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Is your Article Worth Sharing?

Updated on December 26, 2013

What Would Make a Reader Share your Article


One of the easiest ways to generate readership for your articles is by article sharing.In sharing or distributing articles, it doesn't take just your effort to increase readership but that of also your readers to generate readership and interest in your article. In simple words you will also need the help of your readers to increase readership. In fact getting readers to share your article can increase your readership much more than you ever thought.

When you publish the article on a directory or share on a social network , your subscribers and friends after reading the interesting article would also share the with their friends to comment and have further discussions on the topic.

Friends of your friends and subscribers who also find the article interesting would continue to distribute the article by sharing it with their friends on the social network. The sharing cycle then continues till you have a whole lot of readers commenting, liking as well as sharing your interesting article with their friends. The more your content is shared, the more readers and subscribers you get.

The following discussion will give you guidelines on how to increase readership for your content by making your articles worth sharing.

Readers share their own voice.

An article discussion isn’t just how the writer of the content feels or thinks. It’s also the feelings and thoughts of the reader that the writer with his or her skills has been able to convert into a readable format or into words. To some extent the article in itself is a confirmation of the reader's thought or ideas. It’s an expression of what the reader and writer share in common.

Readers usually share what really represents their own thoughts. In fact the content becomes not just the voice of the writer but that of the reader. They would share the content that sounds as if they wrote it or which sounds as if they are speaking. The content represents their (readers) own voice and what they want to say. Sharing therefore becomes a way of indirectly letting people know what they think. They would share because at least they have something (article) that speaks how they feel and what they want to say. Sharing becomes a way of speaking their mind to the world.

Readers share to connect.

An article also has the ability to unite people of similar minds. After reading your article and sharing your views-in other words having similar views as what’s been discussed in the article- a reader is able to connect with the writer. They feel a sense of confidence. They would therefore share the article or distribute it in order to discover more like minded people. By sharing it helps them to also generate or start discussions on their social network pages with other friends who may have similar views or even differ from the discussion. At least it makes the social network chatting livelier.

In our daily lives, we have so many experiences that raise lots of questions on our minds creating a mental burden. It’s quiet liberating to find some one that is bothered by similar questions and also has answers to these same questions bothering your mind. It’s quiet liberating to eventually find someone who understands you and thinks like yourself and to some extent experiencing a similar situation that you are facing. When a reader reads your article, they feel relieved to notice that they are not alone after all. It helps them to feel connected the writer and a larger group of people who are just like themselves and share similar views. Readers become delighted to find someone who has answers to questions bothering their minds. This brings them the confidence to come out of themselves or their mental cage.

By sharing your article a reader in a way of announces to the world and their friends or minded people their mental libration. They also would share the content to relieve or free others from that same mental cage and to connect with people who share their views.

They would share what sort of confirms their thoughts and gives them a sense of direction.

After reading and confirming their thoughts readers become so sure that that there are also several others out there who share a similar views.

Sharing is a way of showing appreciation.

Writes would also share a particular article as a way of showing appreciation to the writer of the content. As the content expresses in words how they (readers) feel and really can’t put it into words- every reader naturally becomes delighted and thankful to the writer who to some extent understands their feelings and also has the skills to put into words. Readers also would share the article to show their appreciation for the writer being able to share with their such important information which is definitely will be of great help to them and others. Although they may not have the skills personally to put their own feeling into words by commenting and sharing it’s a way that most readers indirectly say “thank you”. That they share (thanks to the writer for putting it out in words).

Creating a forum that will help them to understand the ideas more

Interesting articles are able to generate lively interesting conversations among friends on social networks. A reader would share your article to serve as the platform for them and their social network friends to converse about or also analyze an idea for further understanding. Through discussions readers are able to break down the ideas or content of the discussion in order to properly understand.

Even when readers know that there may be others who would disagree with the content discussion, once they are able to confirm their thoughts on the ideas they would still share so that they wouldn’t become blind to the truth. They are simply curious to know what others may also think about the ideas. At least that even makes the discussion much exciting and lively.

Readers would share to amuse or entertain their friends

An interesting article or content that is fun to read is also worth sharing. A reader would also share your content if it entertains them. The more fun your content is to a reader, the more they feel that others may also find it interesting. Everyone to some extent wants to make the people around them feel happy. This is because you feel happy when people close to you are happy especially when you are responsible for their happiness. A reader would share your article with his or her friends to entertain them. They want to be the ones responsible for the happiness of their friends.

What to write about and how to write it

I am sure that to this point, it’s clear that you can gain much readership for your content if you can write on topics as a well as in a style that can really touch the heart and minds of readers. To do this properly, it’s necessary that you know your readers very well so you can write on the ideas they want to discuss with friends or what they really want to talk about.

Please feel free to give your comment and suggestions below. You can also contact me if you want to write articles for your blogs, website or for any proof reading service. Contact me for also advice and tutorials on SEO or how you can upgrade your website in order to gain more traffic.

Record Your Ideas as You write them


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