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The Apolitical Inactivist

Updated on October 14, 2011

The Kennedy's arrive in Dallas

November 22, 1963 The day the universe changed.
November 22, 1963 The day the universe changed.

The more things change......

Since the murder of President John F. Kennedy, have you been frustrated that things just don't seem to change much? It doesn't seem to matter whether the Republicans or Democrats have control of congress or the White House or both. There perpetually seems to be a "conflict" or a "skirmish" or an outright WAR going on somewhere in which we have to become involved. But don't worry, we have the "military industrial complex" standing ready to supply us with the weapons our sons need to kill the enemy. Like Country Joe said, "Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box." The rich get richer. The poor get poorer and the middle class gets squeezed even more. Look at how many people work for the government now. Look at how many people get some form of government assistance either in the form of medicaid, medicare, unemployment benefits and many other forms. These are all good, but what's going to happen when the "Baby Boomer" generation is fully ensconced with their social security benefits. Will they have any? Has our congress become a separate elite "ruling class"? They exempt themselves from some of the things they force on us. The list could go on and on.

Buy it now!

Biting political satire. How much of it is true?

My awakening began shortly after college. My first employer was an enthusiastic supporter of several groups that billed themselves as "educational" organizations. They were devout conspiracy theorists. My father had been a Mason and I thought it was a good thing that so many presidents had been, too. What a surprise to learn of all the many conspiracies out there! One of these groups advocated the same action that "Deep Throat" told Woodward and Bernstein, "Follow the money." It was also during my tenure at this company that Taylor Caldwell had her book,Captains and Kings published. It echoed the theme that the "controllers" were the international bankers that influenced many organizations (clubs and secret societies) who could suddenly turn on the man they made and have him assassinated. JFK Jr.'s magazine, George ran more than one article revealing that the ultra rich and powerful have their enemies assassinated. Some even suggest that JFK Jr. was a victim as well. I was in the sixth grade in Louisiana (home of Jim Garrison) when President Kennedy died. I grew up in a community of hunters and was familiar with firearms and was shocked when I heard the claims that Oswald had acted alone. How could anyone fire a bolt action rife that quickly and accurately? Even for an eleven year old the magic bullet theory was impossible to swallow. I began to doubt Walter Conkrite. After the sixites, by 1972, my mind was a fertile field for serious conspiracy theories to germinate. Throughout the rest of the seventies and the next two decades my frustration grew with the observation of the lack of real change in the way our country was going regardless of which party was in power.

For me there is no news -- only history.

Flash forward to 1997 and Dr. Andew Weil's book, 8 Weeks to Optimum Health. Several of his suggestions made sense to me and I tried them. One of them, I really liked! A one week news fast sounded too difficult but I tried it anyway. This was at a time in my life when I was reading three newspapers a day and had the television set on CNN most of the day. It was amazing! I didn't care what Bill and Hiliary were doing anymore by this point anyway. It was such a refreshing change -- no news! I'm still enjoying the benefits today by continuing my news fast. So much of the news is politics. Not having a constant influx of news and politics made it so much easier to go about the business of living my own life. In 2000 my life changed again -- separation. A divorce ensued in 2001 and in June I married a woman who taught me the importance of living my life without being concerned about what anyone else would think. Without the news and the politics it brought, combined with this new life philosophy, I was liberated!
The same old theories abound and are now like choruses sung by new choirs. Was Bullworth correct with his claims that 5% of the population control 95% of the money? He must have been correct. I haven't seen any real change, regardless of which party is in power. Don't the big money companies divide their funds on both sides of the aisle in congress? Can you imagine General Electric, Bank of America, Kraft, Alcoa, or Pfizer putting all their eggs in one basket? Was Viet Nam fought to satisfy the desires of the military-industrial complex? Is it true that the first casualty of any war is the truth?

Vintage voting booth.

Growing up with these things, I'd never heard of paper ballots.
Growing up with these things, I'd never heard of paper ballots.

..and to the republic......

So why should I vote? Does one person really make a difference? Joanne Herring did. She was the driving influence behind Charlie Wilson. Julia Roberts played her in the movie Charlie Wilson's War and she really did make a difference. She did a lot more than vote though. She was at the time, according to Charlie Wilson, "the sixth most wealthiest person in Houston". Do we really want one person to be able to make that much difference? Is my vote being diluted by hundreds more who are voting because of "drive-through voter registration"? When I took a course in civics in high school, we were taught that our government is different because we are not governed by the masses but by informed voters who had earned the right to vote. Our voters were people who knew how our government worked and that by avoiding a simple "majority rules" system, America was different -- and better.


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