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Why Did These Men Cheat?

Updated on March 23, 2014
Jesse James and Sandra Bullock
Jesse James and Sandra Bullock
Bad Boy Jesse James
Bad Boy Jesse James
They look like such a nice couple
They look like such a nice couple

Why? Why? Why?

So the question is, “Why did these men cheat”? I guess the answer to this question really depends on who you ask, a man or a woman. Being that I am a woman I know a few reasons why some women cheat. Now I am not trying to generalize women or put them all in one category because Lord knows I know there are a gazillion reasons out there why a woman cheats.

When I was in an abusive marriage, I cheated and I cheated often, I cheated every chance that I got, why? Because my husband at the time was not interested in sex to begin with plus he was abusive. My ex husband had plenty of problems in and outside of the bedroom and I cheated to get back at him first of all and secondly to get the affection that my body craved. Believe me I have come to terms with my infidelity and have been through plenty of therapy and when that marriage ended and I got the help that I needed, all those troubles seemed to flutter away. I don’t feel like I was a good for nothing slut or whore or whatever word you want to use but I did feel degraded and my dignity was always damaged whenever I did cheat and I took responsibility for it, not because I got caught, but as my choice to get help. I thank God that those days are over and I probably wouldn’t have made it without God in my life.

Now lately in the news I am sure everyone has heard about the scandals with Tiger Woods and Sandra Bullock and her husband Jesse James. The reasons that these men have given for cheating have really left me perplexed. I mean I know I don’t live with these people and I can’t be and advocate for Tiger’s wife or Sandra Bullock, I don’t know what kind of people they are personally. But it definitely looks to me like these men wanted to have their cake and eat it too. And there is nothing wrong with that, if both parties are okay with this arrangement and judging from what I see in the news, I don’t think that these women were.

One of Jesse's Gals
One of Jesse's Gals
Mistress #2
Mistress #2

I don't get it

I do see two men who are successful and who have woman probably falling at their feet and cheating on their wives who seem to both be strong, beautiful, intelligent woman that any man would feel lucky to be married to. Of course they could be monsters, but I don’t think so. And then what happens when everything hit’s the fan and the women come out of the wood work? The men claim that they are sex addicted. Now that’s a new excuse that is often thrown around today very often. They go into rehab. Too much sex, too much drink, ahh poor babies. I don’t get it.

Bad Bad Boy

In the case of Jesse James, he just looks like a bad boy that hitched his wagon to the most successful woman (who I still have no clue what she saw in him) and he ran with it. But then he got greedy and wanted to keep that lifestyle that he had before Sandra, then why marry her in the first place? It tore my heart out listening to how she talked about her husband at the Oscars after it hit the fan. I felt so much empathy for her. It seems to me like she was working too hard and Jesse James was playing too hard. Looks like he likes the sluttish type in the bedroom and the nice girl in the kitchen Who knows.

As for Tiger Woods same thing, he likes the easy women. Now I am not trying to sound holier than thou here but the ones responsible here are the men. Most of these women were single, from what I understand and some even thought that Jesse James was not married or separated from Sandra, probably what he was telling them to get them into bed, In my world a single woman can do anything she wants, If she can look herself in the mirror and not cringe then more power to her, but these men knew that they were married and what they were doing was wrong. Were they justified in what they did? Do they seem sorry? The half fast apology from Jesse James makes me think not. Tiger Woods was obviously just sorry he got caught from what I could tell. He really was a disappointment to me, because he seemed to be so happy with his family. But then you never know what is happening inside someone's head. I just know I cheated when I wasn't happy, so why wasn't Jesse James happy with Sandra Bullock or Tiger Woods with Elan? Who knows. I guess at the end of the day it isn't any of our business, but it would be nice to know in general why they cheated like that.

Jesse's #3 I guess #4 isn't talking much.
Jesse's #3 I guess #4 isn't talking much.

Come on you men!

I would really love some insight into this topic from some men out there, please don’t think that I am man bashing because I most certainly am not, every man is different(thank God) I am just trying to understand what men in general think about these two cases and their opinions on them, that would be fantastic because it really has me puzzled.

© 2010 ladyjane1


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