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President "Glitch" Fumbles Is At It Again

Updated on November 20, 2013

So Lets Just Play "Pretend" Instead

Dateline November 18th of 2013

Before "Glitch " could even recover the fumble he made with the last round of lies he's off and running again. Organizing For America (OFA) hosted a conference call attended by his progressive admirers. Many of whom are probably really ACORN operatives. Now one must understand that some of his sheeple have overdosed on koolaid and will believe anything this pathological liar has to say to them. Such might be the case here.

I'm not sure who has the greater lack of math skills here. Is it Obama or Glitch or Nancy Pelosi?

How Many? Really?

Now I know that O-Man thinks he is Superman but this is ridiculous, This nation has a population of roughly 314 million and he claims his disaster of a health care effort website has enrolled and signed up more than 100 million for health insurance under Obamacare. Now if you believe that have I got a few choice deals for you.

Now I know there are the brain dead among us who never get past Dancing With The Stars or American Idol but this borders on bubble boy talk. So here we sit with his signature piece of legislation sandwiched into a useless website that has cost us n exorbitant amount of money and it the butt of late night comedy jokes and Obama comes up with this newest lie. Great sheeple food but not at all believable.

Supposedly there were 200,000 people he fed this gaffe too on Monday evening. Listening to him on that video I totally didn't "get" his math. But then again I never have because he is using the newest of the new math which escapes me. It's called "politician math" so ignore it. This latest "whatever you care to call it" is as rich as him saying how much he has cut taxes while at the same time the federal government collected a record in taxes this past fiscal year. Do that math while you're calculating.

You would think that after a while Obama would know when to close his mouth tightly and keep it that way. Well isn't it also special that that conference was accompanied by a fund raising pitch. What office is Obama running for now? Maybe at this point he should try leading the nation? Oh I plum forgot. He knows nothing about that skill.

Now another question arises. Obama didn't even pause when he told that lie or bat an eyelash. There was no correction or anything bordering on another fumble. It's like he still had the ball within his grasp! There is now a serious problem with Obama's credibility. He never had much with me in the first place but more and more people are waking up. That's what happens when it's their pocket book Obama is putting his paw into.

There were even "glitches" in his OFA offering which is hysterical. President Fumbles needs to stir clear of the technological age. His little conference was also plagued by computer "glitches" as the site is. folks got the old "connection" failed memo.

Here's anther interesting thing of note that he said. It is similar to the pot calling the kettle black.

"I just wanted to take a few minutes to speak to everybody because you guys are the ones who are in the trenches, day-in, day-out" as he complained of misinformation, Then he went to, "But 'problems' with the website ... have created and fed a lot of this misinformation."

Actually President Fumbles the website was the tip of the iceberg as we've moved deeper into actual implementation. Some how I remember wide spread statements rolling off his lips about, "You can keep your doctor, PERIOD. If you like your insurance you can keep it. PERIOD." So lets talk about misinformation while we're having these little progressive telephone conferences with glitches in them too.

Then the icing on the cake came from Jon Carson who is the progressive organizations executive director. I'm speaking of OFA and its partnering with progressive organizations' to persuade more Americans to enroll in the Obamacare exchanges. On his short list were the Center for American Progress, Planned Parenthood ,the Service Employees International Union and Enroll America. I smell ACORNS in that mix again.

Well at least now we know who NOT to do any business with. Sometimes when snow balls start rolling down the mountain avalanches reign supreme.

How Many? In How Long?

Well at least now we know who NOT to do any business with. Sometimes when snow balls start rolling down the mountain avalanches reign supreme. No doubt Obama is completely frustrated but he did bring this upon himself.

Vote It," "Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Misinformation Huh? Really Now...


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