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Depression Awareness A Casualty Of A Failing Healthcare System

Updated on September 4, 2008

Depression has become a spreading stain saturating our society. Close to 10% of the population will suffer from one form of depression or another. The result will trigger a ripple effect through families, businesses and everyday life. The backwash will claim relationships, quality of life, loss of income, and medical hardships. It will even result in the loss of life.

Where it all begins

In order to address depression awareness we first have to address our failure to acknowledge the overall lack of a credible mental healthcare system. As the dominoes fall the U.S. system of healthcare in general is in crisis. The number of medically uninsured Americans mounts daily. The number of underinsured is a mountain built on the bodies of the suffering. Right now the only real action to address the situation is politically motivated posturing which tells us what we already know. It is all talk about noting there is a problem. Virtually no discernible action that has positive ramifications has yet to be taken.

Where does this leave depression awareness?

It leaves it in your hands and mine. I chose to step up by teaching depression awareness in 2006. I then took everything to another level by by creating Rich Naran's Depression Awareness ( in May of 2007.

That is little more than scratching the surface. What is needed is for you to begin your own process of awareness. This starts with your acknowledgment that depression is a growing and viable problem not only in our society but in our families and relationships. Once you develop that understanding you have poured the footing upon which to lay down a foundation.

How deep is the lack of awareness?

You must realize that the lack of depression awareness radiates from our own healthcare system. Sure they will be quick to point out resources. What they won't do is force those who are supposed to assisting the system to do more than the minimum required. Four out of five people diagnosed with a mental healthcare problem will not received a full complete medical diagnostic exam. A complete physical and mental work up should be mandatory. Yet, the patient will receive some sort of prescribed drug to treat the problem. Medical professionals are trained to know that a mental health problem has multiple possibilities of cause. It's pretty scary they do not put that knowledge to use. Still it is a matter of fact procedure that exists in our healthcare system.

Losing the numbers game

As I from the start depression is a spreading illness. Mental heath associations may seem like a convoluted alphabet soup of differing agencies. The truth is from the American Psychological Association on up they all have come to one agreement. The amount of recorded cases of depression is less than half all actual experienced depression cases. Due to a myriad of reasons ranging from lack of adequate insurance coverage to fear of discovery people suffer anonymously. This is only compounded by the fact an aspect of depression is the feeling of isolation. The longer a depression goes unaccounted for the more the quality of life suffers for the victim and those who care for them.

How do you reverse the the trend?

Take it upon yourself to take action at your own personal ground zero. The Internet helps to make it easy. Sites like Families for Depression Awareness ( )(and my own at are readily availible 24/7. By learning the signs of depression you take a step toward prevention.

Basic signs of depression:

  • A change is sleeping patterns

  • Loss of interest in normal activities

  • Lack of concentration

  • Displays of faulty logic

  • A quick or abnormal weight fluctuation

  • Frequent agitation

  • Crying spells

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Expression of helplessness

  • Lingering sadness

  • Changes is sexual activities

  • Mood swings

The truth about depression awareness

Learning about stress, stress management, and stress prevention are keys that you need to know. Again this is only a place to start. Change can only take place if you make it happen. Without developing awareness change will never come about.

What is depression awareness all about?

It is about facing up to the realities of the 21st century. The faster pace, the more demanding life

changes and racing development of technology come with a price. Stress seem to be at an all time high now but it's shadow will all increase as we move forward. Stress and depression are solid partners in the crime of invading your quality of life. Depression awareness is about prevention, detection and holding on to a better way of life.

The healthcare system and depression awareness

Point blank the healthcare system is failing you now and there are no foreseeable changes ahead. Learning depression awareness falls on each individual person. You and I must stop looking for someone else to pick up the ball and run. See the linkbox below and begin to start preparing for the now instead of waiting for the future.

Making Depression Awareness Personal

As I have been promoting depression awareness for a few years now, I always find something that touches me. I recently came across this article here:

Depression Awareness and More A Personal Journey

I highly recommend you read this. I know when you do you will see more clearly the need to introduce the process of Depression Awareness in your life

Rich Naran's Depression Awareness Signs and Symptons Freee Download. Right Click download and Print Out
Rich Naran's Depression Awareness Signs and Symptons Freee Download. Right Click download and Print Out

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