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Post-Natal Abortions - Information That May Shock You.

Updated on December 29, 2015

The Abortion Debate Continues.

Over 55 million babies in the United States and over 7 million babies in Great Britain (England-Scotland-Wales) have been aborted. How many more in other countries have been aborted?

Today, children are legally killed without hesitation, and it’s increasing day by day. Ten years ago Switzerland voted to permit legal abortion. Hence, it is now officially permitted, either within the first twelve weeks after conception, or if it appears medically appropriate, even until birth. Thus, in the past years in Switzerland alone, over 100,000 children’s lives in the mother’s womb have been taken. In other countries, the number should be similarly high according to the population size. Besides, authorities claim that the total number is far higher; about 40 percent of abortions were not included. Meanwhile, we have become so accustomed to the practice of abortion that this no longer touches us.

Now, a new concept has emerged, “post-natal abortion.” The medical ethicist Alberto Giubilini and the philosopher Francesca Minerva demand the right of the parents for killing a child after birth in any case. This, because newborns are to be considered equal with fetuses and therefore have no moral claim to life. Already in 1985 two Australians, philosopher Helga Kuhse and bioethicist Peter Singer, demanded that parents should have the right to have their children with disabilities killed after birth. But now, Giubilini and Minerva advance this one more step, demanding the right of the parents to child killing after birth, in any case in which society also tolerates abortions. This also with perfectly healthy children! Both propose not to use “incriminating concepts,” definitions like “child killing” or “early euthanasia,” but to speak of “post-natal abortions.” Just like a fetus, a baby has not yet, so argue the two scientists, “a moral status as a person”; hence, the baby lacks the ability “to justify a moral right to life.”

To propagate such theses is nothing other than a call to murder defenseless children! If this new step-legally allowing killing after birth-is also taken, the next one is already apparent; parents who do not accept the gender of the newborn child may kill it. The following example shows that this is already being done: A woman in Sweden wanted to have a third child aborted merely because it was a girl. Physicians who were not insured, appealed to the court. The judgment: a gender-elective abortion is legal according to Swedish law.

Woe to us if such a decision is possible in a totalitarian state! What a scenario of horror! Moreover, when one may kill after birth, why not if the child, for example is “handicapped” by illness occurring later, or by accident?

The possibility of “post-natal abortion” is frightening. The initiators of such ideas argue that a newborn baby is the same as a fetus aged only a few weeks. They completely deny that the baby is a human being, a wonderful creation of God, whose heartbeat can be distinctly heard as early as in the sixth week of pregnancy.

At the time of the first coming of Jesus, Herod killed the children to prevent the King of the Jews. He wanted to be the sole ruler. Today, before the Second Coming of Jesus, it is the same. Man wants to be autonomous, his own lord and master, and enjoy his own life. Subsequently, the earthly existence of a living soul is ended without any scruples. In eternity, it will be exposed what pain, suffering, and weeping abortion has caused, and what a blessing that was lost. In view of those killed children, only one comfort remains, which Jesus Himself declares in Mark 10: 14, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for of such is the kingdom of God!” Allthough it is nowhere explicitly written in the Bible, we may very well believe, based on the love of Jesus for the children, that the souls of these killed children are with Jesus. But the charge remains; “Mom, why didn’t you want me?--Dad, why didn’t you defend me?”

We live in a society which has turned away from God, just as the Bible predicts for the end time. Therefore, we need to be awake and pray even more, for the Lord is coming soon!

The above is an article written by Peter Malgo of Midnight Call Ministries of West Columbia, South Carolina. It is offered for your review because of the importance of the subject material. This article is credited to Peter Malgo and Midnight Call Ministries. February 2013. All rights are reserved to them. Please contact the hub publisher if there are any errors or if this article is copyright protected. The views of the author and Midnight Call Ministries are not necessarily the view of the hub author.

Note: The paper first justifying after birth abortions appeared in the Journal of Medical Ethics. It has since been removed. It was most likely removed due to the outpouring of criticism. You may type in the names of Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva in to your search engine browser to learn more.

Hub Author Comments: The publisher has published another article on abortion written in 1992. The article is entitled “Abortion – What’s the Deal.” Further, the Hub author does not agree with the statement that the souls of those killed by abortion are with Jesus in the sense that these souls are in heaven. This includes the implication that the term “souls” implies that a part of the aborted children are now with God. The author, Peter Malgo acknowledges that the Bible does not support this belief. The Bible teaches that the dead are in their graves and will be resurrected upon the return of Jesus Christ to this earth and when Jesus Christ sets up his kingdom. The bible further does not teach the immortality of the soul (individual). This is a false doctrine.

This information is provided as the respect for human life is declining in this world since legalized abortions in this county and in other parts of the world. We as Christians must pray that God returns society to protecting the lives of all children from conception onward. In addition, we must all do our part as we as a society have a responsibility to protect life. All humans are created in the image of God (Genesis 1: 26-27).


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