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Biggest Regrets

Updated on January 26, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Biggest Regrets

Fake smiles from people and they think differently and feel good about themselves too. It is difficult to live with certain people, and that one must put up with, my biggest regret to have met such people.

Sometimes, such people are just cruel in their thoughts, and this can make one feel disappointed. I regret being with people who don't consider us worthy of them, and I don't wish it upon anyone.

I met them a while ago, and somehow couldn't see them for who they were, until, I discovered their true personalities on other occasions. They covered their false lives well.

Each time when invited them to their home, I felt uneasy thinking not much of it after all they were friendly at the beginning of our meeting.

Believe it or not, I continued hoping things would get better, or change and that we could all be good friends and family together.

Friendships are made, broken, built, and rebuilt, no matter which way you see it, something must come of it. When I first met the family, I was not sure of how to present myself in their presence.

Over these years nothing has changed. I saw many different people and noticed something about their behaviours.

They were not as social as us in the presence of others. Their friendliness pops up when not in the presence of others. I saw them for who they were, just fake in my eyes.

For example:

A couple who have an almost three-month-old baby, and had the baby Christened on one Sunday. They didn't invite the closest of the family to the main event, had asked them to stop by much later in the afternoon for a sweet treat and a drink.

Neighbours were invited to the function which was not a fair way to treat family and keep them from being part of a family function. This to me was a very inconsiderate decision.

It was rather disappointing for the family not invited. A big regret for meeting that kind of person, exactly how life is, with family or friends often there are misunderstanding moments.

I am grateful for having a friend to whom I can speak about such situations and someone who understands my thoughts.

She advised me along the way as I made my new life in a foreign country.

· What are your biggest regrets?

I have never regretted anything in my life and lately have discovered my biggest regret which is meeting such people. The saddest part, they are part of somebody's family.

Big hugs and kisses can be so not real, and when you realize it is under false pretences. Moments like these can make you see things differently, and get that kind of people on your list.

Another regret one can have is not spending time with family and close friends.

Most individuals regret not standing up for themselves when they were younger. Confronting their issues with bullies which they had to live with for years.

Losing good friends from your school years, and the people who you grow up with and move away from can also be regretted at times.

The lack of communication loses that friendship you wish could be present again. Relationships can be among the biggest regrets, when breaking up with your one and only, this can have greater effects on one's mind.

If you always bother about what others are gossiping about you it can hold you back from doing many good things in life. A regret many people have and don't admit.

Lack of confidence makes one think less about themselves, and in the process, they are not secure in making decisions or speaking up. If your parents want, you to fulfil their dreams instead of yours is another regret that can make you feel disappointed later in life.

Living constantly in different places can make many changes affect you.

Life has many challenges sometimes you can regret not going further in your goals, such as in your daily activities.

The individual can feel fear and fail in thinking about targeting their goals. You wish things could have changed like something about you could have changed to save your marriage. In many cases, marriages can be saved, but wrong decisions make them fail faster.

· If only you could turn back time.

Parenting is a tough time spent with your child flies by fast, but you wish time could be spared. Forgiving others it be family or friends or moving on can be difficult.

Do you regret not asking your schoolmate out on a date?

When you were younger friends weren't as impressive.

They talked you into mischievous stuff and you of course went along with it and now wish you hadn't. You dropped out of college and are now without the degree you always thought of and wanted.

It can make you feel deeply regret not having that paper on education in your hand. Love the job you have, choosing a job you don't like will forever make you unhappy. Ignoring your health when you should have taken more notice of what was going on.

Biggest Regrets

In failure to speak up when you had the chance at a function or in not attending an event of your friend from school days.

Learning a new language, if you wanted to, and meeting new people while free and single, not enjoying your single life can make one think all sorts, especially after a marriage

Most people experience such regrets, and the problem is saying goodbye to someone for the last time when it almost hurts. If someone you love is dying, all regrets come flooding into your mind.

You may not know what to do or say but can be there for them to solve their issues. Live life in the present and not in the past. Do not hold on to regrets, not everything can be changed.

Sometimes you can be harder on yourself than on others. Lessons learned and the many mistakes made can open one’s mind to further learning. People can be rude, disrespectful and so merciless, also with false pretences.

They can make one feel less confident and down about themselves. Such people don't care about how others feel and often leave them out of their conversations or special events. The types who won't accept you in their lives are just cruel and brutal.

· How can you change your life to avoid such regrets?

· For example:

Some traditions are rich in thought about receiving cash and expensive gifts from their guests when invited to events. They tend to be friendly with families and friends who are known to have good careers and who have good bank balances.

It is not worth your time to be with such people and feel you are liked by them when you are not. Deep down, they don't care about you.

Such kinds of people will often come by and have pampering moments only to get something from you. In time, I have come across many people, but such people disgust me the most they are merciless and selfish.

Biggest Regrets


What are your Biggest Regrets?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2013 Devika Primić


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