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99 Things That Makes Your Husband to Feel Loved

Updated on October 6, 2017

What Makes Your Husband to Feel Loved

We feel loved in a romantic relationship when we’re truly seen, heard and understood by our partner. We feel loved when our partner is consistently kind, thoughtful and respectful toward us. We feel loved when our partners are accessible, responsive and emotionally engaged with us. Your husband gets the same charge out of having you recognize and appreciate him, notice his sex appeal, and tell him about it. You’ll both be winners if you learn how to make your husband feel loved. We hardly take a step back to see how to take personal responsibility for our own actions in our marriages. Yet when we do, the outcome is incredibly rewarding.

When each of us, men and women, decide to look beyond our own needs momentarily to see what our spouse needs, the value is almost instantly realized. Sure, taking care of ourselves is paramount, but marriage is a challenge because we have a constant companion by which we interact with more than any other person on the world.

Below are ideas on how you can make your husband feel more loved and that you do regard him as someone extraordinarily special and help keep your marriage alive and happy forever.

1. Respectfully communicate with him. We feel loved in a romantic relationship when we’re truly seen, heard and understood by our partner. Your marriage will become more romantic as you choose to communicate with each other. Communication means talking to each other freely.

2. Let him know he’s important to you.

3. Purposefully try to understand his feelings—even when you disagree with him. We feel loved when our partner is consistently kind, thoughtful and respectful toward us.

4. Show interest in his friends giving him some time with them if they’re trustworthy.

5. Let go of the small stuff. "Don't sweat the small stuff" means being willing to let go of the need to be right about the small stuff. We all have annoying habits and preferences that are different from our spouse’s. Let go of the need to be right. Is it more important to be right or to be loving? Many arguments are rooted in each partner's need to be right, even about the most trivial topics. You're driving to a restaurant and your partner turns right when you thought the faster route would have been to turn left. Does this call for argument? Is it really that important? You have a difference of opinion; let it go. As soon as you feel that tightness inside that indicates the need to be right or control, make a conscious choice to zip the lip and let it go. Your partner will feel the difference and your new attitude will cultivate a loving garden in which your relationship can blossom.

6. Be creative when you express your love, both in words and in actions. Tell and show him you both love him and like him. This can include simply hugging your partner, sitting next to him, or holding his hand as you’re watching TV. It will let your partner know that you love and value him.

7. Either show interest in his hobbies or allow him space to participate freely. Fall in love with his hobby. Take up his hobby for a day and show interest in something he loves. Who knows, you might figure out exactly why he loves it so much.

8. Protect his dignity on a daily basis. You must speak kindly about your husband and not tear him down behind his back or his presence.

9. When confronting him, realize he has feelings also. If you’re having a bad day, are stressed, not feeling well or whatever is causing you distress, try as hard as you can to act loving toward your partner because your partner will always remember how you make them feel.

10. Foster an atmosphere of laughter in your home. Look for ways to laugh together. This will add spice to your relationship.

11. Try not to make sudden major changes without discussion, giving him time to adjust.

12. When you go out on a date together don’t bring up problems—have fun instead. Any attempt to bring up problems will ruin the outing. Find an appropriate time to discuss your problems.

13. Focus on what he’s doing right, instead of focusing so often on the negatives. Every human being has his weaknesses, so when you concentrate on the negatives mainly, this is affect the relationship negatively.

14. Show interest in what he feels is important in life. Is there something he loves to do that you feel nonchalant every time he mentions it? This time, show interest.

15. Give him special time with you apart from the children.

16. The first minutes after a spouse comes home often sets the stage for how the rest of the evening will go. Try to make that time a positive experience.

17. Give him time to unwind after he gets home from work. Your evenings will be much more enjoyable.

18. Don’t allow family members to treat him disrespectfully. Defend him to anyone that dishonors his place as your husband. Don’t allow “third party” destroy your marriage.

19. Compliment him often. You should also make it a point to regularly compliment your husband. When he looks good, tell him, especially if he has taken extra efforts to lose weight or dress up smartly. Maybe your man melts you when he walks through the house in the morning in a sharp suit and smelling all aftershave on his way to the office. Most of us have a favorite “look” for our husband. It might be his sharpest suit or that rugged look he gets after working hard or playing hard outdoors. Whatever it is that turns you on, let him know you love it. Say something like, “You still take my breath away.” This will make your husband feel noticed and special, and he will surely be encouraged to carry on with renewed dedication.

20. Appreciation of your husband is important. Show him you appreciate his efforts, and let him know he’s your number one. When it comes to a strong relationship, there are several big things that lay the foundation, but it is appreciating the little things that really create a strong bond. Make sure that those random acts of kindness are mutual and that when they occur; you let your partner know that you appreciate their kindness and the gesture because it will ensure that they continue.

21. Talk with him about having specific family goals for each year to achieve together to feel closer as a marital team.

22. Don’t over commit yourself. Leave time for him. Give him time to be alone. This will energizes him to reconnect at other times. And also give him his night off. If your husband asks for an occasional night off that he wants to enjoy with his buddies or wants to bring them home for a game of poker then support your husband. Your husband would surely appreciate your gesture and would feel especially special if you were to help welcome and entertain his friends.

23. Extend God’s grace to him and be forgiving when he offends you. Sometimes the best thing to do in a situation is to overlook your hurt, swallow your pride, and set aside your own needs and desires.

24. Find ways to show him you need him.

25. Those who do not respect their partner are going to have a hard time finding a strong relationship. Remember that respect is a two-way street and not only should you demand respect, but you must also give it. When a relationship is not built on respect, things like trust go out the window and once trust is gone, it is incredibly difficult to get the relationship back on track. You should be able to tell your husband with confidence, “I trust you.” Before you do something that can be seen as disrespectful, take a couple seconds and think about how it would make you feel if your partner did it to you. In your judgment, abilities, and capabilities and in communication, show your husband you respect him and believe in him as often as you can.

26. Admit your mistakes; don’t be afraid to be humble. Peel away your pride. Simply say, “I’m sorry. Will you please forgive me.”

27. Defend him to those who disrespectfully talk about him. Love protects (1 Cor. 13:7). Don’t stand by and allow your husband be disgraced without saying or doing something.

28. Respect his desire to do well—not his performance.

29. Rub his feet or neck, or scratch his back after a hard day.

30. Most people just want to be heard. They don't need solutions, advice, or feedback (unless specifically asked) and when unsolicited feedback is offered, it's usually experienced as invasion. So when your husband is sharing with you — anything from her angry feelings about his best friend to an incident he's perplexed by at work — listen with your heart and reflect back that you're truly listening with affirming comments.

31. Initiate going out on romantic outings (when he’s not tired). Plan a surprise getaway. There’s no need to break the bank. Dinner under the full moon. Pick a date and then set up dinner for two outside in the beautiful moonlight. Sign up for local deals from sites like Living Social or Groupon and enter “travel” as something of interest to you. Every time there is a travel deal, you’ll get an email. You may have to delete many emails before the right one comes but give it time and you’ll find a deal you can’t refuse.

32. Email him when he’s at work, telling him how much you love him.

33. Surprise him with a fun gift of some kind that he’d really enjoy. Don’t worry; you don’t have to spend much money to come up with a creative gift he’ll love. “Got your favorite snack at the grocery store!” I’m not sure why a gift is better when it comes as a surprise rather than something expected, but over the years I’ve discovered the response is definitely different.

34. Express how much you appreciate him for working so hard to support the family. Surprise him with lunch at his job. Cook his favorite lunch and take it to his office. If you’re not able to stay to enjoy it with him, leave it with a sweet note that makes him smile from ear to ear. “I made your favorite food.”

35. Tell him how proud you are of him for who he is (giving him specific reasons) such as “I’m proud of the man you’ve become since we’ve been married.” Remind him of how much he means to you. Don’t be too caught up in your daily routine to remind your husband of how special he is. You should whisper those loving words into your husband's ears whenever you do get a little time or even remind him in bed during or after a lovemaking session. This will make your husband feel truly special.

36. Give advice in a loving way — not in a nagging or belittling way. No man like a nagging woman.

37. Help your husband to be the Spiritual head at home (without “lording” it over him). The Bible says man is the head of the family.

38. Reserve some energy for him so you’re not so tired when he wants you sexually. Many wives use tiredness as excuse of poor or lack of performance on bed. Lack of intimacy can ruin your marriage.

39. Don’t expect him to do projects beyond his natural capabilities.

40. Pray for him to enjoy God’s best in life. You can inform him of your spiritual intervention. “Just wanted to let you know I’m praying for you.”

41. Take special notice for what he has done for you and the family. Give him his daily dose of hugs and kisses. Although your husband might not have the time to kiss or hug you in his hurry to rejoin the rat race, you can still give him a quick hug and a kiss. This will remind your husband that you still love him and provide him some justification as to why he works so hard each day.

42. Brag about him to other people both in front of him and even when he’s not there. When your husband wants to go to a sporting event with you, “hang out” with you, or have you on his arm in various social situations, this very well could be romance for him. He enjoys being able to show you off and be proud of you with his friends.

43. Keep conversations brief when he’s tired—so he isn’t “flooded” by too many words.

44.Throw a dinner party and invite his favorite people to come celebrate him with you – for no particular reason. It could be your in-laws, his closest friends, colleagues or whoever he’d enjoy having dinner with and who love him enough to celebrate him).

45. Honor him in front of the children. To the kids you can say, “I love your dad so much. He is working hard to provide for us.” Don’t disagree with him in front of the children.

46. Look straight into the eyes of your husband when he talks to you or if you’re speaking to him. This will make him feel that you are interested in what he wants to say.

47. Get up with him, even when he gets up earlier than you want to and pray with him (you can go back to bed afterward, if possible —it’s a sacrifice worth making). The family that prays together stays together.

48. Be his “help-mate” in whatever ways you sense he needs it.

49. Participate in shoulder-to-shoulder activities with him (like watching a movie and such) without talking. Sometimes men just like to BE with you and not talk.

50. Be a student of his ways so you show your love in ways he best comprehends it. Learn your partner's love language. Gary Chapman came up with the notion that men and women have five love languages. People have unique ways of feeling loved. There are words of affirmation, receiving gifts, quality time, acts of service, and physical touch. Giving to your partner means giving in a way that he can best receive. If you feel most loved by physical touch, you're likely to express your love through a lot of affection. But what if physical touch isn't how your partner feels most loved? It’s important to know which love language speaks to your partner. So make sure you are attending to your partner’s love language consistently.

53. Treat him as if God has stamped on his forehead: “Handle With Care.” Lather him up and help him shave. By careful with that razor! But this can be loads of fun. And if he likes a close shave, even better. As you reach in close to make sure not to nick him, all he’ll be able to do is stare into your eyes, look at your nose, lust after you lips. Good luck getting him to let you leave the bathroom after you’ve finished!

54. Work to get rid of habits that annoy him.

55. Be kind and thoughtful to his relatives. Don’t make him choose between you.

56. Don’t compare his relatives with yours in a negative way because it could start in-law imbroglio.

57. Thank him for things he’s done around the house, especially when he helps out with domestic chores. You can say, “Thanks for doing that. It means a lot to me when you serve me in ways like that.”

58. Don’t expect credit for all you do for him. Do it for the Lord or your relationship.

59. Make sure he agrees with everything important that you’re planning to do. Men are hardwired to want to lead and protect. So get out of your husband’s way sometimes and let him do it! Ask him about things you don’t understand as well as he does—it could be something as benign as football or as important as financial planning and really listen.

60. Do little things for him—let him sleep in, bring him coffee, etc. This simple gesture means a lot to my husband. He enjoys drinking coffee, and bringing it to him in the morning expresses love and affection. If your partner likes to drink coffee in the morning, create this habit and express love through this act of service.

61. Don’t belittle his intelligence or be cynical in your words with him.

62. Initiate sex periodically. And respond more often. However, men feel more connected to their wives through the act of sex, and your husband wants to know you want him. He feels loved to his core when you crave him sexually. Imagine what it feels like to feel emotionally disconnected from your spouse, as if you’re on two different planes. That doesn’t feel good at all! That’s exactly how your husband feels when he isn’t sexually connected. The mere act alone helps him feel loved, secure, respected and confident. Women, make sex a priority in your marriage.

63. Sometimes let him enjoy his day off work without having to work at home.

64. Get to the point in your discussions. Spare him details unless he wants them.

65. Discover his sexual needs. Learn a new route to each other’s orgasm. Push each other’s limits in the bedroom so that you’re exploring new territory together — this creates a kind of erotic distance as you discover the way that your partner reacts to something new. Forget everything you know about your partner’s orgasm and teach yourself a new way to get them to their happy place.

66. Get a little flirty. There are so many ways to get flirty with your husband. Surprise him with a 15 second kiss when he gets home from work. Men love to be touched but don’t always want it to lead to sex. I know that goes against popular beliefs but there are times when he just wants to be held. Stroke him. Hold him. And if he wants to go a little further, by all means… We tend to be pretty good at communicating that we’re attracted when we’re dating or newly married—and then we forget how to flirt! It’s the playful touching, the hug that lingers just a bit longer than necessary, the wink. Get a little touchy under the table at dinner or at the movies. Snuggle up close on the sofa. Nothing in the world will make your husband feel more like a man than knowing that you still want him.

67. Put effort in to keep yourself in good shape so he’s especially proud to be with you. Yes, your husband cares about your appearance. Your appearance is more about how you take care of and carry yourself, and your size. Yes, size does matter, you must find out if he likes you very big, but it matters less when you are clean, tidy, smelling good, and have confidence to boot! Your husband wants to feel proud of you, because you help him look good.

*68. Recognize his physical strength. We know that not every guy is a bodybuilder or a powerlifter. But even the average fellow is a little stronger than the average woman. When you need his help to move the sofa, tell him how nice it is to have someone strong around the house.

*69. Don’t quarrel over words. Learn from your mistakes. Avoid repeating the behaviors that have caused problems in the past. Repeating behaviors that are hurtful to your husband sends the message that you don’t care about how he feels.

70. Be kind and courteous with him. (Don’t be kinder to strangers than to him.)

*71. Teach your kids to admire him. Point out to your children that Daddy has traits that you really appreciate and they should too! Celebrate his masculinity in their presence, brag on his strength, talk about how he makes you feel safe and protected. He will love it and the kids will too.

72. As a kindness, don’t say, “I told you so.”

73. Try not to argue over money. Peacefully discuss future expenditures instead. Marriage like all relationships, involves give and take. It’s not all about what you like, what you want, or what you need. Try to develop a family budget.

74. Take him out on dates—pre-planning all of the details ahead of time. Take your husband on a romantic date. Rather than blame your husband for losing his romantic touch you can take charge of the romantic department in your relationship. You should find out in advance of any weekend that is available in your husband's schedule and book a romantic getaway for both of you. A candlelit dinner followed by a long walk on the beach will make him fell special and keep the flames of passion alive in your marriage.

75. Hold his hand and snuggle up close to him at times both at home and in public. Going to bed at the same time doesn’t always mean having sex. You can simply lie down with your partner under the blanket and cuddle huddle. Little gestures convey thoughtfulness to your partner. Take the time to snuggle before starting your day and before going to bed. This can be as simple as holding each other in bed for a few minutes before starting the day.

76. Praise his good decisions; while choosing to overlook the bad ones. Don’t try to make him look like a failure. When things go wrong, instead of assessing blame, focus on how to do better.

77. Tell him you love him more often. We feel loved when our partners are accessible, responsive and emotionally engaged with us. When your husband hears, “I love you” this is a show of love for him. Believe in the best from your spouse, and chances are, he’ll have more confidence to give you his very best.

78. Dedicate a song to him on the radio. An oldie but goodie he likes. This one will require some planning (and possibly finding out when there is request program for loved one) but think about how much you’ll make him blush when he hears his name over the airwaves. Just make sure he’s listening to the radio when your dedication comes on.

79. Sit with him while he’s watching TV—even if the program doesn’t interest you. Give your husband solidarity.

80. Don’t expect him to read your mind. Tell him if anything is bothering you.

81. Periodically, give him time with his family alone and encourage your husband to go on boys’ nights out. Sure, we all know that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but time apart has an even more magical effect on your genitals.

82. Check with him before you throw away his papers and stuff, when possible, so that you throw away something that is important to him.

83. Initiate loving reunions. Reunions occur after long absences, like when your husband has traveled, but you also reunite at the end of the day following work. When you initiate a loving reunion — you greet your husband with a warm smile and with a hug or making it a point to meet him at the door when he returns home from work at the end of the day. By these gestures, you send a clear message to your husband that you’re available and you grow the love between you through positive action. And initiating a loving reunion through your partner's love language will enhance the love even more.

84. Let him express himself freely, without fear of being called stupid or illogical.

85. Carefully choose your words. Remember to “speak the truth in LOVE.” The way you _____ is such a good complement to me. God knew what I needed when He gave me you.

86. Don’t criticize him in front of others—keeping his dignity intact. Proverbs 14:1 says, “The wise woman builds her house, but with her hands the foolish one tears hers down.”

87. Visit his childhood home with him.

88. When you’re angry, express it in respectful ways. Don’t give the silent treatment.

I know you and I haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye lately. But I want to let you know that I accept you whether I agree with you or not, and I’m committed to working on our relationship so we both feel understood and secure.

89. Pray for him.

90. Make him homemade soup when he’s sick. Cook him his favorite dish even when he well. You can surely win your husband's love and make him feel special by cooking up his favorite dish. Your husband would obviously reward you with a smile and polite or loud burps of appreciation.

91. Look your best—dress to honor him and make him proud to be seen with you when you’re out together. You know that feeling you get when you get dressed in something decidedly feminine and you can feel your husband’s eyes do a double take? When he responds to your femininity by treating you like someone really special—way more special than all the other women in the world?

92. Support him when someone tries to put him down. Be his best cheer leader.

93. Take him for a weekend get-away without the children. Get a neighbor or a caregiver to take care of the kids.

94. Cheer his successes whether in business or in other areas of everyday living.

95. Graciously teach him how to demonstrate his love for you. Give subtle suggestion such as, “Can you give me a massage?” Your husband might be too engrossed in his work to take out too much time for you, but if you remind him that you understand and make him feel special then he too will reciprocate in the same manner.

96. If you love your husband then it would be a good idea to make him feel special from time to time so as to keep the flames of love fanned at all times. Give him coupons to redeem—maybe for a back scratch or a shoulder rub.

97. Buy him a gift certificate to his favorite lunch spot and put it in his wallet. Buy him gifts that he dreams about. If you have the money then you can simply listen to what your husband wants and present it to him as a gift. This could include a watch, a mobile phone or even a leather bag. Your husband would be happier at the fact that you paid attention to his needs rather than the actual gift itself and treasure it for a very long time.

98. Hide notes for him around the house where only he will find them and you can put love notes in his pockets and brief case. Tuck a sexy love note in his pants pocket (or anywhere you know he’ll find it), letting him know how much you look forward to seeing him later that night. He’ll be happy to return home to you at the end of the day.

99. Thank him for just being himself. Tell him, “You make me so happy just by being you.”



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