Trump , the election a Corporate takeover of America ?

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  1. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    A question for our independents and conservatives;
    We already know what the left thinks .

    In the nomination of Trump for the republican party are we not symbolically AND technically  nominating  exactly that which we have said for years in America ?  That Corporate America has had way too much control and influence over the political system in America ?         it seems that he's single handedly "Buying " his entire way to the top .         I don't think he'll make it ultimately , but  Is he exactly what we have hated about congress , senate  , and the white house .

    I for one do NOT  want corporate America' s  influence to our system to do anything BUT diminish  in America .  He seems to be the epitome of all that we despise about politics  in the last forty years  .  The supreme court rulings of the last few year also  have given  corporate voting and  lobbying  Much more power in the last couple of years alone .

    What say you ?

    1. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. One thing I find abhorrent is his constantly stating that he is financing himself. Basically, he is attempting to buy the election. And, he isn't a unifier. He is a divider. Our nation will be worse for the wear if he gains the nomination.

      1. wilderness profile image96
        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        And yet we complain about huge corporate (and other) "donations" to campaign funds - that Hillary, for instance, is in the pocket of Wall Street.  Now we're complaining when the candidate uses his own money.  Can't have it both ways...

        1. Live to Learn profile image60
          Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Of course not. But, there are more than two ways to fund a campaign. I did notice that Donald does have donations coming in from the voters. That is the best  course.

          1. wilderness profile image96
            wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I would agree that it is the best course.  So where does "buying the election" come from?  Just because he doesn't get massive corporate gifts like the others?  I mean, even if he spent his entire fortune (and he won't) it still wouldn't match contributions to some of his competitors.

            1. Live to Learn profile image60
              Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              OK. Buying the election was a poor choice of words. However I think that if Donald Trump had no money to fund his own campaign that he couldn't gain the support he needed to mount a campaign. Without his money, I think he truly is nothing that the electorate would be taking seriously.

              1. profile image0
                jonnycomelatelyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Just a question:  If Mr. Trump is a rich businessman, how did he become rich?

                1. Live to Learn profile image60
                  Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Running a business, I suppose. Why?

                  1. profile image0
                    jonnycomelatelyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Well, I propose that most people who run businesses don't get rich.  They might do "just fine," and have a healthy bank balance, a sustainable business life and most of their customers are well satisfied with the goods/services.

                    To get rich there is usually some other dimension to the business.  Maybe it was conceived and built up at just the right time - market was right, resources were readily available, start up capital was adequate, everything fitted just like a jigsaw puzzle.  But this scenario would be rare, right?

                    So, the extraordinary circumstances which might enable a person to become rich might need to be looked into.  Those circumstances should not be glossed over or ignored if you are going to get an honest picture of a persons wealth, and his/her standing for public office.  Right?

                    Or would you rather I didn't ask such a question?

            2. profile image0
              ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Because he's "buying"  is own way at the moment , I wonder a lot about his donations of the past , his financing of the Clintons and others , He is an outsider  in the political sense yet he seemed to make his way pretty  well in his  past  , Wilderness , Do you think he's mature enough to run this country ?

              1. colorfulone profile image78
                colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                ahorseback, I read an interview where Trump was asked about his relationship with Hillary and the Clinton's.  He said that he believes in keeping his friends close and his enemies even closer.  That's smart.  I doubt that they have ever been close friends.  Trump isn't stupid. 

                Trump is a self actualizing man who is not the president but he is running for office...when and if he is president he will fully evolve.  I see him becoming ... as he puts his life on the line, (and his business aside).  You better believe his life is in great danger.

        2. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          But if this simply were about financing , it would be fair .   Yet its his buying - bullying ,bulldozing  , that I'm concerned with . Trumps IS corporate America on steroids ,  that Is my fear .

    2. wilderness profile image96
      wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I don't see it that way.  While Trump is coming from corporate America, he is NOT coming from the political scene with all those things we decry from politicians.

      He has never taken "bribes" (donations) with their implicit promises to vote a specific way.

      He has never inserted pork into bills in order to maintain his job as a politician; to curry favor with his local voters.

      He has never accumulated political power to force his way on new laws.

      He has not lived off congressional salaries and perks for a lifetime.

      He has never raised taxes to fund pet projects for the people voting for him; he has never been in the pockets of the people.

      While he may (and I assume did) lobby congress, it was from the other side of the fence; there is no indication either way what he will do from the lawmakers side.  There is also the question of whether he will blindly follow his party's political stance; once in the presidency he may eliminate that from his actions entirely.  I just don't see Trump voting or acting according to the will of someone else at all.

      Whatever I may think of the man himself, or his political tactics, he has not been a part of the political scene from the legislative side and cannot be accused of being exactly what we dislike about politics or politicians.  Rather, he is the only realistic candidate from outside the system and that we cannot claim as being just "more of the same".

    3. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Now THIS makes sense!!

    4. colorfulone profile image78
      colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Trump came out in the last debt with guns blazing and opened fire on the Bush Administration not keeping America safe because of 9/11. That to me is the litmus test of how far he will go to tell the truth and expose the corruption of a few elites.  This is sizemic!  There are 28 secret pages that the 9/11 Commission says should be released, that were classified by Bush. Obama has kept them classified after requests to declassify them.  The American people deserve to know the truth, as hard as that may be to swallow. 

      I believe that Trump has put himself in even greater danger, because he will expose Skull & Bones if he becomes president and a whole lot more.  He is not a clown or a joker, not when he is willing to bring that house of cards tumbling down.  That is courageous! 

      “I really am convinced we’re in danger of the sort of terrorist attacks that will make the bombing of the Trade Center look like kids playing with firecrackers. No sensible analyst rejects this possibility, and plenty of them, like me, are not wondering if but when it will happen.”  wrote Trump in his 2000 book, The America We Deserve.
      God bless America, realign our nation and snap history’s dislocations back into place.  And, protect Donald Trump.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Not that I disagree totally with what you say , But  Bush was in office for  eight months when 9/11 happened , 9/11 wasn't his baby ,  THAT  makes the blind side of seeing  it coming a two term CLINTON  mistake !!!  And now his wife has her  eyes on the prize  in the  of political elections ,  Can Trump correct the misaligning of America ?      It really depends on how niave the American voters are on the following through of voting  vigilance .   I'm not sure trump is who he constantly adjusts himself to be , are you ?

        1. colorfulone profile image78
          colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Can Trump correct the misaligning of America?   

          God is able.

          I'm not sure trump is who he constantly adjusts himself to be, are you?

          I think there is some political rhetoric.  Personally, I have made many adjustment to who I am in my 53 years as a born-again Christian through repentance, and I hope to make many more.  God's not done with me yet, and He isn't done with Trump.

    5. colorfulone profile image78
      colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The rise of Trump is a repudiation of 40 years of bipartisan treason.

      It is a complete repudiation of a fiscal policy that has left this country broke.

      The immigration policies that have left the US unsafe.

      The foreign intervention policies that have caused us to spend blood and treasure for nothing.

      The trade policies that have put us in disadvantage to China, to Japan, to Mexico,

      Trump is naming names, and he understands the Clinton and the Bush families, the Reps. and the Dems elites who are in it together (Obama Administration and his own agenda included), and the ones in government who go along because they have to.

    6. Neil Sperling profile image58
      Neil Sperlingposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      the election is a hoax. the real problem (globally) is the monetary system. Under Socialism taxes are too heavy on the middle class, under capitalism the wealth gap widens and creates communism via wealth control and under communism no-one has incentive to perform. What we need is a new system, not a band aid to what has been tried. Thrivalism is the answer. I wrote about it.

  2. colorfulone profile image78
    colorfuloneposted 8 years ago

    I cannot say anything for certain about Trump in this topic but I can interject opinion.  I see Trump as being able to work with the Democrats across the table, and he has said as much.   Republicans who do that are called RINOS. 

    But.  Obama promised he would work with Republicans while running for office, but has not honored his own words.  Democrats who work with the other side are called DINOS. 

    I would like to see DINOS and RINOS running the government together 'for the people'. Instead we have a great division with the present administration...that causes problems in the legislative process.  Veto!

    There's a whole lot  I / we do not understand.  We may not see or hear most of the workings that go on to realize the tenacity of the battle.  And, the media cannot be trusted to report the truth (in their circus).

    ADDED:  I'm glad Trump is not taking campaign contributions from special interest groups.  He is self-funding and will not be bought...he is his own man in-essence.  Not a puppet.  He will not take a president's pay-check if he is elected, not $1.00.
    (Excuse me, but it can be risky posting memes in the forums.)

  3. RJ Schwartz profile image88
    RJ Schwartzposted 8 years ago

    America is a business and its been run by lawyers for decades.....
    The spending is out of control.  Staffing is bloated by unqualified people. Multiple departments exist which perform the same activities.  There is no accountability when things fail - no one gets fired, just shuffled around.  I could continue, but the point is obvious.  Donald Trump is a successful businessman and that is what we need.  It's common sense.

    1. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I completely disagree. I don't want a business man running this country. We are about so much more than business.  I don't want someone whose made a living making amoral decisions in order to turn a profit.

      1. RJ Schwartz profile image88
        RJ Schwartzposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        That's your choice and right as a voter.  Since when does our nation turn a profit?  You'd rather stick with SJW who want to keep printing money?  Not me

        1. profile image0
          jonnycomelatelyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          What would be wrong about running a country as a sound, honest, straight-down-the-line, efficient business?

        2. Live to Learn profile image60
          Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I don't expect the country to turn a profit any more than I expect our government to continue creating a deficit. But, this is not a business. It is a country full of human beings. I don't want to see numbers crunched to determine if it is in our financial best interest to do something for our citizens. I don't want wars waged because it might be in the best interest of the country, financially; and I do not want to see us avoid engagement in areas where people desperately need our help simply because we can't find the financial advantage to do so.

          Heck, we've been run by lawyers (as you said) and they've done most of that pretty well without the benefit of a business man with a really bad hair style.

          1. wilderness profile image96
            wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            "I don't want to see numbers crunched to determine if it is in our financial best interest to do something for our citizens."

            But would you like to see numbers crunched to determine if we can afford the pie-in-the-sky programs proposed by some?  Or should we just continue to spend our children's lives for what we want but cannot afford?  Shall we condemn our children and our children's children to poverty and a failed economy to have whatever we decide we want?  We're doing a pretty good job of it so far - should that be the economic path of choice?

            1. Live to Learn profile image60
              Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              I believe in a balanced budget and I believe taking care of our people comes before hand outs to other countries. Give me two days with the budget and some really, really good accountants and I'll tell you what I'd do. If I could.

              1. wilderness profile image96
                wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                We give but a minuscle, tiny amount of the budget in foreign aid.  It is hardly but a dent in the budget, and nowhere enough to balance it with...especially with additional entitlements built in to absorb it.

                Problem is that there are lots of little amounts like this that people think they can save the budget with.  They can't.  You can't.  I can't.  It's going to take either a massive cut in defense (and isn't it easy to say "No more wars! when no one is attacking?) or massive cuts in entitlements.  Probably both as we desperately need massive additional funding to infrastructure and more to research if we're to stay near the top.  Energy needs money, transportation needs more, pure research need some (and it always pays off in the long run), a whole slew of medical problems need research funding, etc.

                1. Live to Learn profile image60
                  Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  You can save in some areas and you can stop spending on foolish things in others. And you can thin down what some want to accomplish to a reasonable goal. You can set your priorities and adjust your budget to reflect that.

                  Someone said the country was a business and should be run by a businessman. I think the country is also like a household and should be viewed as such, when decisions are to be made. Large corporations run on amoral principles, have access to vast loan opportunities and use bankruptcy as restructuring plans without shame. If they cease to exist those who ran them have little to no responsibility for any damage they did and if a corporation does great damage we have seen that those who run it bear no real responsibility for the problems caused. Not to mention they care little about their employees and nothing about employees beyond their doors.  A household does need to stay within some semblance of a budget, if not it will pay the piper when the members in charge of that household cease to exist.  It cares deeply for those within its borders and it readjusts, as need be, when those within it develop special needs. Those within its borders who are in charge bear a huge brunt of responsibility for ensuring the safety and welfare of those they are in charge of.

                  And, I have to say, reasonable and targeted cut backs in defense spending would be high on my priority list.

  4. colorfulone profile image78
    colorfuloneposted 8 years ago

    We need Term Limits.
    Kick the aggrandizing crony politicans out! 
    Lock the thugs and gang-bangers up. 
    Give the able-bodied entitled welfare brats jobs.
    Deport illegals that do not want to assimilate. ...

    Trump is in that quintessential place. The establishment politicos and media cannot hurt him, but the more they try, the more they help Trump.  smile  Go figure!

    1. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Just as a matter of interest:  To what extent do you think your country and your nationals have gone into other countries and assimilated?

      1. Live to Learn profile image60
        Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I think you are being rather unfair with this one.

        If I moved to a your country and felt honor killings were justified, felt that you were an infidel and was willing to slaughter you for insulting a man who lived hundreds of years ago, or if you found humor in some cartoon; if I felt females were beneath men; if I felt genital mutilation of my children was my right... and if I felt that it would be wonderful if you were somehow forced to live by these beliefs..would you defend my right to be different within your society? Would you argue in defense of my right to not live by your laws?

        1. profile image0
          jonnycomelatelyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Maybe I was being a bit unfair, but my post was in response to this rather generalised statement:  "Deport illegals that do not want to assimilate. ..."
          Naturally I would reject anyone of any nationality who thought they could enter my country and carry on barbaric habits and customs that are utterly contrary to everything good.
          If those are the ones referred to as "illegals," I accept your point.  But I would caution against knee-jerk reactions which tend to label a category of people and treat them as "all the same and not wanted here."
          By-the-way, my understanding of matters discussed here is changing.   I do feel more and more that we need to stand up against fanaticism and cruelty that uses religious texts as justification.  My opinions are not so soft as they were.

          1. profile image0
            ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Here is the greater issue between the Pope and Trump ,  The pope didn't actually call out Trump , individually , as un-Christian , He said whoever builds a wall is un Christian . Meaning ,more to the point , Americans who believe in the wall or at least in a controlled immigration !        If that offends the Pope , so be it .   He's calling out most Americans as being NOT - Christian .       Yet , there's a pretty nice , and a very OLD wall around the Vatican isn't there ?

            The pope is a hypocrite ?

            1. wilderness profile image96
              wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              The aerial picture I saw of Vatican City showed an awful lot of empty space inside that wall.  I have to wonder how many Syrian "emmigrants" have crossed the bridge and are being supported by the church in their country.

              1. colorfulone profile image78
                colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                I read that the Vatican built the Wall in 846, to keep Muslim raiders out after the pirates looted and destroyed property. 
       … l-muslims/

                Trump wants a wall to keep radical Islamic jihadist terrorists, and the criminal illegal aliens out.  The US needs a Walls with doors and gates like Israel and the Vatican have, and for the some of the same reasons. Protection!  smile 

                I predict there will be a great falling away from the Catholic Church.   

                Has this pope shown himself to be a radical left-wing liberal instead of a spiritual leader?  I think so! 


                This little spat with Francis has brought the Immigration Issue front and center again, and that has only helped Trump in the past.

      2. colorfulone profile image78
        colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I have not thought about it much...and may not...  However, the question is in the back of my mind to sift information through.  You got anything to share that others might be interested in hearing on the thread Topic, because I usually do not read your comments or reply to them anymore for personal reasons.  (Personal attacks in the HubPages Forums have a wearing effect on people. Its against the Forum Rules because no one deserves that.)  So! If, I never respond to one of your comments again, everyone will hopefully understand it is personal.  I take responsibility for my character flaws. 

        I enjoy interacting with hubbers who do not have a bone to grind with a hubber who loves the Lord Jesus Christ.   -  Jesus love you!  smile

        1. profile image0
          jonnycomelatelyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Sorry to have to point this out, Colorfulone, but I would have thought it obvious.  I am not directing personal attacks, only calling yourself and anyone else out, when I see a distorted view that might single out people for vilification unfairly.  I have no problems at any time when you wish to disagree with my view point, and happy to be proved wrong.  Clear, honest discussion is always welcomed.
          If there is anything that's a prerequisite for calling oneself a Christian, it would be in applying fairness to others.
          I have been in the Christian church for much of my earlier years.  The main reason I left it was because of  hypocritical attitudes amongst my peers.  (Apart from "moving on" with my beliefs).

          1. colorfulone profile image78
            colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            "If there is anything that's a prerequisite for calling oneself a Christian, it would be in applying fairness to others." 

            There are no prerequisite to being a Christian according the God's Word. Scriptures are very clear on that. A relationship with Christ is not based on deeds (dead works), that is religion.  I would leave too.

  5. colorfulone profile image78
    colorfuloneposted 8 years ago

    I was pretty sure Jeb Bush was finished after Trump blasted him with some 9/11 truth.  It will be interesting to see what Bush supporters do next.  Hopefully, real people will do some research on 9/11 and make an educated scientific decision about the truth.  These are sobering times.


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