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Somewhere in My Mind's Eye - A Poem

Updated on November 27, 2017
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Cynthia - a freelance writer and amateur photographer believing in the power of words, the magic of storytelling in poetry, prose or photos.


Why Somewhere in My Mind's Eye?

It is difficult to say where a poem originates in the mind. Is it triggered by a glance from a lover? The look of wonder on a child's face? How about the lone leaf drifting through the still air until it lands on the grey asphalt of a parking lot, only to be tossed aloft again by a passing car? Do the tears gliding down your cheeks inspire a poem of sorrow and regret?

Poems are wondrous, awesome words penned to paper. They evoke emotions; they inspire action. They fan the flames of love and just as often sizzle with rage and injustice. The words are often unbidden and appear, as if by magic and will disappear just as quickly if not captured on paper. The origins of poems can be no less intriguing than the mysteries of the stars.

At other times, the poems are carefully crafted so the intent can't be misunderstood. Still, they are viewed differently by everyone who reads them. A poet can only hope that the words will move the reader and they will step into "my mind's eye."

Please, savor the music as you read.

Somewhere in My Mind's Eye

In my mind's eye I soar through unreachable galaxies

Leaving a trail of fire and light,

Like a comet never lost to sight

Playing with senses filled with acoustic reveries.

In my mind's eye my love covers the earth

While swaddled and bound to the invisible

Force that tethers the breath and stands immovable.

Yes, my love gently washes the sands, moves the surf.

In my mind's eye I am a million seeds

Born on the winds of time and change

Giving birth to the flora, the fauna, and, yes, a range

Of emotions traveling at warp speeds.

In my mind's eye all love is brilliant flashes

Of heat and desire and caring that never retreats,

Though it may be scorched and burned, threatened by defeat,

Hiding in the recesses of a yet unknown lover's heart - smoldering ashes.

In my mind's eye all past is like the nearest star - immobile, immutable.

Played out in some galaxy just as far away

Spiraling through time and space, pointing to every yesterday

All so very sweet, so undeniably sad, so untouchable.

In my mind's eye I will live forever

And the cloak of love and time will be gently stored with care.

If only I could access, if only I dared to look at what is - what was - really there

Holding my heart earthbound yet spirit free, ceasing never.

Somewhere, somehow in my mind's eye.

© 2013 Cynthia B Turner


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