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Eating Their Young

Updated on April 4, 2014

Now I realize that former Senator Bob Kerry, D-Nebraska, doesn't have a degree in nuclear science but he has suddenly become Captain Obvious in the ranks of Democratic leaders. it happened during an interview with Britain's Daily Mail and the subject of the interview was one Barack Hussein Obama.

What he pointed out many people knew previously, or are becoming more aware of, as Obama's poll numbers plummet. I've been saying the same thing since he arrived on the scene and it not only applies to Obamacare but everything Obama touches. Usually it becomes mush once that the seasoning hits the roast.

We all remember when when Representative Joe Wilson called him out on being a liar about Obamacare and other matters in Obama's State of the Union address back when he first started in lying about his signature piece of legislation. Seems some people thought Representative Wilson was out of line by calling a spade a spade. Obama lied back then and has continued his string of lies ad naseum since that time.

It is true Obama on both counts

Senator Kerry's summation of his interview fit well in a simple sentence. He stated, “Mr. President… you won this election because you sucked less than Romney.” The Romney campaign was much too nice to Barack Obama and it should have been a time to take off the gloves and come out swinging. That was Romney's mistake because he is a decent person unlike Barack Hussein Obama.

Bob Kerry was much less generous than Mitt Romney. He called him what he is - a liar. In a follow up in his Manhattan office Kerry was very blunt about what even Stevie Wonder can now see. Again Captain Obvious appeared when he stated:

"Obama knew full well he was lying when he promised that the Affordable Care Act would allow Americans to keep insurance plans they liked."

It got even more interesting when this Democratic leader called Obama out for being a delusional liar who knew all along that he was deceiving the American public in an attempt to get his way. I disagree with delusional because Barack Hussein Obama knew exactly what he was doing and why he was doing it. Just like he did the other day in the Rose Garden on April Fool's Day when he touted his fictitious 7.1 million figure.

I think Bob Kerry is confusing "delusional" with "pathological." Obama appears to be a pathological liar who actually believes himself. The explanation seems so simple that it probably plain escapes the typical liberal who is hypnotized only by Obama's rhetoric. Obama made so many 4 Pinocchio pledges along the way to ramming this thing down our throats that the pledges never stood a chance.

Again the obvious should have been obvious. Kerry pegged it like this, "Obama's infamous four-Pinocchio pledges never stood a chance of being fulfilled because there were 'a million people out there with policies that, for one reason or another, run short of the minimum standard. I mean, they bought something cheaper!" He was a little short because at last count about 6 million folks lost their policies that they happened to like.

Talk about some stinking thinking huh Bob? Here's a juicy one from the interview for you:

"The Democrat Party must believe the American people are complete idiots for trying to sell them on Obamacare being cheaper and everyone deserving the same care. There is just no way everyone can get the same care, because all doctors are different!"

As people are now realizing the care isn't necessarily cheaper and your doctor might want no part of the farce that has been perpetrated on the American people. Just the rise in deductibles are choking people who previously were happy with their policies and their doctor.

Faster Than The Speed Of Stupid

I liked it when Senator Kerry got snarky about that line of stupidity. He said the worst lie was that all Americans deserve high-quality affordable health care was LalaLand lying and far worse than you can keep your policy if you like your policy. Something about the bell curve must have missed this administration in Kerry's opinion. He illustrated that falsehood well:

'If I've got 1,000 doctors, 100 are great, and 100 are not so good.'

Obama should be able to relate to that because there are good Presidents and miserable excuses for one and he falls in the latter category. Everyone isn't created equal which seems to escape the typical liberal I talk to.

Kerry went on to scorch Obama's shorts on many issues during that interview. His waging class warfare he finds inexcusable. He warned his fellow Democrats not to line up behind Obama with the income inequality nonsense. The way he put it is the way most Americans put it and the way it appears in poll after poll. Americans don't care about Obama's unicorn called income inequality. We aren't all created equally in the area of being producers versus moochers. Raising taxes to pay Peter by robbing Paul isn't the answer and defies all logic. What you create is a socialist nation of moochers who think they are owed something by others.

That last part weren't Kerry's exact words but the jest of his remarks.

For Those Not Familiar With Senator Kerry

I don't agree with the Senator's politics but one thing he is spot on about. The choices this last Presidential election were terrible.

Kerry's 20/20 and advice to Obama is, "After the 2012 election, what the president needed was somebody to say, "Mr. President, I'm thrilled you won. You stand for all the things I support. But honestly, you won this election because you sucked less than Romney."

If the Republicans want to win they need to present real leaders and not the watered down versions we have been experiencing as of late. The John McCains, Mitt Romney's and Bob Dole's of the establishment aren't going to cut it any more. Again Captain Obvious appears on the scene. Barack Hussein Obama isn't delusional Bob. He is pathological and therein lies a real danger.

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As Always,

The Frog Prince


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