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Frame Two: This Sensual Splash of Visual Haiku

Updated on January 13, 2013

The Spirit of the Art Lies Within.

The Samurai Yanone by Hasegawa
The Samurai Yanone by Hasegawa | Source

Welcome To: Frame Two.

Original Haiku by Pearldiver

An excellent haiku should be written to provide the reader with the opportunity to visualize and completely sense a specific moment. Haiku should be traditionally all about the events and spirit of nature. That moment in the life of nature may only be a tree shedding a leaf for example, yet a perfect haiku will describe the event as if that very moment in time is life changing, which indeed it could be if the haiku is good enough to capture it. The reader must be able to feel, to gauge the moment, as if they are experiencing that instance along with the entirety of its environment first hand.

Therefore, a haiku should not be written as a vehicle for ‘reporting’ a scene in past tense, or written in such a way as to leave the reader thinking; “Yes, but so what!” If that is how the verse is presented, or expected to be read, then the very purpose of writing haiku has been ignored by an author who is not skillful enough to comprehend or work within the living spirit of this ancient art form. As such, that living spirit dictates that each haiku is a frame in the life of nature; simple yet complexly unique, moving independently yet in tune with its environment, a stand alone event balanced in time. To hold a powerful beauty like that found in Netsuke. Ultimately, the haiku must be the living spirit and can only achieve that status with a level of mastery that clearly provides nourishment to the life flow living and described within the haiku.

Copyright © 2011 - 2013 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved

Here within Frame Two the author has attempted to consider the spirit of each Woodblock Print and apply it in haiku to that moment within each work. The skill in the exercise comes from not doing so, in past tense or as a review of the print. What has been considered is the need to nourish the spirit of the scene and the likely thoughts of those with the scene, as if they were actually writing the haiku. In essence Pearldiver is attempting to bring the woodblock print to life; a task not so hard, when the master printers featured here, have so skillfully locked life into their print. Yes, but so what? Well let’s see what that life and spirit can actually say. Enjoy Frame Two.

♥ Original Haiku by Pearldiver ♥

Copyright © 2011 - 2013 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved

Haiku - about living the moment.

Night fisherman #2 - Woodblock by Shotei
Night fisherman #2 - Woodblock by Shotei | Source

Just offshore fishing

Clever lantern light dances

Master fisherman


Standing on the hill

A fisherman’s ghostly face

Broken light shadows


Golden rays of light

Setting out and searching

Market fare to trade


Dark inky seas heaving

Fishing boats riding swells

Large arrow squid


Black nights over Sado

Dipping nets and bamboo lures

Hungry birds waking

Copyright © 2011 - 2013 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved

Winter fisherman - Woodblock by Hasui (released after his death).
Winter fisherman - Woodblock by Hasui (released after his death). | Source

New snow joins old snow

Perfect fish time together

Old fathers stay home


White cherry blossoms

Covering the world with hope

Fishing in the snow

Copyright © 2011 - 2013 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved

More modern woodblock prints.

2nd - Woodblock by Matsubara.
2nd - Woodblock by Matsubara. | Source

What is being depicted?

Colors form shapes

Nature through a prism

Seasons dance as one

♥ Original Haiku by Pearldiver ♥

Copyright © 2011 - 2013 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved

Hokusai - True Master of Print.

Limitations - Woodblock print by Hokusai.
Limitations - Woodblock print by Hokusai. | Source

In view of Mt.Fuji

The master and his students

Cormorants fishing


Testing limitations

On the edge of long wet rocks

Dawn until lunchtime

Copyright © 2011 - 2013 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved

Hope you enjoyed these haiku.

- Thanks -
- Thanks - | Source

Thanks for reading Frame Two.

Thank you for taking the time to read these haiku. I hope that you also appreciated the power of the Japanese Woodblock Print Masters Hasegawa, Shotei, Hasui, Matsubara and Hokusai. The dates of these works range from between 1780 - Current and though styles may have changed over that period, the principles of the original carvers and printers really have not.

If you enjoyed Frame Two: This sensual splash of visual haiku... please take the time to mark the frame and/or leave a comment. Take care.

Copyright © 2011 - 2013 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved

* Pearldiver *

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Natural beauty sometimes lies in unlikely places when you look.

Turn me to soup.
Turn me to soup. | Source

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