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What Will I Leave Behind??

Updated on March 24, 2010

The recent death of a friend has brought a question to my mind. When I am gone from this world, what will I leave behind? I have done nothing significant to leave my mark on the world. I have no huge talents, I am not college smart. I am a 'Jill of all trades', so to speak. I can sew, I can cook, I love to write. I have so many journals filled with memories: what my heart was feeling at that moment, prayers that were answered, wishes and dreams. I was never raised to dream, I was taught life just happens. I always strongly encourage my kids and grandkids to dream. I once saw a billboard that said, ' Dream a Little Dream, Heck Dream Big'. That opened a door for me that had never been opened before. So now I do dream big. My dreams may or may not come to fruition, but at least I have allowed myself the delicious freedom of doing so.

I have never researched and found an important scientific cure, or found a new planet. I have never done anything heroic or became a great Dr. I never climbed Mt. Everest, or discovered a new species of plants. I have never written a book or been the CEO of a successful company. I have however been a Mom, a wife, a friend and I have loved. I have tried to be the best wife and Mom that I could be. Trying to set good examples with my life. Teaching good standards and morals. Making sure that needs were met and a few frivolities given. I have tried to be the best friend that I could be. I love people, some of us are blessed to have a good friends, true friends. I have been so blessed. To have a good friend you must be a good friend.

I believe that each and every one of us touch many lives along this journey. Many times we will never know how we have touched others. I don't care for material things, it's just stuff. But matters of the heart are of great importance to me. Because that is what we leave behind. I say encourage those that you can, lift them up, make someones day. That is what people are going to remember, that is what people will hold dear. Help others to see their bright potential. You never know when a kind word or listening ear will save or change someones life. And remember that when the weight of the world is pulling you down, ' this to shall pass.' I am a very giving person, on the same token it is hard for me to recieve. I don't give, or do, to receive. I expect nothing in return. So when an unexpected blessing comes my way I am very grateful and surprised. Be a giver of the heart.

This is where my heart lies. In seeing the goodness in people I meet, in telling them what I see in them, in lifting them up and letting them know that they are a blessing to others. I may never find the love that I dream of, but I will love and remind others of their great value. Each and every one of us need to be reminded of it, because sometimes we forget or just do not see it in ourselves. We are all special to God. He does not see the surface of who we are, He sees our hearts and that's all He needs to see, because that is where the real us lies, the essence of who we are. If we could just look a little deeper into each other, see each others hearts instead of the surface only, there would be more love, peace, and happiness in this old world. I read a quote the other day, 'We become truly personal by loving God and by loving other humans... In its deepest sense, love is the life, the energy, of the Creator in us.' (Kallistos Ware).

So what will I leave behind? What can I contribute to this world of confusion? Maybe not the world, but at least to my little corner of the world. The one thing that I do hope with all my heart is that I loved enough. I want my kids, my family, my friends to know that I loved them with everything in me. I cannot express in words how much I love them. I want them to feel in their hearts, without a doubt, that I do love them and I want them to carry that with them wherever they go. If I can leave behind my love with each of them, plant that seed to love others, then that is the best that I have to leave behind. Maybe it will cause a ripple effect and it will just keep on spreading through my family and friends and beyond. It's nothing huge, or of real great importance, but it is my contribution.

Life is short and we must love while we can. It is the one thing that we can do freely and the one thing that we can contribute that others will always remember and hold on to. The one most important thing that we will do in our lives. If I haven't told you today that I love you, then ' I love you!' You are special! He has put beauty in you that cannot be denied. So when you lay your head on your pillow to rest know that someone thinks about you everyday and loves you deeply for who you are. And I hope that one day when a warm breeze brushes your cheek as a gentle kiss you will remember that love and it will gladden your heart and make you smile. All the good that you do will come back to you. What will you leave behind?


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