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How to Tie a Bow Tie :: Step-by-Step

Updated on May 16, 2022

You Can Learn How To Tie A Bow Tie!

You can learn how to tie a bow tie!
You can learn how to tie a bow tie!

The classic bow tie is a look that transcends passing style fads and gives a classic look for every formal occasion.Learning how to tie a bow tie is easier than you probably think!

From Prom Night to Weddings to Black Tie Events - even dressing up for Halloween - a bow tie gives a real look of sophistication!

Learning how to properly tie a bow tie can give you that extra special touch that a clip-on tie just can’t. And if you need to wear a bow tie for your job, then learning to tie one in the correct manner will help you stand above the slackers with their cheesy clip-ons!

If you need to learn how to tie a bow tie, then chances are good that you have a special occasion coming! If that’s the case, then look no further!

Here you will find step-by-step instruction on how to tie a bow tie, along with helpful illustrations and videos that will teach you how to tie a bow tie in no time at all!

Looking smart in a red bow tie
Looking smart in a red bow tie

Where Do I Find A Bow Tie?

If you have the need for a Bow Tie but don’t already own one, they can range from terribly inexpensive to ridiculously cheap!

Just like other styles of necktie, the bow tie is available in every color and pattern you might need, and there even bow ties available in kid’s sizes.

How To Tie A Bow Tie, Step-by-Step

How to tie a bow tie, step-by-step!
How to tie a bow tie, step-by-step!

First familiarize yourself with the bow tie. It is a long strip of fabric, often silk, with two identical hourglass, or “bow”, shaped ends. Since both ends are identical, it doesn’t matter which side goes on the left or right (unlike a regular neck tie). The thickness of the strip that connects the two ends will determine the thickness of the knot in the tied bow tie – for a thinner knot, choose a tie with a thinner connecting strip.

Here are the step-by-step instructions
(don't worry - there are videos later on that you can refer to!)

  1. Place the bow tie around your neck, with the right-hand side about 1 ½ inches longer than the left-hand side, so that the tapered middle of the longer end is lined up with the bottom edge of the shorter end. (The longer end will be the FRONT of the finished bow tie.)
  2. Slip the shorter end under the longer end.
  3. Tuck the long end under the short end, just like the first step when tying a shoelace.
  4. Adjust the tightness of the bow tie now – you won’t be able to change the tightness later!
  5. Take the dangling shorter end and double it over itself by folding the wider part of the top of the hourglass shape in half.
  6. Pinch the center of the folded piece and place it over the top button of your shirt. You will continue to hold it there for the rest of the knot-tying process. Your index finger will provide a path for the other end of the later on.
  7. Now fold the other end of the tie over itself, just as you did for the first end.
  8. Hold the new folded end perpendicular to the first folded end, forming a cross-shape.
  9. Place the new folded end under the first by passing it through the hole behind the first bow (where your index finger is), forming a knot in the center, just over the top button of your shirt. Use your index finger to push the new folded edge through.
  10. Now pull on the ends of both bows to tighten the knot.
  11. Adjust the ends of the bow tie to make sure they are even.
  12. Now you’re done and ready for the big day!

Handy Tips For Tying A Bow Tie

  • For your first attempts at tying a bow tie, try tying it around your thigh or something similar - a sofa bolster or a teddy bear, maybe.
  • Tying a bow tie is very much like tying a shoe, but upside down! Think about it like a shoelace and you might have an A-ha! moment.
  • When buying a new bow tie, keep in mind that the texture of the material will affect how easy (or difficult) it will be to tie it. Smooth fabric like silk is more slippery than a roughly textured material, so it can be tougher to get that perfect knot when you're first learning how to tie a bow tie!

Classic smooth in a bow tie
Classic smooth in a bow tie

Watch Some Videos And Learn How To Tie a Bow Tie

How To Tie A Bow Tie, Step by Step Video

The Same Step by Step Video, but with a hot girl tying a bow tie!

Here’s another method where you can skip the second fold and just stick the end through…

Here’s a video that clearly illustrates the "hole" from step 9!

Animals Wearing Bow Ties

Click thumbnail to view full-size
I look sophisticated in my new bow tieWho's your kitty?Pug in a green bow tie!I look adorable!
I look sophisticated in my new bow tie
I look sophisticated in my new bow tie
Who's your kitty?
Who's your kitty?
Pug in a green bow tie!
Pug in a green bow tie!
I look adorable!
I look adorable!

All Text Copyright The Author. © 2010, All Rights Reserved.

Photo Credits

Blurry Bow Tie photo from / CC BY 2.0
Man in Blue Blazer and Red Bow Tie photo from / CC BY 2.0
Closeup Bow Tie Tying photo from / CC BY 2.0
Black and White Man in Bow Tie photo from / CC BY 2.0
Pug in Green Bow Tie photo from BY 2.0
Cat in Bow Tie photo from / CC BY 2.0
Bichon in Red Bow Tie photo from / CC BY 2.0
Spaniel in Red Bow Tie photo from / CC BY 2.0


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