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Mans Need For Aphrodisiacs - Where Have All The Rhinos Gone?

Updated on February 15, 2013
A special "playtime" for Aphrodite, and Venus
A special "playtime" for Aphrodite, and Venus | Source

What is an Aphrodisiac

In the The Concise Oxford Dictionary of 1964I had chosen this version for the meaning of the word Aphrodisiac, as it is so very British and very discriptive.Venerial (drug) producing venerial desire.

For those of you that do not know what venereal is I suggest you look it up your, or use a bit of imagination. Which is one of the the strongist Aphrodisiacs.

So this is what the goddess Aphrodite (Greek) and Venus (Roman) which where one and the same, came down to earth for was to play and frolic with us mere mortals, inflaming both men and women with mutual desires of the flesh.

Having achieved this they returned to from whence they came until the next full moon.

In the right lighting and bit of imagination. So that Hub Pages do not Censor this hub.
In the right lighting and bit of imagination. So that Hub Pages do not Censor this hub. | Source
Them lovel ripe miniolas
Them lovel ripe miniolas | Source
A nice finger food, Straberries wth dark chilli chocolate poure over it. Feed and be fed. A nice nibble.
A nice finger food, Straberries wth dark chilli chocolate poure over it. Feed and be fed. A nice nibble. | Source

What Are Aphrodiacs

Well, there a long list of them, and as by the definition that is also a should read vitamins and essential minerals.

First:-Our daily Diet eating correctly - taking in plenty of Sea foods, All shellfish, such as oysters, mussels, as they are rich in zinc, selenium B12 and foliate, they also have a Amino acids that produces increases Testerone, which releases endorphins that have a stimulating effect on both sexes.

Besides which they bare a strong similarity to the object of a males desire - oce again your mind is stimulated by what your eye sees.

Chocolate supplies an increase in energy levels.

Chilli, supplies an increase in body heat and certain heightening in sensations, especially mixed wih the chocolate. It is more decadedanent and sensual rather than an actual aphrodisiac.

Strawberries. a visual stimilation, rather than chemical one.

Asparagus, A possible visual stimilation, although a very healthy vegetable to eat. Again a phallic symmbo; this for the ladies, there are others, but that I am not getting into now.

But what I am poimyting out here is that an APHRODISIAC is a sense or sensation stimulated by sight, imagination, taste touch.

Forget Viagra which stimulate a nerve centre in the brian and is a chemical, which can have quite a few nasty side effects.

Having worked in an Adult Shop for a period of time, there are pep pills available that help with adding a bit more energy, these are all herbs (food suppliments) that should be taken everyday in qany case.However like any PLACEBO you will have people blindly believing it works.


Soft music, semi darkness lots fo shadows, plenty of candle light, The room at the correct temperature, lots nibbles nothing heavy light finger foods.

That is the true aphrodisiac, being loved and in love and loving in return.

The intake of all those other vitimins, such as Yojimbi, ginseng Gata Kula and all of those are for health and general well being, they are for sustained use.

There future is in our hands
There future is in our hands | Source


What is this wonder Aphrodisiac, which costs as much gram for gram as cocaine?

That public officials, sorn to protect and preserve wild lifw have turnned a blind eye to the operations, and have even assisted the poachers in moving the Rhinos into prepared killing zones.

They say a picture paints a thousand words.
They say a picture paints a thousand words. | Source
As the Year have gone by
As the Year have gone by | Source
More and more
More and more | Source
Rhinos are killed
Rhinos are killed | Source
Not for food
Not for food | Source
For a So Called Aphrodisiac
For a So Called Aphrodisiac | Source
The cost of which is the the extinction of a species over time.
The cost of which is the the extinction of a species over time. | Source
This is what Man will do for carnal pleasures.
This is what Man will do for carnal pleasures. | Source
Wht magical chemical is it that Rhino horn has? The same waste products that your finger nails and toenails produce, Keatin and Teragon Makes you want to give up in dusgust. In Africa 200 up to June 2011.
Wht magical chemical is it that Rhino horn has? The same waste products that your finger nails and toenails produce, Keatin and Teragon Makes you want to give up in dusgust. In Africa 200 up to June 2011. | Source

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