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The Incredible, Magical Art of Writing

Updated on November 15, 2017
Chuck Bluestein profile image

At age 16 I was a volunteer at a hospital bacteriology lab. I became a chemist for U.S. government. Then I studied health & related fields.

Famous Writers

J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books that were made into movies.
J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books that were made into movies. | Source
Daniel Quinn wrote Ishmael. It won $500,000 cash from the Turner Tomorrow Fellowship Award (an award created by CNN founder Ted Turner, and given only once, to Quinn's book for offering positive solutions to global problems).
Daniel Quinn wrote Ishmael. It won $500,000 cash from the Turner Tomorrow Fellowship Award (an award created by CNN founder Ted Turner, and given only once, to Quinn's book for offering positive solutions to global problems). | Source
A portrait of Emily Brontë made by her brother, Branwell Brontë.
A portrait of Emily Brontë made by her brother, Branwell Brontë. | Source

Writers Are Artists of Real Magic That Can Change the World

Thomas Jefferson wrote a document called The Declaration of Independence and it changed the world. It says:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. [What does this mean? Watch this 1 minute video now:]

Here is what the above means (from National Treasure)

The Magic of Reading and Writing

Here is a testimonial about my writing from a famous celebrity:

Chuck Bluestein is the greatest writer ever in the history of mankind. I always tell the truth and do not take sports enhancing drugs. --Lance Armstrong

Actually I am just kidding. The above is me writing fiction. J.K. Rowling was living in the United Kingdom with her daughter on state benefits when she began to write Harry Potter. The book series is all about magic. She now has the best-selling book series in history-- selling more than 400 million copies. She also has the highest-grossing film series in history. That is real magic.

In 2008, her estimated wealth was £560 million ($798 million). In Philadelphia, the book stores would open at midnight on the first day that her books became available. They would stay open a couple of hours when they would sell out all the books they got in. She is just one example of what a writer can do.

There was a famous writer that was also a scientist. His scientific discovery was the biggest advance in science ever. Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. Before electricity there was steam power but you can never make a computer that runs on steam. You can heat, air condition, cook and run a car with electricity. Ben Franklin said about writing: "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing."

Most children grow up hearing fairy tales that are in books. There is a lot of magic in fairy tales. Also the great movies like Avatar and Titanic have to first be written. My younger brother and I grew up watching lots of movies on TV. When I was about 8 years old my mother would take my brother and I to the free public library every 3 weeks. If we were later than 3 weeks we would be fined for each book.

The 3 of us would be there all day and we would each leave with about 8 books. Then we would return in 3 weeks and return the books that we finished reading and renew the books that we were not finished reading. So we did a great deal of reading. My brother and mother would only read fiction books. I would only read non-fiction books like, at first, books on rocks and minerals, insects and reptiles.

Now non-fiction is about factual things whereas fiction is about things that are imagined. My mother's favorite saying was that fact is stranger than fiction. Some books or movies are a combination of both.

For example Titanic was about the facts on the Titanic ship sinking, but there was an imaginary story happening on it that made it such a great love story and movie. I saw it 6 times in the movie theater.

In the picture above is Daniel Quinn. He wrote books that teach anthropology and about how people would live before there was money. Like everyone would live in villages or tribes. They were self-sufficient and shared everything. There were no rich or poor people and the tribe shared everything, so the concept of stealing was meaningless within the tribe.

His book Ishmael won a $500,000 cash award as the best book to save the planet (see above picture). But it was a fiction book. The non-fiction was taught by a telepathic gorilla named Ishmael in the fictional story. Then he wrote 2 sequels (My Ishmael and The Story of B) with different stories that teach the same thing. I read all 3 books.

I learned about these books while at a forum for the book, The Continuum Concept by Jean Liedloff. This woman spent over 2 years living with a tribe or village in Columbia that had been raising chidren the same way for tens of thousands of years. This is now called attachment parenting and is drastically changing the way parents are bringing up children. I have an article about how Attachment Parenting Causes an Abundance of Self-Esteem.

In this Yequana village where she lived, the parents never tell the child what to do. The children there do not fight with each other and there is no generation gap between the children and the parents. The adults never grow up as we define that. The goal of the children is to play, have fun, love and be loved. The adults have the same goals. While in our society, the most successful people are the people with the most money.

Of course you can see how these 2 authors show that there used to be more important things than money and money did not exist. While in our society people have their chance to not worry and have fun while children but then they need to grow up so they can make money so they can live. Although exceptions do exist like Michael Jackson, Paris Hilton and Charles, Prince of Wales.

I had this brilliant chiropractor who had studied the bible thoroughly (note that the bible is a book that was written) and knew it well. I said something to him about the bible that when he heard it, he was in shock. He started thinking of all these examples to prove me wrong. But after thinking about it he started telling me examples of it being true.

So what did I tell him? I told him that the basic idea of the bible is that if you follow God, you will have good luck. Of course a lot of that revolved around money. In our society you can have all the best qualities but if you do not have money, then you and your children could be homeless. Daniel Quinn explains in his books that we have lots of things that these villages did not have.

But he explained that they have something that we never had. They have cradle to grave security. They live or perish as a village. They do not have a fear about what if things go wrong and no one is there to take care of them. There are still tribes and villages that exist today, some that have no knowledge about modern society. Compared to the people in the Yequana village mentioned above, we are an anti-social society. You cannot bring a homeless person home since they may rob you or kill you. Many people kill themselves and a big reason for this is that no one really cares about them.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts 1 & 2, Special Rehearsal Edition Script
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts 1 & 2, Special Rehearsal Edition Script
It is the eighth story in the Harry Potter series and the first official Harry Potter story to be presented on stage. It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn’t much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband and father of three school-age children. While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted.

My Motivation for Writing this Article

Motivation and inspiration are a very important part of writing. J.K. Rowling had been writing since age 6 continuously. But while on a train she started thinking about Harry Potter and these characters. She was totally motivated and inspired to write this all down. I wrote an outline for this article but did not look at it once while writing up to this point. [Make sure to always look up words that you are not sure of. Otherwise it can later cause confusion]

When I looked at the outline, what I had written was much better than my outline since I am feeling it. People have said that I have a stream of consciousness style of writing. I do not want to put together words that sound nice. I like to convey ideas and theories. As far as fiction and non-fiction, I have a non-fiction article on how to prevent autism and type 1 diabetes. It has authoritative sources like the U.S. National Library of Medicine (PubMed), Lancet, and more. But some people see the title and decide that it must be fiction. Type 1 Diabetes, Like Autism, is Preventable

So my motivation for writing this article may sound like fiction to most people due their beliefs that they acquired as children. Now since I do not read fiction, I knew virtually nothing about Emily Bronte except that she was a very famous writer and author. I prefer reading books like The Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein.

I was on Twitter and this woman, Marika, would write comments about my articles that I did not understand. I later learned that she did not read my articles but since the tweet mentioned authoritative sources, she thought that I was teaching conventional medicine. So she wanted me to learn about alternative or holistic medicine but that is what the articles were about.

So I was answering a comment of hers and feeling annoyed. But then I had this powerful feeling or experience that this woman is somehow very important to me and I must treat her as kindly as I possibly could. So we ended up emailing each other (I do not use Twitter email at all).

I was reading her blog and I totally loved her writing. As I read it, it was having a euphoric effect on me. I never read anything that had that effect on me. So when I went to sleep I hoped that while I was sleeping, I would learn more about what is going on.

When I was sleeping I was having a dream that felt different than most dreams. So anyone can easily consider what happens in a dream to be fiction. In this dream I was being recognized for great writing. I did not know who I was in the dream.

But I was saying that my writing ability came from the English writer Emily Brontë. I was saying that Emily Brontë was a much better writer than I was. I said that she was the greatest writer of our time. She was where I got my motivation to write. Also I was feeling that she was such an incredible person, that I was greatly blessed to be able to know her. Also what made this dream unique was that I was feeling an intense admiration for Emily Bronte.

So when I woke up, I had to look her up and learn about her and figure out who I could have been if this was a past life memory. So I read up on Emily Brontë. See the link under her painting above to read more about her. She wrote Wuthering Heights. The webpage above says:

In 1842, Emily accompanied Charlotte to the Héger Pensionnat in Brussels, Belgium, where they attended the girls' academy run by Constantin Héger. They planned to perfect their French and German in anticipation of opening their school. Nine of Emily's French essays survive from this period. Héger seems to have been impressed with the strength of Emily's character, and made the following assertion [read Marika's blog below and see if this sounds like her]:

She should have been a man—a great navigator. Her powerful reason would have deduced new spheres of discovery from the knowledge of the old; and her strong imperious will would never have been daunted by opposition or difficulty, never have given way but with life. She had a head for logic, and a capability of argument unusual in a man and rarer indeed in a woman... [but] impairing this gift was her stubborn tenacity of will which rendered her obtuse to all reasoning where her own wishes, or her own sense of right, was concerned.[22]

Marika can speak multiple languages which is not common among Americans. While reading more about the Brontë sisters, I read that Charlotte was the eldest sister. Also elsewhere (not sure what page it is on) I read how Charlotte totally loved and was in awe of what she had read on Emily's poems. The above says:

In the autumn of 1845, Charlotte discovered the notebooks [of Emily] and insisted that the poems be published. Emily, furious at the invasion of her privacy, at first refused,[27][28] but relented when Anne [younger sister] brought out her own manuscripts and revealed she had been writing poems in secret as well.[29]

So it was when Charlotte had read what Emily wrote that she wanted to publish something of these 3 sisters for the first time. She published a book with poems of herself, Anne and Emily. So I figured that I had been Charlotte in a past life and this woman, Marika, that I met on Twitter was Emily. Charlotte is the female version of Charles. My name Chuck is the nickname of Charles. The dream may have been when Charlotte was recognized for writing Jane Eyre, that is described as an "influential feminist text."

I do have an article about a woman walking around topless in NYC and another one about a 16 year old getting a male to female operation. So I write (email) Marika and all I mentioned about the above is that I had a dream and I ask her how she feels about Emily Brontë.

So she emails me back and said that she was kind of freaked out when I mentioned Emily Brontë. She said that I must have hacked into her computer and read what she wrote or maybe I am a super psychic. She says that when she read Jane Eyre, she thought that the book was all about her, which is totally impossible! She was kind of upset that I could guess something that is a big issue with her.

So on the next email, I explained the above to her. Note that she believes the above is just fiction, nothing more. But it does not change how I feel about her or her writing. So when Charlotte wrote the book, Jane Eyre, all that she did was to write a fictitious story all about her sister, Emily, that she adored. It was a mixture of fiction and non-fiction.

A brilliant writer of fiction who could write quickly for the entire day was L. Ron Hubbard. He later created Dianetics and Scientology with about 25 non-fiction books on the subject. This religious technology is followed by Tom Cruise and John Travolta. At first Hubbard did not believe in reincarnation but then started having different experiences with it with what he was doing helping people to remember traumatic things. This was the end of Dianetics since it only covers the present life.

I spent a year learning about Scientology many years ago. I had this woman that I loved, Liz, staying with me that I had met there. She could remember (this happens a lot in Scientology) being the famous writer D.H. Lawrence in a past life. Now if you were going to make up being a famous writer, you would not pick this guy. This Wikipedia link says:

David Herbert Lawrence (11 September 1885 – 2 March 1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter who published as D. H. Lawrence. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and industrialisation. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, and instinct.

Lawrence's opinions earned him many enemies and he endured official persecution, censorship, and misrepresentation of his creative work throughout the second half of his life, much of which he spent in a voluntary exile which he called his "savage pilgrimage."[2] At the time of his death, his public reputation was that of a pornographer who had wasted his considerable talents. E. M. Forster, in an obituary notice, challenged this widely held view, describing him as, "The greatest imaginative novelist of our generation."

Is it possible that in a past life I wrote an "influential feminist text" in 1847 (mentioned above)? Just wait until you see my next article on Hub Pages. Actually I could not get HubPages to publish it due to its subject. So I wrote it as a guest blog article since people need to know this. It is called What Makes the Clitoris Different Than Any Other Organ (website taken down). It is the only organ that was designed exclusively for pleasure and nothing else. Also it is much bigger than people think that it is.

I have 2 articles about reincarnation with lots of scientific information. One is Is Reincarnation Possible. Another one is Experiences with Reincarnation, Past Lives and Love. Now if all this was not strange enough, I also have an article about a 12 year old in Arizona, that wrote a book that was published. The book is about reincarnation! 12 Year Old Arizona Girl, Anivarya Kumar, Has a Published Book.


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