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Facts? Liberals Don't Need Them!

Updated on November 3, 2013

It's amazing how allergic to facts liberals can be. They come on your comment section, probably never even having read a word you wrote other than the headline, and off they go without offering a shred of evidence other than "they said it."

Then mysteriously they scurry away after being told to maybe post a link or two. Recently one actually came back later and posted one from Vanity Fair. Now if that isn't an authoritative source I don't know what one would be. Why not just post a link to MSNBC so we can watch comedy? When that didn't word he scurried back with another just as absurd. Next up was probably going to be Wikipedia.

Lets watch an enjoyable video before moving on.

Lets look at some facts again why the use of facts mean nothing to a liberal. There motto is to do anything within their means in an attempt to justify the end result they want. Lately it has centered around Obamacare. Let me suggest to a liberal to turn off MSNBC, or for that matter any of the major Lame Stream Media news stations, to get their news straight up. I suspect that the hospital emergency rooms would be packed with liberal heart attack victims if they had to swallow the truth.

Back to Obamacare and Obama's "little white lie" about people being able to keep there doctor and existing insurance policies if they liked their coverage. The lie was told to ease the passage of Obamacare. If he told it any other way it wasn't going to happen. Now even a liberal should understand that fact.

Well now, the liberal media soon enough found out that actually reporting the facts is hazardous to their careers. This is Chicago type politics in action and anything goes to get to the goal, even moving the goal posts. there was a very subtle shift in the language they started using. He "over sold" the program. He didn't lie at all. They totally went back to ignoring the facts. President Obama has never lied to the American people before. Right? He wouldn't do that. right?

Lets watch another video.

How Can Anyone Now Believe This Man?

I know. He just said those things to get elected the first time. That's how old those lies are. More subtleties from the left. Losing the insurance policy you like at the price you prefer is good for you. Nanny state knows best is so unrefreshing at this point. Lets ignore the fact that the federal government is mandating to insurance companies what has to be covered whether you like it or not. Little things like maternity care for people who don't need ti. One size fits all in Liberalville. So suck it up because it's a better insurance policy and costs more whether you want it or not.

They moved through two distance shifts trying to sell the first two lies. Interesting how things shape shift in Liberalville. Ben mentions Al Gore in the first video. We were discussing "global warming" at one point during dinner last night. Global warming was book cooking at its best and al got rich on his hysteria. When there was no evidence that it exists the language changed. That's the liberal way you see. It is now called "Climate Change."

Somehow in Liberalville they don't realize that climates have been changing since the beginning of creation. It's Mother Natures way of taking care of the planet. Using that disproved theory further means that any changes in climate are attributed to human beings. Liberals pass that off as fact.

Being a conservative myself of long standing it took me a while to understand that I can't just objective truth. Liberals deny its existence. Here I was being foolish thinking that if the actual facts are laid out logic would kick in and the truth would be accepted as the truth. That isn't how things work in Liberalville I assure you. To them they hang onto their falsehoods for dear life even while being slapped around by facts.

Another thing that concerns me is that even when confronted with the facts you probably aren't going to get it through as liberal's thick head that they are wrong. You see, liberals never admit they are out there in left field. I could mention a few names here on Hub pages that definitely applies to but they might show up and deny that too. In Liberalville their whole political existence is in jeopardy if they are wrong which is normally the case.

Obama is another example of pushing forward known failed policies that don't fit capitalism. Now I realize that word is a skin crawler to a liberal but this nation works that way. Obama has surrounded himself with Keynesian economists and it doesn't work. it works fine until you run out of others people's money. But other people's money is no object to a liberal. Spend like a drunken sailor and hope something sticks.

This article is a companion piece to my The Stupid People Theory and the link can be found below if you missed it. The bottom line that liberals don't want to be confused by facts and they get testy when you try it. To those residing in Liberalville facts just confound their belief that you don[t need such things to progress with any of their sacred cow policies and procedures that they want the rest of us to live by.

If you really want to confuse a liberal then just use facts and logic. I do it all the time and watch them as their panties get in a twist.

Vote It," "Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Crap Talking Is Just What It Is!


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