buzz Lightyear Costume

Buzz Lightyear is a good costume to show off how manly you are. If your willing to dress up as a bumbling cartoon Toy Astronaut you must have a set!

But seriously, the options for Buzz Lightyear costumes for Men are pretty standard - get a set with all the important options all at once and save on shipping.

So "To Infinity and Beyond" and all that jazz...

Toy Story 3 Woody Halloween Costume

No one in my household cared about any of the following characters so I didn't examine individually. As a public service I have provided an easy reference guide below.

Good luck Pardner.

Some Top Costume Selections this year:

  • Mr. Potato Head
  • Slinky Dog
  •  Rex
  • Hamm
  •  Mrs. Potato Head
  • Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear
  • Ken
  • Barbie
  • Bonnie
  • Mr. Pricklepants
  •  Squeeze Toy Aliens
  •  Stretch
  • Chunk
  • Sarge
  • Sparks
  •  Peatrice
  •  Peanelope
  • Frog
  • Jack-In-the-Box

Toy Story 3 Halloween Costume Hamm
Toy Story 3 Halloween Costume Hamm

Toy Story Computer Art

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