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Things I Learned from Online Writing

Updated on March 23, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Online Writing

Writing is a gift!

The Internet is a powerful thinker and maker for anyone owning a computer. Since the existence of the Internet, most people can conveniently search and browse for any information.

What can you discover Online?

  • I discovered online writing and wrote intensively.
  • To be a better writer, I must be focused on my moods.
  • When I first started writing, I wrote with a closed mind.
  • The idea to write clearly and state my purpose of the topic.
  • Be clean in your words chosen, and concise.
  • I must write well to understand myself as a writer.
  • My goal in writing is to understand my audience.
  • I must show care in my project.
  • When I show care in a project, the process feels easier.
  • The approach in writing is in different stages.

Some writers need an ideal time to write, while other writers don't need an idea to write. As you write daily you will see an improvement in your writing. It does not mean you should ignore difficult tasks.

If you ignore the difficult writing tasks, it will feel harder. In other words, if a writer tries to get better at writing that won't happen without trying the difficult tasks.

A writer can spend their whole life thinking about becoming the best writer and before they know it their life has gone by without effort.

You don't need to waste your life thinking of getting better at writing. Use your skills each day to improve naturally.

The problem with many writers is the chance to master their skills. Unfortunately, if you think of mastering your skills in writing before publishing your first article you will not get there.

Do you want to prove a point or want an answer from your writing?

To prove a point that is left to lawyers, and mathematicians.

Remember what you write is not to prove your point.

What do you expect from writing?

Be open to ideas in writing. Readers need answers and you as a writer can provide that.

Are you writing for an Audience?

You can write for an audience or a specific audience. Write for a few people or just anyone. The idea is to focus on that chosen topic.

What is important to your audience?

What an audience care about?

Ideas for your audience.

How much do they know?

Your voice in writing is important to an audience. Authority in writing is not the focus here. Generalizations are not what the reader is looking for in writing. When you generalize you want your reader to think you know it all.

You don't know everything!

  • In this way readers can trust your information.
  • Don't put a distance between you and the reader.
  • Share a certain amount of closeness with your readers.
  • You need enough time to write.
  • Produce quality over quantity.
  • You need mental energy to move on in writing.
  • Consider your project that would allow for better writing.
  • When you begin to write on a specific topic the ideas stay in your head for a few days.
  • The time a writer spends thinking of a topic shows a creative mind.
  • Even when not close to a keyboard the ideas flow freely through your mind.
  • Everything you do in writing must be enjoyable and a learning lesson for you.
  • Writers must understand who they are and know of their influences, including how to use their knowledge.
  • To share life experiences and to know how to create their stories.
  • A voice must be heard in writing.
  • It is exciting to read about other people's stories.
  • Be unique with a voice in writing.
  • Don't be alone and just type away at your keyboard.

Ask for support from not only friends, or family, but also from others in the writing community. Use your greatest imagination in writing. Create a network of people that includes other writers. I have created a network of peers on Hubpages.

Talk to other people and share your ideas. Develop a fair understanding between you and grow with a positive mind. It is important to have people close to you in such moments.

Don't be afraid to risk your writing ideas. Write in a different language and grow from that experience. The inexperienced writer and the experienced deserve honesty in reviews.

It doesn't mean a popular writer should get good reviews while an unpopular writer receives bad reviews. I have seen that in many book reviews. Step away from the keyboard when you feel tired. A break is good to refresh your thoughts and ideas.

You can use your real-life stories in your writing as I have been doing on Hubpages. Write about what bothers you. Get into writing with an open mind and from the heart.

You can use a lake near your home to write about. When you write from the heart you tell the truth. The truth when written is a universal message to readers. Write about a simple adventure.

Be realistic in your writing. You grow in writing from a low aim to a high aim. Be honest in your writing. When you share an honest piece of work, readers look forward to reading more from you.

  • You can write better if you put your mind to it.
  • Don't be jealous of a writer's success.
  • Be patient and want to succeed.
  • A writer can succeed after a lot of hard work.
  • I know how writing came to me and from that, I continued sharing my work with readers.
  • I succeeded from the strong waves to the calm waves.
  • I rode the waves with ease.
  • I continued writing step by step and improved my skills.
  • You can write about anything you want to share with readers.
  • Any title can be a bestseller.
  • Follow your dreams.
  • Don't forgive in writing.

You don't have to be yourself in writing. Writers have different views and different levels of experience. All opinions are not the same. Often you do have a unique story to share with a new approach. Writing allows you to inspire other writers with greater energy.

Can you master the craft of writing?

  • An opportunity you can use to learn more effectively to improve your writing.
  • The enormous experiences are ways for you to show you can do it.
  • I did not think for once I couldn't do it.
  • I write in easy-to-understand language.

A potential writer fears to write.

Such writers are afraid to share their work and lack writing skills in the process.

The audience will grow you just got to.

Writing changes people's lives, my life has changed through sharing my experiences.

I shared what changed my life and how my life changed in a foreign country.

When you write and share your ideas you have no idea it will change the lives of others.

The writing is full of surprises.

Life is meaningful and fun when writing is part of what you do.

Writing is a learning experience for most writers.

You don't need to judge others or compare your work with other writers, just do it.

A writer's intentions can surprise any writer.

Why do you write?

Has writing changed your life in any way?

Writing online changed my life


Work from home

Do you earn from writing online?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2015 Devika Primić


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