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Putting Christ Back In The Schools!?

Updated on March 22, 2011

I’ll join you with this endeavor,

If you will put Him in your heart.

If you would not vote for Satan,

That would be a start.

But every election,

That comes around,

You never look up,

But always down.

Put Christ back in our schools?

We should start at the top.

But if you intend to vote for Satan again,

I beg with you to stop.

Please don’t look to Harvard,

Or any of the folks from Yale.

For whenever you choose a lawyer,

You’re just choosing, again, to fail.

A child is an innocent life.

They don’t know wrong from right.

But the further they look toward the top,

The more they see “Christian Lite”.

They see people swearing on Bibles,

To never tell a lie.

And they start seeing your pyramid scheme,

That reaches to the sky.

America is a corporation,

It’s ruled the land, seas, and skies.

But mostly what these businessmen do,

Is out-source and down-size.

Kids can see from their desk,

Or sitting in a chair.

Businessmen just pave sidewalks,

That don’t lead anywhere.

Put “your” Christ, back in school?

I don’t think so, just right now.

I’m not sure if its Christ you want,

Or this business sacred cow.

But you keep voting for lawyers,

And they keep bleeding us dry.

They can’t run a court-room,

But you keep lifting them high.

Elect another lying louse,

Another drunken souse.

Put them in Congress,

And on to the White House.

Put Jesus back in school?

Are you quite delirious?

If you’ll quit voting for Satan,

I’ll take you a lot more serious.

~Micky Dee~

I would love to put Christ in the schools.

I would love to put only "MY" Christ in schools.

I have no idea what "Christ" "many of you" are following.

Frankly - I think Christianity has been compromised.

Yes. Like our food, water, and air, yes, compromised.

I would put "MY" Gandhi in school over "your" "Christ".

I would put "MY" Dalai Lama in school over "your" Christ.

I have no idea what you're up to.

You're voting for lawyers who will not run a courtroom, to run the country, for businessmen.

The lawyers and businessmen will fleece you and kill your children.

They have made the "Land of the Free" the "LAND of the MOST IMPRISONED".

""They" fleece and over-charge the world. "They" steal resources that God gave us all. They spend billions to brainwash Americans and the world, when "they" can.

But many of you Christians vote for "them" in blocks and blocs.

Of course there are paid "infiltrators" into Christianity, Islam, Catholicism, you name it. There are so many ways that Satan or "they" keep the peace seekers and truth seekers apart.

"They", the money, Satan will take the Christians' money and spend billions convincing Christians that they don't love and serve God, if they don't support wars promoted by lawyers and businessmen. That's nutshelling.

War is business.

Business is war.

Hostile take-overs are common place.

Because there is no Golden Rule in Business.

America will not put Christ in business.

America will not put Christ in Congress.

America will not put Christ in the White House.

Why should America put Christ in the school house only to kill and enslave our children when they graduate from school?

Parents teach their children how to potty and valuable lessons, morals, values. A school should teach the same in general ways. Moral fiber should be respected. Good character should be promoted. Honesty should be coveted.

Morality should be taught over patriotism.

The morality that is shown at the top of America is certainly "mixed" to absolutely disgusting.

Our children attend school for a dozen years. The child should be groomed to be a great citizen and contributor to our society.

Our "leaders" will not give these kids respectful livelihoods other than soldiering?

They all cannot go to college.

So it's okay to kill some of the kids off?

Three or four years in a war will not teach you survival skills in a business like America.

All the love that is poured into a young man is ripped out with another war. Another "police action".

Perhaps the next war will be against Americans by the rich.

Oops! I forgot about the endless war that is always featuring the bullies against the weak. There is the EVER-present war against Americans by the rich. The GOP leads the way here. Of course there are oodles of republicans in democratic clothing.

I cannot trust you folks, who should be "fellow Christians".

What kind of cult is this that will love a son, as you will claim, and allow these profiteers to send them to war under the guise of patriotism?

And some of you will say about the Arabs, "They don't appreciate life over there like we do."

Let's not confuse fascism with patriotism.

Our allegiance should be to God, or for atheists, higher ideals, humanity over all, the Golden Rule.

It is this Satan that is using us and our resources against us to enslave us!

Stop voting to enslave us.

Art Pope
Art Pope

News makes an error:

RALEIGH -- ### CORRECTION: The News & Observer incorrectly reported Wednesday that the family foundation of businessman Art Pope has provided more than $17 million to finance a network of conservative think tanks through the years, according to the Institute for Southern Studies. That figure only applies to the John Locke Foundation.

The Pope family foundation has spent more than $28.7 million on the think tanks, according to the institute.

Conservative and "American for Prosperity"!
Conservative and "American for Prosperity"!

Although not well known, Art Pope is one of the most influential benefactors of conservative causes and Republican politics in North Carolina -- and increasingly, the country.

For Heagarty, former director of the N.C. Center for Voter Education who was appointed to fill a vacancy in the legislature a year ago, Pope's actions raise questions about undue influence. "It's one person attempting to buy an election," Heagarty said.

"If he had chosen to give to the candidate of his choice, he would have been capped at $4,000," said Heagarty, citing the legal limit for an individual to give to candidate. "It allows him to be as negative and nasty as he wants to be without reflecting back on my opponent."

The mailings into Heagarty's district from Real Jobs NC and Civitas Action Inc. cost $70,979, according to state and federal filings made this week. Meanwhile, Americans for Prosperity reported spending $14,114 for his opponent, Republican Tom Murry.

Heagarty said the mailings were filled with falsehoods. One, for example, had him voting for a $1 billion tax increase, when he had not yet been appointed at the time of the vote.

Money Shaping Politics

When I look up Pope and his "organizations, I find:

Funding to the John Locke Foundation. They'd like to do away with environmental issues and especially global warming with the group' s 2010 climate agenda which is:

1. Abandon all state attempts to fight global warming

2. Repeal already adopted legislation such as SB3, which is raising energy costs and reducing employment opportunities in the state, which is already suffering from one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation.

And on it goes. I'm not here to debate global warming. If you think car emissions, factory emissions, etc. are good for us, it's simple to conduct your own test. I often ask neo-conservatives to participate: In a closed garage, perhaps at home, leave your car running and just wait.

It's easy to see Pope, John Locke Foundation, etc. as opponents of environmental issues. They hate the global warming message and any environment message.

Hood Richardson, a retired minerals geologist and commissioner for Beaufort County, N.C. Unlike Wright, Richardson is not at all shy about telling voters what he thinks about global warming: He calls it a "problem that has since been debunked as based on faulty science."

Who does Richardson cite as the source for his claims?

The John Locke Foundation.

Beginning in October 2010, Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies launched an investigative series looking at the scope and nature of Pope's political empire. Among the findings of our investigation:

* Art Pope exerts an unusual level of influence over North Carolina's conservative establishment. According to Facing South's analysis, about 90 percent of the funding of the state's leading conservative think tanks and advocacy groups comes from Pope's family foundation, which he runs. Pope is also installed on the board of directors of most of these groups.

* Pope was key to fueling the Republican Party's historic takeover of the North Carolina legislature in 2010. Facing South showed how three groups backed by Pope -- Americans for Prosperity, Civitas Action and Real Jobs NC -- joined with Pope family members to spend over $2.2 million targeting 22 key state races last November. Republicans won 18 of the contests.

* While staying out of the spotlight, Pope backs some of the right wing's most controversial causes. Pope's groups have worked closely with the Tea Party Express, whose leaders have been widely condemned for making racially-charged statements, and Pope's foundation has funded many groups that deny the scientific consensus about global climate change.

Pieces of our investigation have been covered by The Raleigh News & Observer, WRAL TV and other major media outlets; in the wake of our series, some even called for a boycott of the discount retail stores owned by Pope's Variety Wholesalers chain, which includes Roses and Maxway.

POPE THE VOTE (10/8/10): Little-known outside North Carolina, Republican retail magnate Art Pope is silently rising as a national player in the 2010 elections. But many say his strategy of funneling money for political attack ads through nonprofits pushes the limits of the law.

90 cents out of every dollar received by North Carolina's leading conservative organizations come from one foundation, led by conservative donor Art Pope. But the benefactor's generosity may come with strings attached. Plus see this response (10/19/10) to Pope-funded groups who criticized Facing South's series.

ART POPE: STILL DANCING AT THE TEA PARTY? (10/21/10): While some conservatives have distanced themselves from controversial elements of the Tea Party movement, groups in North Carolina backed by influential donor Art Pope continue to embrace them.

A POPE OF CLIMATE DENIAL (10/26/10): Art Pope, North Carolina's leading conservative benefactor, has worked closely with the Koch oil barons and spent millions of his own discount retail fortune to sow doubt about the scientific consensus on global warming. Now he's hoping to reap the political benefits.

POPE BANKROLLS DUBIOUS 'VOTER FRAUD' CRUSADE (10/28/10): North Carolina's conservative benefactor Art Pope has taken a leading role in the right's crusade against "voter fraud." But the groups he supports still can't prove it's a real problem.

POPE'S BIG DAY: REPUBLICAN BENEFACTOR FUELED GOP CAPTURE OF NC LEGISLATURE (11/9/10): In 2010, three conservative groups and a Republican benefactor's family spent over $2.2 million targeting key races to take over the North Carolina legislature. Here's what they got for their record-shattering investment. Also see Pope's response: I didn't "buy the North Carolina legislature."

NC SCHOOL BOARD ENGINEERED BY CONSERVATIVE BENEFACTOR DRAWS CIVIL RIGHTS SCRUTINY (12/16/10): Prominent conservative funder Art Pope was the mastermind behind the Republican school board majority in Wake County, N.C. that's now under federal investigation for scrapping a lauded desegregation policy.

NC GROUPS BACKED BY TOP POLITICAL BENEFACTOR PUSH TO KILL STATE CAMPAIGN FINANCE PROGRAM (1/4/11): North Carolina conservative groups founded and largely funded by Republican benefactor Art Pope are calling for an end to the state's widely-used 'clean elections' program. Maybe it's because Pope's record-shattering spending in 2010 was so successful in fueling the GOP's capture of the state legislature.

Dang Liberal Funding! God bless these servants of God!

Art Pope and henchmen cried their eyes out that the "NC Justice Center" received contributions from the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation.

The Justice Center does receive significant funding from the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation; however, it's a much smaller share of their total income than that seen among conservative groups and the Pope Foundation.

When I look up the Z. Smith Reynolds and NC Justice Center.

I certainly see a different accountability:The North Carolina Justice Center is in place to help people who are unfairly incarcerated.

For those who have not been paying attention - America is indeed the most imprisoned nation on our planet Earth. This alone should tell many Christians that something is odoriferous.

The North Carolina Justice Center, not to be confused with the NC Dept of Injustice, is a prisoner advocate organization.

This is to help prisoners who have been defiled by the system.

"The Justice Center is North Carolina’s leading private, nonprofit anti-poverty organization. Its mission is to reduce and eliminate poverty in North Carolina by helping to ensure that every North Carolina household gains access to the resources, services and fair treatment that it needs in order to enjoy economic security."

The Justice Center is also home to a number of well-known specialized projects, including the Budget & Tax Center, the Health Access Coalition, the Immigrants Legal Assistance Project, the Education and Law Project and the Consumer Action Network.

For more information, contact:

Jeff Shaw
Director of Communications
919.863.2402 voice
919.856.2175 fax

NC Death Row Exonerees:

1. Samuel Poole (1974)

2. Christopher Spicer (1975)

3. Tim Hennis (1989)

4. Alfred Rivera (1999)

5. Alan Gell (2004)

6. Jonathan Hoffman (2007)

7. Glen Chapman (2008)

8. Levon ‘Bo’ Jones (2008)

NC Non-Death Row Exonerees:

1. Ronald Cotton (1995)

2. Darryl Hunt (2003)

3. Dwayne Dail (2007)

If you believe that a person currently behind bars in North Carolina is innocent, contact

The NC Center on Actual Innocence, P.O. Box 52446,

Shannon Plaza Station, Durham, NC 27717-2446



This is just some of the information they should be proud of if one is to be proud!

Along with:

KENANSVILLE - District Attorney Dewey Hudson dismissed all criminal charges today against Levon “Bo” Junior Jones, who spent 15 years on North Carolina’s death row for a murder he has always said he didn’t commit. In 1993, Jones was convicted by a Duplin County jury of first-degree murder in the shooting death of Leamon Grady, a local bootlegger. The jury also convicted him of robbery with a dangerous weapon and conspiracy. In 2006, a federal judge said Jones' trial attorneys did not properly represent him and ordered a new trial. It was set to begin this month, but Jones learned this week he would be a free man. The state's star witness and Jones' former lover, Lovely Lorden, said in an affidavit filed in April that much of her testimony was not true. She said a detective coached her on what to say at Jones' trial and that of co-defendant Larry Lamb. She collected $4,000 from the governor's office as a reward for offering the clues that led to arrests.

"But this is North Carolina and America where we have a right for a fair trial." Hogwash! Dream on America.

But North Carolina Christians VOTE for people that continue this unfair imprisonment, death, and suffering.

Here's Micky's own The Falsely Accused And Wrongly Imprisoned"!

But Art Pope and Thugs?

When I traveled to the Civitas website - I can't tell what the heck they're doing, but I can see by the charts above, where a lot of money goes.

They invested in "think tanks"!

Gee Art, couldn't you put all that money back into the people you are fleecing instead of fleecing them again so that you cab fleece them better later?

Well Micky Dee is starting his own "think tank"! I'll need some funding, so you folks keep those dollars rolling in! I'm a hard thinker! I want to erect some think buildings somewhere with some good music. I'll probably need several locations because you can think better in different locations and about different things.

So I'll think hard for you! I'll even think on snow days and vacations.

Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night and think.

How much money do I need to think?

Let's ask Art.

I can read and I see that Pope and company bleed North Carolinians and brainwash them into a distorted opinion.

Art Pope's America
Art Pope's America

                                                     Pope The Vote!

Sheldon Adelson is the fifth wealthiest person in the United States, with a net worth estimated by Forbes at $23 billion. Since 2006 he has contributed $7 million to Gingrich's fundraising entity American Solutions for Winning the Future.

Please give us yet another title of a program that Newt will lie about and refuse to follow up on. Oh forget it. I’m, sure there are enough Christians who are following this devils’s helper.

Through this 527 vehicle (and a regular political action committee with the same name), Gingrich is raking in loads of cash as he teases the country about whether he plans to run for President while mouthing off with a variety of reckless policy pronouncements.

The American Solutions website has a section labeled Corruption. In January a post there announced a new feature called Corrupt Report that was supposed to monitor news of misbehavior "regardless of political party." Somehow the site has failed to cover the recent disclosure by Adelson's company, Las Vegas Sands, that it is being investigated by both the Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Justice Department for possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The Nevada Gaming Control Board is also said to be looking into the matter.

The investigations presumably involved Adelson's four casinos in Asia. Just four? Three are in China and one in Singapore. Yep. He felt the need to spread this “joy” world-wide instead of just hanging out in Las Vegas.

Let’s see how gambling-related bribery scandal affects the political prospects of Gingrich. He already has the impossible task of selling me his "family values" since he’s been twice divorced.

Adelson is firmly anti-union. In the late 1990s, Adelson purchased the Sands hotel and casino in Las Vegas. He tore it down to make way for the humongous Venetian gambling emporium.

The Sands had been unionized, but Adelson refused to recognize the Culinary Workers at the Venetian. Union supporters picketed in front of the casino. He tried to have them arrested. This set off a legal battle that lasted for a decade. More recently, Adelson was an outspoken foe of the Employee Free Choice Act. Today the Las Vegas Sands brags in its 10-K filing that none of the workers at its casinos are covered by collective bargaining agreements.

In 2007 Adelson founded Freedom's Watch, an advocacy group that tried to build support for the Bush Administration's surge strategy in Iraq. “Freedom’s Watch beat the drum on what it called the "Iranian Threat". Freedom’s Watch ws been touted as the right's answer to -a claim that somehow missed the distinction between a group funded by large numbers of small contributions and one bankrolled mostly by a single multi-billionaire. Despite that money, Freedom's Watch was a short-lived flop.

Adelson is an apologist for the repressive Chinese government. Of course the Chines government allowed him to build his lucrative casinos in Macao.

These are RIGHT WINGERS Christians!


And like ALL rich crying baby weenies he whimpers, "Why is it fair that I should be paying a higher percentage of taxes than anyone else?"

Well dingdong, you're a prime example that criminals shouldn't be more privileged than regular folks. Oops! I guess you and your lawyers are really just inside the law. OR- you'll buy the law!

Of course Adelson’s only higher education came from tuition-free City College of New York. But now Adelson can forget that progressive taxation (or what's left of it) is what pays for the public institutions and infrastructure that help people like him succeed.

Even more dismaying than billionaires' deluding themselves into thinking that they are completely self-made is the fact that they can now use large amounts of their under-taxed wealth to promote policies that make life ever more harsh for the rest of us.

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) has developed serious knee problems from apologizing to British Petroleum.When charbroiled about tax credits enjoyed by offshore oil companies, Barton argued that the subsidies represent equal treatment, and are required to keep the companies like Exxon-Mobil from going out of business.

"Over time if you put so many disincentives against any U.S. manufacturing or production company, or oil and gas exploration company, they'll go out of business," Barton said.

Barton, perhaps the oil and gas industry's staunchest support on Capitol Hill, says the subsidies for the industry should remain unchanged "so long as you believe that you believe in the free market capitalist system and they should be headquartered in the United States."

Democrats have proposed eliminating the oil and gas subsidies as part of a deficit reduction and spending cut package. The White House estimates that repealing the tax credits would save about $46 billion over 10 years.

Yo Joe!

They have the heavy-duty knee pads down at Lowes and Home Depot!

So why aren't you hiring?

So many budget deficits and the attacks on public unions, we might forget about the jobs crisis in the United States.

Obscured is the failure of big business to accelerate hiring in step with the emerging recovery in overall economic activity. Gee. Go figure. It's just good economics eh?

The corporations report lush earnings for 2010 but hiring is depressed. 29 out of 50 Fortune 500 companies posted aggregate net income of $239 billion. That's a whopping 48 percent increase from the year before.

Oil companies are doing very well.God bless them???

Exxon Mobil was up 58 percent and Chevron 81 percent. Service sector giants are also reporting much richer bottom lines. UPS showed an increase of 62 percent and AT&T 63 percent. Some blue chip industrials more than doubled their earnings. Boeing soared 152 percent and Ford Motor 141 percent.

The employment figures are stink! Together, the 29 corporations reported a decline of about 3,500 positions in their aggregate head count of some 4.6 million. Some banks increased their hiring a bit.

Telecommunications behemoth Verizon Communications reduced its workforce by 28,500 jobs while its profits were more than 13 percent.

General Electric, whose CEO Jeff Immelt is advising the Obama Administration on job creation, got rid of 17,000 net positions during 2010 while enjoying a 6 percent rise in earnings. (GE is one of the few companies that provide a geographic breakdown of their workforce. In the U.S. GE's head count was down by 1,000.)

The percentage decrease in head count at Verizon and GE is almost identical to the percentage increase in profits at each of the companies.

Given these numbers, why is big business facing little criticism for its hiring freeze? There is a tendency to regard even large corporations as helpless in the face of economic conditions, and they are not expected to resume hiring until the market mandates it. Yet the overall economy is picking up and still there is a resistance to hiring.

Corporate apologists such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce would have us believe that the reason is excessive workplace regulation. The Chamber has just come out with a report making the preposterous claim that if state governments would only curtail their employment rules to the lowest common denominator, 746,000 new jobs would magically materialize.

Companies can do more business and garner more profits without increasing their head count largely because there is nothing stopping them from squeezing more work out of the same number of employees. Stricter protections and more collective bargaining would result in higher employment levels.

The folks who really want cutting the size of government are the thieves, Satan's helpers, the evil empire! They are the ones who need some government on their backs!

If Christians will insist that the corporations be fair in hiring practices, and put Christ first, I will consider helping to put a kind Jesus in the schools.

Some of you "Christians" are saying that America was begun as a Christian nation.

Well, Let's see it!

Put Christ in business!

Demand that your fellow man be treated with respect and not as a slave.

You remember don't you? That Golden Rule thing?

Put truth in government first.

Put truth in politics! Demand it!

Put truth in the schools, not brainwashing, truth in the schools first!

If you do not put truth in our schools you cannot put Christ in there!

Fellow Christians- or whatever you are - I will not help you put Jesus, Christ in our schools until I know you are not talking ANTI-CHRIST!!!

Christians - demand that truth is returned to America!

Demand that this money from the few is not used against the American people and the American CHILDREN!

Until then-

I have no idea what you're doing!

~Micky Dee~

Please comment with this stipulation. There is to be no defense of this BIG BUSINESS as usual.

I will not argue with Satans' helpers.

Do your homework.


Well the instructions above didn't work.

So I'm adding this below which is further reason to not have any religion in charge.

As in: "What day is snake handling day?"

I copied and pasted this from my comment box from I Never Had A Muslim...:

I NEVER had A Muslim... pull a gun on me because I was riding a bicycle on the road in every legal sense!

I NEVER had a Muslim to pull in front of me and SLAM ON BRAKES trying to kill me. But this happens so much I'm surprised it isn't an Olympic Sport. I've seen this so much it is murder!

I NEVER had a Muslim to threaten to murder me for riding a bicycle- it happened once in Spartanburg, SC. It happened in Chimney Rock with Kent Clary. We called the police and THEY NEVER SHOWED - it happened on River Road in Asheville, NC toward Marshall. It happened to Tod Andrews last year on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I can write a book and I am not concerned one bit with a Muslim harming me one iota. There is not enough time or fingers to write all my bicycle vs car problems. But not one Muslim has run a traffic light as Larry Dean Price did in Spartanburg, SC. No Muslim ever hit me with a truck and lied about it.

No Muslim has ever robbed me - I could write a book on this one. We just don't have time. I've been robbed by Americans in maybe every sense of the word "robbed".

I could go on with more than :

Thank you all. Just another little thought: I have never known a Muslim to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan. And yes - I do know some members. I failed to meet the standards of their recruitment. They wanted to pray after burning crosses and such. I wanted to pray before and skip that burning stuff.

If anyone would like- I will so gladly introduce you to some of the KKK members. Now some may pray but others may not. One of the guys I met has a "bill of sale" for a slave that he is really proud of. It's one of the family heirlooms. Maybe we can take a bus and make it a real special tour! I could give you one list of towns that "eliminated" their black population one way or another.

So, no thanks to the brad spectrum of religion that can be called Christianity.

Let's teach true morality. Honesty.

Every word of Jesus that is accepted and validated by the disciples, please tell me more and more and all children should hear those words.


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