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Experience The Pleasure Of Artistry

Updated on March 2, 2014

Splash of Imaginary Images


A Memory Headed To Abyss

Are you wondering who I am? My name is Narrator and that name explains all. Think of it; who is going to explain the story? Do you think it is going to jump out of the caverns of my imagination and onto this page? Is my neurosis conspiring to turn the page into a slanted view of Armageddon? Is that where I'm headin'? Perhaps peering through the dark tunnel and observing the pin prick hole in the distance shining its light is reassuring to the reader as it is to me. A glowing halo of golden light radiates above the young woman's head in the painting, as she ages before my eyes. A fleeting thought in the Narrator's mind depicts The Picture Of Dorian Gray as written by a writer who was played by the actor Stephen Fry. Thoughts both good and bad come by like the speed of the beating hummingbird's wings. My cup runneth over with fleeting thoughts and they magically appear on the monitor. The words are like corpuscles floating in the bloodstream. The serene fantasy uploaded in the creative mind downloads before the reader's eye. Imagine the corpuscles floating downstream in an active river splashing against steadfast rocks and clutching broken off branches with its mighty undertow.

Facing Creative Thought

Author: Geralt
Author: Geralt | Source

The Mind's Imagination

Take it from the Narrator: Words are the unattached branches in the active stream. They can be cliffhangers or they can be pedestrian. For words in any language can evoke a pouring out of the pleasure principle trapping the eyes of the reader to read on. My thought patterns function in a way where the words are like a broken dam. They burst open and flood the area. The flow of the river's thoughts slow down and the calm taps the banks where one is left holding the seashell to one's ear in anticipation of hearing "the ocean's roar". The ears are the eyes in this creative metaphor. What does the spectator perceive in this soliloquy? Is the whirling movement of sentences drowning in being repeated? The path of ideas must be straightened with a forward current which may head to the falls.

Creativeness in Imaging

Author: J - R - Fr13m9n
Author: J - R - Fr13m9n | Source
Author: J - R - Fr13m9n
Author: J - R - Fr13m9n | Source

How Does One Open The Gates Of Creativity?

Find yourself in a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax. Visualize images that are pleasing. Forget about life's worries. This is a special time just for you. As you wake, you should find yourself relaxed and able to cope.

Another thought to consider is this: Take a break from writing. The break can be as long as needed. When you return to writing, your imagination is filled with creative thoughts.

Favoritism When It Concerns Creativity

As I, the Narrator, look upon these two photographs with the touch special effects, my serotonin levels rise. The magic touch was incorporated to enhance a humdrum image into something worthwhile to "feast my eyes upon". "Mere alcohol won't thrill me at all", as that song whose author I cannot recall, popularized the musical piece before I was born. Visual stimulation ignites those serotonin levels, as do the other avenues of perception and learning. These avenues are the other senses we possess. Our five senses are obviously sensory and assist us in educating ourselves about our life circumstances, including planet earth. A pleasing picture can "touch" us while a sound can be pleasing or disturbing. Taste can be yummy or yucky. Human beings are fortunate to have bestowed upon them these five senses. If one or two are dysfunctional, then the others compensate.

Favorite Avenue of Expression

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Perspective of the Narrator

Fortunately as I came into this world, my nature was a creative one. I found myself feeling "different" then what is expected from our civilization. I am no person of financial wealth, I am a person with the talent of creative wealth. My pocketbook is running on empty, yet my ideas are on full. As the vehicle of imagination drives through the streets of inspiration, I hit all the green lights. There are times when the green turns to amber. When it turns red, then it is time to apply the brakes.


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