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"Greed" as a moral and a social Dysfunction.

Updated on March 12, 2016

Inner peace

Man's search for inner peace
Man's search for inner peace | Source

The anatomy of greed -

and the need for Social restructuring.

Greed: by definition when used as a noun:

  • inordinate desire, rapacious eagerness, lustful longing, craving, avidity, cupidity, avarice,yearning, voracity, "itching palm", keenness, appetite, stomach, intemperance, gluttony, gormandism, ravenousness, omnivorousness, insatiableness, edacity, gulosity, and selfishness. (Websters dictionary)

Greed: by definition as an adjective:

  • very eager for wealth, rapacious, avaricious, grasping, selfish, acquisitive, cupidinous, mercenary, sordid, covetous, stingy, miserly, niggardly, grudging, penny-pinching, extortionate, exacting, and predatory. (Webster's dictionary)

The Devil made me do it

As one can see this ''(D)-evil'' is known by many names. Each name, by itself, is quite benign and harmless. And often times, in their mildest forms, are beneficial to man.

As with anything else in life - it is the excessiveness of man's desires that cause us irreparable physical and mental damages. It causes even the best of humans to lose their humanitarian instincts.

As a species, mankind has an innate capacity for love, and nourishment.

When humanitarianism is the basic doctrine of a society everyone benefits.

When that is lost, as it is today, and replaced by the Greed of a few, it destroys the very foundations of decency for us as a benevolent society.

The "rights" of man

To justify this evil {greed} as a "right" of man is inexcusable. We do not allow "murder" as a right.

Murder, and other dastardly assaults on others, destroys lives, families, communities, and nations.

As does Greed. And on a much grander scale

So, why DO we embrace the Greed and reject murder, et al, when the results are the same in the end?

There is a simple answer to why this phenomenon is allowed and that too lies within each of our subconscious minds.

Murder is "tangible"; immediate, and irreversible. Once the person, or persons, are dead there is no reversing the act.

The perpetrators (murderers) are visible and recognized and can be taken by force, held accountable, and isolated from the rest of society.

Greed on the other hand, is ''intangible''. It cannot be readily seen, it is not readily felt, and the perpetrators literally go undetected by society in general.

When its effects reach the point of causing total societal collapse, we take notice, but are reluctant to address it and unsure of how to remedy it.

The results of greed produce great power; and monetary excess controls society.

This is when we realize the significance of the old adage: "Absolute power, corrupts absolutely".

The desires of man

But there is more.

Even though we all know that excessive greed and selfishness is the underlying cause of our current economic collapse, we continue to defend it as a "right" of man to pursue their "dreams" of attaining that status, and obtaining massive wealth.

Knowing the end results, is never a deterrent when most of mankind is on the losing end of that spectrum.

Most people believe they would be able to stop at the point when enough is gained to insure independence for themselves and their families.

The are only deluding themselves. Like an alcoholic saying "i will just have 'one' drink to calm my nerves.

Greed is a social disease readily evidenced by a pronounced manifestation of excessiveness that leads to insatiability. And the accompanying sense of power leads to the lust for "control" over others that are seen as "losers" at this point of the social disorder they suffer from.

Taking a stand

Solutions may seem unattainable with so many who covet the wealth of the powerful, and who are ferociously fighting to maintain that "right" to pursue the greed.

But it is not insurmountable.

The simplest solution is to put a "cap" on the amount of wealth that any one person, or corporation, can take out of general circulation.

This would include breaking up monopolies that have exclusive control over any "market" and becoming what some erroneously consider "too big to fail".

The salvation, and survival, of mankind is to return to a pure state of humanitarianism in which all men (and women) are equals in sharing life's great bounties and beauties.

Today's out-of-control Capitalism is never going to be the solution to economic recovery when it is the main reason for the the problem in the first place.

"State" (government) ownership, at the opposite end of that spectrum, is surely not the solution either (unadulterated socialism).

The intermediate and most logical solution would be that of embracing ''Centrism'' that replaces money itself with "credits" as an incentive for everyone to participate.

But, with the resilience in mankind's ability to adjust to his environment, it would soon make participation pleasurable when we are allowed to pursue our dreams instead of the forced necessity to stay in a dead end job that one dislikes in order to just barely support themselves and their families.

The desire must be greater than the necessity, to make it work for all people. Even with that desire being shared by the majority of the population, those currently in power will still fight to their death to maintain their superiority over others.

Without positive changes being made soon, Greed will inevitable destroy us all sooner than we would care to think about. Perhaps Bernie Sanders has the right idea after all: {Democratic Socialism}.

by: d.william 11/29/2013. Updated 03/12/2016

One World, One Love, One Community

Greed as a social goal

Is it possible to totally eliminate greed from our world?

See results

© 2013 d.william


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