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Why people hate others?

Updated on November 1, 2013

Love and hatred; Dance master Nataraja!

God is waiting eternally for redemption of us!

Hate is opposed to love. Hence the viable answer to the topic is, 'people do not love each other'. We may think that the aliens are hated but it is not always the case. People within the same family do not see eye to eye and most of them live together under compulsions.

Let us examine the term 'love'. Today, the term love has acquired many meanings which do not constitute real love. Real love is 'selfless'. Love gives and forgives. But the ego gets and forgets. This is the chief difference between love and ego. i.e. selflessness vs selfishness. Sathya Saibaba has once commented, "Love is selflessness, self is lovelessness; love not lust is the happy way of life. Now we have seen clearly that pure or real love is absolutely selfless. It never expects anything back. It is love for love's sake. When we embark on any action in the world , we always keep in view, the benefit that is going to accrue by our actions. None undertake any task which is 'non productive' Some benefits must accrue. Otherwise, what is the fun of engaging in any work?

To acquire some skills in work place, some companies impart training to the apprentices. Even while the training is imparted free of cost, the apprentices are paid some stipend to sustain themselves. This is how the things move in the world. None will execute a job as a free service. Always there will be an aim on compensation. We have heard about 'wage negotiations' whenever there is a recruitment drive. The employers expect certain qualifications and experience and they select the candidates accordingly. At the same time, the candidates are allowed to quote the expected emoluments in most of the major companies. Then there will be negotiations and both the employee and employer comes to an understanding regarding the compensation package.

Now let us take the case of a mother, who brings up her children, doing kitchen work, wash the cloths, and take care of the husband and attend to all sundry cores expected of her. What is the compensation package in this case? Absolutely nothing! In addition, she is being taunted by her husband for not keeping time. She is never praised for her selfless work. The children too expect a lot from their mother but most of them fail to thank her for her hard work, loving care or generosity. This is one of the example of selfless love.An understanding mother knows the priorities and requirements of the family members, take care of all of them and really she is doing a 'thankless job'. This is the condition of mothers all over the globe except in highly sophisticated and wealthy families where stewardess takes care of the children and there are other helpers who takes care of most of the cores of the family. Hence the mother can be considered as the finest example of 'selfless love'!

We have not seen god. We have only heard about him through the religious scriptures.At least in the case of present day mother, there will be frustrations, and tensions. But in the realm of god, there is no question of frustration or tension. He is always giving and giving irrespective of the fact whether we recognize him or show our gratitude. Here i have to quote Sathya Saibaba again. Once he said, "I am the dance master Nataraja! I only know the agony of teaching you each step of the dance" We have to understand the deeper significance of this grand statement! Children are novice. A teacher or master may be expert in his subject. But he has to guide the children through each steps like the alphabets, simple numbers etc. He may be a post graduate. But, for the sake of teaching the young children, he has to repeat those alphabets, numbers and other lessons many times during his career. A real teacher never gets disheartened by the repetitions but he is happy that he is able to illumine the young children.

This is how, god acts. He has nothing to gain from the timeless instructions he imparts to each individual soul. Consider how much patience, he exhibits. He never hurries! He waits patiently so that each soul is enlightened about the higher ways of life, gaining freedom from this repeated cycles of births and deaths. He is compassionate and absolutely selfless. All are his own children. All needed guidance. Some children learn their lessons quickly, yet some other children are slow to imbibe those lessons. But God never complains. He waits for eternity so that all his children reach Him ultimately gaining the supreme knowledge of identity with God. This is not any easy joke. There are many obstructions on the path like the worldly attractions and sensual pleasures. Each soul has to evolve over many number of births. Still god awaits their return patiently. He never forces his instructions on any. He waits for each children to imbibe each step of the lesson. Hence Saibaba has said, "I only know the agony of teaching you each step of the dance!

Why we hate?

Now let us turn back to the question. Why people hate each other? They are unaware of the fatherhood of god and brotherhood of man! All are One and every one has god as their inner core. Simple ignorance of the above fact, make them to believe that they are all separate individuals. Hence they hate each other instead of loving!


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