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American Resolve

Updated on March 22, 2014

By: Wayne Brown

The mid-term elections of 2010 have finally come and gone. As predicted a level of change has come with the results of the vote tally. Many pundits had predicted a surge of success by the conservative right and they were not disappointed as voters turned over majority control of the House to the Republicans. At the same, the Democrats managed to hold on to a slight majority position and continue to exercise at least a level of control over the Senate.

So what does it all mean in the end? Is this a mandate for the Republicans on which to act or is there some level of forgiveness shown to the Democrats in not crushing their ranks in the Senate? I think it is neither. There is no real mandate here just as there is no forgiveness for the transgressions of the past two years. Given that conclusion, there is a message sent and hopefully those who truly want to be part of really putting America back on the road will hear it and act on it.

Yes, the American people are concerned with the economy. That statement has been made time and again by everyone including the President. They are concerned about jobs. They are concerned about the future not only for themselves but for their children and their children’s children. While the economics can be held up as the number one issue in this election, I think the true message is associated with something much easier to understand about America and its citizens.

In a nutshell, the message the voting public is sending to Washington is a simple one. America wants to see fiscal responsibility. America is tiring rapidly of dreamers who talk in doublespeak and hold up utopian programs that in all honesty America really cannot afford at this time. America is looking for a common sense approach to healthcare, taxation, jobs, the military, and the national debt. America is ready to see their elected officials get back to the business of running the government of the country instead of exerting all this effort to find new or more wasteful spending programs that simply rob the taxpayers of more and more resources and too often in the name of political correctness and human compassion.

The average American cannot comprehend the enormity of the budget plan of the United States of America. But they can comprehend the concept that, as a country, we are spending far more money that we take in and that we are doing it at record levels at the present. Americans can understand that the formula does not make sense simply by looking at the way they run their own finances in the home. There is not a household in America that ever spent its way out of a debt hole. There is not a household that ever invigorated its consumer confidence by piling up debt. The vast majority of Americans do not see such a method working to either stimulate an economy or to create jobs. Common sense tells them this is true and the outcome has fairly well supported the conclusion after billions of taxpayer dollars have been flittered away in the past two years.

Americans want our nation to be fiscally responsible. Yes, they understand that we will run some level of deficit due to unexpected and unplanned spending associated with natural disasters or the drawn out process of a war on terrorism. They also understand this is not only a necessity but a reality of life and part of the process we go through to maintain our liberty as a nation. On the other hand, Americans tremble in fear when we hear that our national debt is beginning to approach a one to one ratio with our gross domestic product. For all the fancy terms, it comes down to the realization that our debt is about to match the value of our assets. For all our past debts, America suddenly stands at the brink of financial ruin yet our elected officials continue to come up with ways to spend more and more taxpayer money and ignore the growing debt burden.

The message is clear. Get to work on the spending. Get control of it and put a plan in place to keep it in reasonable check in the future. Get government out of the way and let small business heal the American economy in the way that only it can. The healing power of small business is unmatched in our society if government will only offer a reasonably stable environment. Re-examine your thinking on healthcare, on Cap & Trade, and Immigration Reform. Get control of our southern border and shut down the illegal activities taking place there. Get your act together. We don’t need more social programs, we need security, we need spending reductions, and we need to get in touch with the reality of every day America.

When the first Europeans came to America, they did not come here because there was easy wealth, the promise of an easy life or a guaranteed security. They came here to get the government and the church out of their daily life and out of the decision-making process for their families. They came here for religious freedom, for personal freedom; for the opportunity to start anew and do the best they could for themselves. They came without security; without a net, and without any guarantees. All they asked was that they be given a chance and they would take care of the rest. They would provide for their own welfare, their own security, and their own family. And if any among them stumbled and fell along the way, they also came with a willingness to bend down and help them up so they too could move forward. They did not need the government to do that for them then and we, as a public, do not require it today. It’s Un-American!

Americans has grown tired of political correctness getting in the way of what needs to be done. They are tired of proving over and over and over again that we are one of the most humane and compassionate people on the face of this earth. They are tired of greedy politicians using those characteristics against them to buy voting blocks, to dilute our culture with illegal immigrants who care little for the value of citizenship but lust after the milk and honey of this great land. Americans are tired of it. The message is there. Get government out of the lives of Americans, stop trying reform us in the shape of the rest of the world, and focus on a reasonable level of fiscal responsibility in the daily operation of America. Get the message, Washington! God Bless America!

© Copyright WBrown2010. All Rights Reserved.


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