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It's All About Staying With It

Updated on August 23, 2014

Staying With It

For those of you who are just starting out in creative writing of any type, there is one thing that you must learn that is probably the most important that you will ever learn: and that is, to never give up. Stay with it till you get it right (which is a very subjective thing), and stay with it till you get it done. Don't give up. The old axim, 'try, try again', is sometimes the best thing you can do. If it takes you years to do and you still don't think it's right, keep trying to get it right. (At least to your own satisfaction.)

I've found the only real way to keep your finger in it is to keep doing it. In the past few years I've gone from a full time truck driver to a full time writer, the former I was forced to give up because of an accident, and the later I'm still plugging away at. I am a prime example of that axim. For years I have kept my fingers dipped into the writing trade. Even when things were at there worst for me, I kept at it. And this is what I finally achieved, (look to your right) my first, and hopefully not my last novel.

The basics in all things are sometimes the only things you need to truly know. I still love to write and create words from the nether regions of my brain. The only real muse you have to worry about is the one staring back at you from the mirror in the mornings.

Finding your niche

From journals to novellas to full blown novels, a writer must first find his niche. That is he must first find what he wants to write about. Some choose young adult writing (YA), some choose horror, some choose Journalism (which I first did starting out - got my BA in Journalism and Graphic Arts), and then some still choose the mushy stuff. And all of its OK. But you have to know what you want and what you want to write about so you can target the audience you plan to write for. And that is how you make your money, targeting the audience who likes that form of writing. And the best advice I could give is to write for the audience that you would be a part of. In that way your writing will reflect what you already love; be it horror, romance, or comedy.


Do not try to do this on your own, although the writing process is a one-man gig, getting started sometimes takes a little help. Even well known authors and writers sometimes need a little boot up the butt to get the juices flowing on the paper. And some of the best ways to do that, to find something to write about, is to use prompts. Do not be ashamed! It is a natural condition to be stuck once in a while on what to write. The dreaded 'writers block' can be climbed and conquered just like Mount Everest has been conquered, you just may need a little push to get you to take the first step up the hill.

When you have a few moments, basically when your mind goes blank and nothing seems to float out of the brain matter, you could easily peruse the net for inspiration. Some of the best prompts out there are floating in the ether of the net. (Yes, I can turn a phrase myself once in a while, too.) But, anyways, back to the topic - you can get a lot of ideas from simply watching other people. Go to the mall and watch the people walk by and see who could make a good story. Or take a picture and make a story from that. Don't be afraid to step back and take a good look around for inspiration. Oh, by the way, family makes for wonderful tales, you can't make that crap up. True life is the best.

The Worst or The Best

Ask yourself one question: What's the worst that could happen if you tried your hand at writing? OK, now, what's the best? ANSWER - You could find you're not good at it, YET. The longer you do it, the better you'll be at it. It's just like any trade you learn, the more you do, the better you'll be. Do you honestly think Stephen King was born a writer? And the best - You could actually be in the same league as Stephen King.

Just remember, the only one you truly need to please when it comes to your writing is YOU. If you love what you do it will show in your writing and others of like mind will follow your lead. And isn't that what its all about? To love what you do.

And as always, Happy Writing.


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