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Words Are Alive And Well

Updated on December 30, 2010

Simple and Effective

If we concentrate and speak only words that give us knowledge and a positive attitude and a great outlook on life

What's the worst that can happen ?

That we are back here where we started

Being mean to anyone we want to because we don't think

What's the best that can happen?

We are all happier and more successful than before

Let our minds guide us through life with the feelings we adore

They can fill our heads with words and sentences that only inspire

We all have unlimited positive words to share with one another

To make great fortunes from thoughts

Living a life of prosperity and abundance with ease

These words are much more than a series of lines on paper

They build our vocabulary that we use and reuse our entire life

They mold our lives like little clay figures

Leaving models for generations to follow

Is it really impossible to forget those words that hurt so many ?

That do nothing but degrade and humiliate

The list is endless and we all know them only to well

Why are we embarassed to treat people with respect and dignity

But it is so easy to argue and complain

To put down and make someone else feel awful and unwanted

See the sadness we spread it starts in our mind and is transformed on to paper and goes straight to our heads

If we nip those words of hatred in the bud

Then what is the worst that can happen ?

Someone might be thankful instead of shameful

Courageous instead of corrupt

Peaceful instead of in pain

Change our thoughts

Change our words

Change our world

We will never know unless we try

It all begins with the same positive words that we have heardĀ our whole lives

It is time to take them out and put them to good use

Take those other negative words we have used every day that really are not so important and put them in cold storage indefinitely

Have one splendid afternoon thinking of the new world of words that is knocking at your door

Here's just a few to get the ball rolling..

One quiet sunny day a man sat on a park bench and thought

What words can I say to make people happy ?

That will keep them excited and truely pleased

If they hear a few nice words will that comfort the most unhappy of souls

All day long many people passed this old wise man

How can I help by spreading cheer and good faith and love ?

Will they listen or will they just keep on walking ?

Maybe I could tell them how a few nice words canĀ make you feel incredible and relaxed

Why would they listen to me after all ?

Everyone wants a guarantee that all things will work

How can we all cooperate and help each other on all levels ?

As one person after another walked by

The man remained quiet and thought

If people want to be happy they will find the words on their own

I would give them a helping hand but would they understand my meaning

To encourage and drive people to their greatest potential

The hours passed and the man remained still quiet

The sun went in and it became dark

The man never said a word

Thinking the whole time of all the most pleasant thoughts one could imagine

He smiled so much his cheeks hurt

If they could only hear what I was thinking all day from beginning to end

It would be so easy

Until that day comes

I guess we all have our own choice to say the first word that leaves our lips

Someday we might think like the man in the park

Then and only then we have made progress and happiness one


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