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The Bra, Five Reasons to Stop Wearing the Bra

Updated on December 10, 2014

Tyler Shields - Burning Bra

Several summers ago, one month after writing this "No More Bras" revelation, and during a re-birth of my feminine divinity, I was working to free my inner goddess, I found out the image of "the burning bra", done by Photo Artist / Director Tyler Shields. His artwork was perfect, and I needed permission to display it in this article. I was a newbie on HubPages, I was terrified that he would laugh at me, and demand I remove his classic "burning bra" from "Five Reasons To Stop Wearing a Bra." I am happy to say that #TylerShields is a very nice guy. He did not demand a take down, he gladly granted me permission to use his image. All of the years of being a fan, I think he gets it too, about the bra thing.

The Five Reasons to Stop Wearing the Bra, are more true than ever before. In some ways, The Bra defines who women are in our society.

Perhaps nature / nurture / creator intended for the natural woman to feel that she is free to own her breasts, as long as they are securely bound.

Bras are not so friendly to large breasted women. Bras are just a mechanism to contain breasts, the very things that terrify, thrill and enthrall human beings everywhere.

Left to a woman's definition of herself, she could ably find her modesty and comfort; no legislation or curses needed.

A Revival!

Burning Bra   Courtesy of!
Burning Bra Courtesy of! | Source

Freedom from Bondage and Abuse

1). Wearing a bra is painful - In the 30 years I wore a bra, there are only a few times I can remember feeling comfortable. Even after getting measured by the JC Penny Bra guru, and getting the right size and cup, comfort flees quickly. The first few hours with the bra on is okay. Denial hits with the first 'swipe' of putting the strap back up where it goes. It becomes an all day irritant; creep, swipe, creep, adjust...eeekk.

2). Large breasted women often suffer more pain and damage to their backs and shoulders from wearing a bra, than they would by going natural. Except for societal impositions, a small breasted woman only needs a bra for cosmetics.

3). Bras, even the most expensive, eventually confine, twist, crawl and pinch. Perhaps wearing a bra can burn calories (?). There is nothing in the calorie counting book for bra Olympics.

4). Have you noticed, that the bra was an evolution of an invention created by a man; the corset (that torture device that women were pressured in to. They felt the need to conform their figures to be more desirable. This included the sacrifice of breaking ribs, damaging intestines, and other vital organs, causing less oxygen to be allowed into the lungs, lessening the ability for her to breathe, sending lower levels of oxygen to the brain). The societal demand for a woman to wear a bra, seems to coincide with world religions that have attempted to cover and bind women's spirit and blocks the heart.

5). Many women who work all day, are dressed "business serious". This includes a bra that either enhances her assets, or simply binds and keeps the girls confined. Most women cannot wait to cross the threshold of her home, kicking the high heels off, and ripping the offending tortuous Brassier off!

Cat Wearing Bra - Courtesy Google Images /
Cat Wearing Bra - Courtesy Google Images /

Aren't You Wearing A Bra, You Poor Thing?

I did not wear a bra until 1977 at 17 years of age.

In polite Southern society wearing a bra is referred to as covering oneself, or being modest. In 1977, shortly after moving to Rural Arkansas from Southern California, I would get the impolite southern question, "Aren't you wearing a bra? You poor thing, let us help you"

Who wants to stick out? In order to be a part of the community and fit in, I got finally got fitted with a brassiere. Since then, I had lived with decades of abuse by Bra. Day after day, week by week, yearly, getting pinched, and gored when penetrated by a broken or slipped wire.

I have spent entire days pushing the bra strap back up onto my shoulders. In our society, I felt like I would be less attractive and look slutty if I did not bustle up.

In 2010 on my 51st Birthday, I revisited my birth State of California. One of my first actions was to remove my bra. In the society of the community in California, it was 'normal' to be free, and go bra free. It took only moments for me to go back to what I knew. I have freed myself from the dreaded Bra once again.

It is simple to wear a tank or undershirt beneath a dress or shirt. Unless someone is crossing your boundaries, it is not noticeable. I still keep a couple around for times when I prefer to be covered, but it is my choice and it is too late to go back to boob jail again.

If God had intended us to hide our mammary glands, and to change the form of our breasts, we would have been born with covered taps...don't you think?

Testimony:"Why I Don't Wear A Bra," by Andrea Cox


© Copyright "burning bra" all rights reserved © Copyright all rights reserved cat with bra

© 2010 Lori J Latimer


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