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I self published my book!

Updated on June 5, 2016

why I chose self publishing

Most "big" publishers are too busy to take a serious look at a new writer. They want the sure bet. That's why I decided to self-publish my first book. Well, it's the first in a series. My plan is simple: Write the series, self publish the series, then after I've completed that I'll have something to show the "big" publishing companies when I want to work on my next book or series.

There have been statistics out there that say even the best self published books barely generate 100 to 200 sales. That's not dollars, that's purchases. Depending on what you've set your price at, you are looking at a pretty small income with that number of sales. But that's okay. The point is that I can now proudly announce to the world that I am, in fact, a published author!

It's free to do, so there is no risk out of pocket. That's a big deal for those who are just starting out. If you search around there are a number of them out there. I chose to go with Lulu because I like the way they are set up best. It's easy to work through their program and get up and running in a very short period of time.

I will be completely responsible for the promotion of my book, since I went this rout, but that's okay too. My goal isn't to get on the best sellers list (yet). My goal is to get out there and show myself that this is something I can do!

What's it about?

Without giving too much away; it's called: The Vanaheim Chronicles: The Forest Healer (unedited edition). It is the first of the series. It's fantasy fiction (my favorite style of writing). Set on a different world, in a different time. It is a world filled with magic and mystical creatures during the time of a great war. There is a secret being kept in the Nylack Forest of the existence of a creature that isn't supposed to exist.

You'll be introduced to many wonderful characters who all share in the protection of their secret and just why it is so important to keep it hidden from the outside world. Filled with adventure, drama, intrigue, and suspense with a few unexpected twists that leave you on the edge of your seat; this book is amazing!

Self Promotion Plans:

If you're like me and you need to start small with your promotions; here's what my plans are:

I share with my friends and family (obviously), through word of mouth and social networking. There are a number of them who are very excited and proud that I've gotten this far with my book. I tell them that when they purchase the paperback copy I would be happy to autograph it for them. Since this is the unedited version, it isn't going to be on sale for long, making it rare. Once I get it edited I'll remove this version and replace it with the edited one.

Having a first edition, unedited copy of The Vanaheim Chronicles: The Forest Healer is going to be a spectacular collectors item! Why? Because I believe in myself and my talents as a writer. This is what I was born to do!

After it has been edited and revised, I will be going to local libraries to donate a few copies and talk about what it takes to hold a book signing there. There is also a local book store that sells new and used books that I plan on talking to as well about doing a book signing at.

As long as you believe in yourself and keep at it, anything is possible! I am a firm believer in the law of attraction and I have such an amazing feeling about where this is going, there really is no doubt in my mind that this is going places!

What's next?

As the universe would have it, the day I posted on my social site that I finally got it published, my brother (who lives in another country) contacted me to tell me that he would like to look it over because he has friends in the publishing industry!

I sent him a copy to look over. He'll be sharing it with his contacts to see what they think of it as well. Now I have another friend who is completely addicted to reading anything and everything she can get her hands on. She's a very frank, very honest person who hates to sugar coat things. In her opinion she thinks that I have what it takes. She's actually the first person to read this book in it's raw form.

She told me that if I ever got around to getting published that I would go straight to the top because I write like no one else she's ever read! After she finished reading it she called me to say she needs me to get to work on the second book of the series because she is hooked. She loved it!

You might be thinking, yeah, well, she's your friend. Of course she's going to say that. Believe what you want, because I know that she's being honest. I also believe in myself and I have a fantastic feeling about this.

So what's next? Who knows! Maybe my brother's contacts will want to get in touch with me and sign a book deal! Maybe my self - published book will take off like wild fire just from the friends and family who buy it and tell others about it. Maybe by this time next year you'll be flipping through the stations on your television and see me being interviewed on a talk show. There is no limit to where things might go or what could happen next.

All I know is that I did it, I'm doing it. I'm making my dreams come true step by step.

Have a fantastic day & thanks for stopping by. Follow your dreams & never let anyone tell you they aren't good enough! You are an amazing person and you deserve to have all of your dreams come true!


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