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The Kings of Oak Springs - Episode 33 - Sunday School Started April 1, 1877

Updated on November 25, 2017
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Dr. Bill's first passion is family history. His second is a passion for creating family saga, historical fiction stories that share it.

They sang the songs together

Music from early Sunday School meetings
Music from early Sunday School meetings | Source

April 1 felt like a spring day

Sunday, April 1, was looked to with great anticipation by each member of the King family. They finished their chores, cleaned up and put on their "Sunday" clothes for the first day of Sunday School. For this first Sunday, as Silas Adams, the Sunday School Superintendent, had announced the week before, everyone met together to get started. This was basically so as to announce, currently, where each class would meet and who was in charge of each class. Silas announced that the nursery, the young married couples, and the adult class would meet in the School House. The other four classes would meet in the four corners of the Community Building. He reminded everyone to come up with a name for their class, to be announced, when they came back together at 11:15 for the "closing exercises."

Katherine had agreed to help Norma Nixon with the nursery, so they went about gathering their children when Silas had finished. Karla was one of the older ones in the nursery, so she was a big help to Katherine and Norma. The "adults" and "young married's" helped out, as well, in getting everyone over to the School House. Karl had agreed to teach the middle age group, to be assisted by Willis Garrett. Alfred Garrett and Kent King were both in that class. Kate, of course, attended the upper age group class. Silas and Ralph Campbell lingered to be sure everyone found their places before going over to meet with the "adult" class. The two of them had agreed to be "floaters" to fill in if there were absences among the expected teachers and helpers. This first Sunday, there were none, but they expected that would change, as time went by.

At closing exercises, Silas led singing of "Jesus wants me for a sun beam" - noting that the sun was shining down on the Sunday School today. They sang it twice, so that those who were just learning it would have a chance to practice. Everyone seemed to enjoy singing this song. Young Herbert Street shared that the "6-7-8" year-old class would be called "Helping Hands" class. Kent King declared that the "9-10-11" year-old class would be the "Busy Bees" class. Vic Campbell announced that the name for the "12-13-14" class would be the "Willing Workers" class. Sharon Garrett shared that the "young adult singles" class wanted to be simply called the "Young Singles" class. Similarly, the "young married adults" preferred "Young Married Adults" class. The adult class said they wanted to use the "Gods Helpers" class for their name. Silas thanked everyone for attending and participating, especially the teachers and helpers. They closed by singing, "All Things Bright and Beautiful" - twice.

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They talked about cutting timber for the mill

Cut timber in storage for later processing at a sawmill
Cut timber in storage for later processing at a sawmill | Source

Karl visited Levi Weston on a rainy Tuesday

Not being able to work in his fields, anyway, after dropping off the students at the school, Karl drove the carriage over to Levi Weston's shop, to talk to Levi about breeding his other mare, Dolly. Molly would be having her foal in late June, it appeared. Karl wanted to get Dolly into her eleven-month gestation period earlier this year, if possible. Levi agreed and they discussed the availability of a desirable stallion and timing. As they talked, Karl realized that Levi had recently moved some of his own breeding stock from the ranch near Jefferson City down to Oak Springs. Before long, they were out in the pasture, closely examining three or four of the mares. Levi suggested that if Karl was interested in one of his mares, they could arrange for Karl to "borrow" the mare while Dolly was being bred. If satisfactory, they could make a deal for the mare. Karl appreciated the offer, and said, after sleeping on it, he would probably want to do that.

From Levi's shop, Karl stopped in at the Baldridge Lumber and Grain Store to pick up a few items for the farm. He quickly fell into conversation with Simeon Bishop, the store manager, who had recently married Hattie Cox. Karl offered his congratulations, again, and asked how married life was treating them. Simeon laughed, and said, "Just fine. But Hattie thinks my apartment here at the store is a bit confining." Simeon then went on to share with Karl that they had purchased the lot directly east of Hattie's parents, Joshua and Tetisha Cox, on the south side of East Patton Road, and were planning to build their home there. They were not in a rush to build, now that they had the lot, and knew that was going to happen. Karl always enjoyed talking with Simeon. He was a fine young man to have running one of the important businesses in town.

Karl did ask about the ownership of the store, and Simeon shared with him that Sarah had assured him, Simeon, that as long as the store continued to do well, it would continue indefinitely, from her standpoint. The store was the one thing that did not need to change, Sarah had said, following the untimely death of her brother. Riley Cooper was taking over the mill, but he wanted to maintain the relationship with the store, just as it had been. They all had a fine working relationship. Shortly, the subject of cutting timber came into the discussion. Simeon said that was one area where they had decided to "take it easy" during the transition at the mill. Riley wanted to take some time to assure himself of the supply and demand before entering into any new contracts. Karl said that he wasn't in any hurry, adding, that his trees weren't going anywhere! He thanked Simeon for keeping him up to date. They would continue to talk about it, from time to time, they agreed.

They shot a bow and arrows at a target

A bow made from a single piece of wood
A bow made from a single piece of wood | Source

Kent had friends over for his eleventh birthday

Although Kent's eleventh birthday was on Wednesday, April 11, they agreed to "celebrate" on Saturday, April 14. Kent didn't want a big party, but, he hoped he could have his friends and classmates, Junior Yokum, Alfred Garrett, David Wingfield, Jimmie Truesdale, and Carl Die spend the day with him. The six boys looked forward to being together for several hours, that day, as Saturday approached. They also watched the weather, because they wanted to be able to be outdoors and do outdoor activities. It rained on Friday morning, but that weather passed on by. Saturday morning arrived with sunshine, and the sweet smell and feel of spring in the air.

Early in the day, Karl and Kent had set up a tent down by the orchard, where the boys could be by themselves in between their activities. There would be water, and some snacks, available, there, when ever they wanted them. Karl and Kent took the carriage and picked up each of the boys after their mid-day meal, according to plan - except for Junior, of course, who just walked down the hill from his home to the King farm. Kent wanted to show his friends around "his" orchard, so they did that shortly after arriving. Karl had helped Kent set up some bow and arrow targets, around the orchard, so the boys could take turns showing off their skills, when they felt like it.

About 4 o'clock, the boys were told there would be cake and ice cream at the house, so they each were more than ready to finish what they were doing and be there, at about that time. Kate and Karla got to help serve the boys. They had put some "Happy Birthday" decorations around the house while the boys were inside. The afternoon seemed to go by quickly, and before they knew it, it was time to get in the carriage to be taken home. They all said they had a fine time, and regretted to have to bring it to an end. Karl and Kent reversed their path from earlier in the day dropping off each of the boys at their homes around the valley.

Note from the author

This is the thirty-third episode of this short story series, and the thirteenth of what is now Volume Two. The stories are set in the Ozarks Mountains setting of “The Homeplace Saga” series of family saga historical fiction. This Episode is in April of the calendar year 1877, following the time period (1833-1875) of the recently released “American Centennial at the Homeplace: The Founding (1833-1876)” collection of short stories. Some of these earlier stories are published on The Homeplace Saga blog, found at the link, below. These episodes more the story forward for the entire "Saga" series.

The first 20 episodes of this series have now been compiled into an eBook, titled:

"The Kings of Oak Springs: The Arrival Months in 1876 Vol 1." See the link, below, to get yours.

“The Homeplace Saga” historical fiction family saga stories are the creation of the author, William Leverne Smith, also known as “Dr. Bill.”

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