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How Can One Be A Christian And A Democrat At The Same Time...?

Updated on November 23, 2016

tHow Can One Be A Christian And A Democrat At The Same Time?

When I first decided to write in this forum… mostly about my Christian Faith and through that loving prism, I hesitated by saying to the Holy Spirit that I could not do so, notwithstanding my being a Christian; in essence, how could one be so flawed, yet write on the moral issues of the day. The Holy Spirit responded by telling me that when I write or speak on moral issues, instead of saying or writing, ‘They,’ say or write, ‘We.’ To that end, I have pondered this question rhetorically for quite some time now… asking that how could one be a Christian and at the same time support the Democratic Party and many aspects of its current platform. This issue came to the fore for me during the last Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Secretary of State Christian when one of the questions asked by the moderator was about Abortion, where Secretary of State Clinton passionately responded with her ardent support for the murder of babies, even if said babies were in their ninth month - I want you to pause and objectively look at that mental picture!

I will never understand how President Obama or Secretary of State Clinton, or First Lady, Michele Obama, or anyone who supports Abortion can weep and protest when there are school shootings or when terrorists memorialize their Pedophilia by marrying underage girls (remember the terrorist group, Boko Horam who operates out of Nigeria, Africa)… given their rabid support for Abortion and once again Abortions in their ninth month. It is even more morally sickening when such wanton, vile, wickedness is supported by those of us who profess to be Christians… and who support these Democratic politicians by giving them our votes to maintain the status quo of murdering babies.

If Abortions were so acceptable, how come we do not show this wicked procedure on the Tele like how we would show the manifestations of Racism, Police brutality, or the treatment that breaches the United Nations’ conventions on how to treat enemy combatants… for example, the images of terrorists that were housed at Abu Ghraib? Do we not murder our brothers or sisters because it is inherently wrong or would we engage in murder if we were able to do so in secret and can get away with said murders - this is the situation for President Obama, his wife, Secretary of State Clinton, or Democrats in general for their support for the murders of babies through Abortion. Most Abortions are done in secret and the innocent blood-letting of these unborn babies - and in the case of President Obama, First Lady, Michele Obama, or Secretary of State Clinton who believes in partial birth Abortion - are not seen… because if it were, most of us who have souls would be turned off from such baby-murders, and I dare say that one does not have to be a Christian to share such humane sentiments.

What Does Christ Jesus Has To Say About Abortions

It is true that the Lord Jesus did not directly speak on Abortion, per se - but He conveyed the danger of hurting children. In Matthew 18:6-10, Christ Jesus admonished us not to harm children, with the Lord underscoring the seriousness of harming children by telling us that doing so was even worse than engaging in homosexuality, which latter behavior then was the barometer of the worse of immoral behavior. For those of you who are Christians, imagine that you were back in the Bible days when King Herod gave his murderous edict to murder all the babies two years and under... so as to prevent the young Christ from threatening his kingdom. Further imagine that King Herod would provide then all the perks that the modern day Democratic Party provides to those Christians now who vote Democrat - only that King Herod needed said Christian votes for enacting the rest of his edicts, including the one to murder all the two-year olds and under. This is what we who are Christians do when we vote for Democrats… knowing their support for murdering babies through Abortions.

To reiterate, I cannot take seriously any Democrat who supports Abortion and then speak to me on any other moral issue because there is nothing we do in this life that is as vile and wicked as Abortion - if you think that I am lying, simply input the word, Abortion into the Google Image portal. Now, when you see us as a society engaging in other forms of evil, it should not be a surprise because we crossed that threshold way back in 1973 of inhumane behavior by engaging in the ultimate form of evil that is Abortion. We do not even blush on murdering babies because we have codified these murders in our laws (Roe v. Wade).

We should not hold our heads up high thinking that we are morally superior to the mass murderers recorded in our History: Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Mussolini, Bin Laden, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, or ISIS - this is even more so for those who say that we are Christians, yet will cast our votes for Secretary of State Clinton on November 8th. Incidentally, I have used the song, Majesty, (see hyperlink above) in the utmost of reverence for the Lord Jesus who saw fit to make all the wondrous babies, including my wife and I own daughter that is due on December 12th.


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