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The Dependency Issue - Solutions

Updated on February 15, 2012

Group Think Time

Previously I wrote a Hub on the issue of people becoming more dependent on various government assistance and at the bottom gave a heads up that I would propose some solutions so this Hub is born. The way I'd like to approach this is using "group think" and maybe have some of your ideas thrown on the Hub table so they can have sex with my ideas. There is always a better idea to be born. The issue here is to solve a problem that has been festering and growing by leaps and bounds which is destructive first to the human spirit and then to our nation. If you don't believe that then all one has to do is look to Greece and other European nations where it became common practice for nations to become the people's Nanny. I'd suggest that if you didn't read the first article I wrote before answering here that you take a read at the link below then come back.

Our federal government, and that's all of them not just one party, is fostering and encouraging this dependence. Part of that is centered on control because when you have control of a person's pocket book that is a powerful tool. I prefer to control my own and this is where solving the problem begins - with you. Me too and everyone in this nation who has let this happen to our society.

I don't know anyone who hasn't hit a hard time but to make a hard time perpetual does no good to either society or the individual needing a temporary hand up. What we've been encouraging is the attitude that if you can't do it yourself then the government will do it for you. Why you think you can't do it yourself is a subject for a different article altogether. This has been building steam historically for the past 50 years. I'm an old school type of guy myself having grown up primarily in the 60's when if a family or person came upon hard times there were institutions such as the extended family unit itself, churches and local charities which stepped in to lend that helping hand to those who needed it. It was usually only on a temporary basis. Then along came the creation of "The Great Society" and we've been sliding toward dependency oblivion ever since.

The Scope Of The Problem

This will be a tough nut to crack. But it begins with us and the people we send to Washington DC who actually have the intestinal fortitude to do what has to be done. The current crop of wing nuts up there have been sitting there for decades and are the very ones who continue to want the people to be dependent upon them. That is about garnering votes and their desire to be reelected, but that is coming at our expense. So the first solution is at the ballot box by an informed citizenry and not by people who want to perpetuate what we cannot sustain.

Reweaving the fabric of a civil society can be done but it involves pain after the damage has been done. Just ask the people in Greece right now. The center of the reweaving activity begins in our schools which seem to have been neglected by many parents themselves who see the school system as their baby sitter now. If the video below is any indication of the attitude that parents are bestowing upon their children then one needs to give pause and some serious thought about just what I speak of here. Notice that the woman's children are present as she speaks.

Really Peggy?

"If I help him he's gonna help me?" She's talking about a friggin' politician so she may be right. What has become of helping yourself? In solving a problem you have to first admit there is a problem. How are you going to help anyone by making them dependent on the government? The example I like to cite is the creation of a vicious cycle of breeding generations of welfare recipients who have no interest what-so-ever of becoming productive members of society. They walk among us and to deny that is to deny reality. I suggest that we place a time limit on both the "time" and the "number of babies" we allow to be claimed to obtain freebies.

"Workfare" is a dirty word in Washington DC. There are people who are perfectly physically capable of working who do not ever wish to work. I've seen and talked to some. It is beneath them to pick up trash along the side of the road ways and highways? It is beneath them to have to go to work at local charities, hospitals and other organizations as volunteers in order to continue to receive public assistance? We're just going to let them to continue to sit around and do nothing? If we want to allow that lets just set them up a chair in the US Senate. There is nothing inherently wrong with making a person work for what they get. It's called building a work ethic. This goes back to "reweaving" a civil society.

Being Required To Work Is A Crime?

Entitlement reform is needed and seems to be given at most lip service. This seems to be very unpopular with our present band of pick pockets. It's a known fact that on the present course both Social Security and Medicare, as designed to work today, are going to go belly up. I just identified a problem. It exists and there is no denying it. The younger people today should not be required to continue to participate in this Ponzi Scheme and that is exactly what it is. The shift needs to be to private, individually owned retirement accounts. There are some proposals being made that will pass through one house of Congress and get stopped dead in their tracks upon reaching Harry Reid's desk. He's another problem but I won't go into that here.

Real health insurance reform is needed and not some smoke and mirrors government owned system which is what, and where, the passage of Obamacare was intended to do. Again one of a person's freedoms is being snatched away. Individual ownership of health insurance policies needs encouragement, not discouragement. Yes, there will continue to be a need to continue to assist the poor in this area but not near the dependency level that we now see which will get worse upon the full implementation of Obamacare. I'll be a lot happier in retirement than I'll ever be with less dependency on the government.

It's Coming If We Don't Do Something About It

Another problem is our tax code. Senator Jim DeMint recently said that we need a system where all "voters" are allowed to see and feel the cost of maintaining the government we presently support. When 50% of the American work force isn't paying a penny in income tax and still using all the available services they feel no pain. The present tax code enables low-income workers. Some say it helps them, but it creates a disconnect in their thinking about the word "responsibility." The politicians like to spend, we're seeing it. So lets spend, if we have to, on removing the barriers of the poor and not create more to enslave them to the system. What we have done is to foster dependency, not individual responsibility, where they have no idea about how much our government is draining away from society through the sheer cost of trying to maintain the unsustainable.

It's hopefully not too late to turn the tide of dependency. It's slowly but surely been allowed to creep into our society. It is a threat to our nation and shouldn't and won't be solved by ignoring it and pretending it isn't a problem. We need to start thinking outside the box and stop doing the old "the Republicans" this and "the Democrats" that dance. That creates division and has nothing to do with the creation of new ideas to solve a serious problem. Making people dependent, and allowing them to stay there, results in the loss of freedom for both themselves and those who are not dependent on having a Nanny. I prefer to live "freely" and dedicated 23 years of my life to preserving our freedoms so I believe I earned the right to speak my peace.

If you haven't ever seen the piece I wrote on ideas and sex with ideas, may I suggest you also take a read at the link below. So what are you idea on this subject having read what you just read?

You have a blessed day now and do some serious soul searching when you must.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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