How do you feel about gay couples raising kids?

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  1. Heart Felt Book profile image75
    Heart Felt Bookposted 13 years ago

    How do you feel about gay couples raising kids?

  2. Heart Felt Book profile image75
    Heart Felt Bookposted 13 years ago

    Now that we are coming to a different turn in life. How would this be affective

  3. EllenDean profile image71
    EllenDeanposted 13 years ago

    I suppose this is a controversial question to many people, but I feel the same about gay couples raising kids as I do about straight couples raising kids. 

    I hope their homes are full of lots of love and their priority is to educate their children and encourage them to become good people, respect others and contribute to their community.

  4. puebloman profile image61
    pueblomanposted 13 years ago

    The bottom line for children is to be raised in a home where they are loved, valued and supported by people they can trust.

    They do not necessarily need a mother and/or a father. They grow up as well in groups of adults, including extended families, as they do with couples or with single parents.

    Its good not to be poor. Kids need lots of material and spiritual food. Love is the bottom line though.

  5. wychic profile image85
    wychicposted 13 years ago

    Children need a stable, loving home where they feel secure and appreciated, and from which they can learn to be mature, responsible adults. The gender of the people who provide this to them doesn't matter.

  6. Eric Prado profile image70
    Eric Pradoposted 13 years ago

    I am all for it. I have many gays friends who have kids and their kids are very happy and healthy and loved.

  7. N.E. Wright profile image71
    N.E. Wrightposted 12 years ago

    I was once invited to an adoption class by a soon -- at that time -- to be adoptive mother.  In the class there was a gay bi-racial couple talking about their little daughter, and how one of the father's was pulled over by the cops.

    He laughed at how he was trying to explain his white as snow daughter to the officers when he was a very dark complexioned black.

    From everything else I heard them talk about they seemed like cool dads to me.

    Gay couples are human.  People need to think about that when they want to take their rights away from them for being what they do not have a choice about being. 

    They are not criminals they are gay.  That should not mean we take away their civil rights.

    Also, I am a single mother.  People seem to have a problem with that for some reason.  They think single mothers' children are more likely to be criminals.  It is all crappy.

  8. Michael Conley profile image60
    Michael Conleyposted 12 years ago

    My Husband and I have raised 2 wonderful Boys (both straight). Being a parent is and has been the most fulfilling thing I have ever done in my life. We also about 3 years ago took in our nephew and helped him turn his life around( stopped doing drugs and got his G.E.D) after being raised in a straight house hold with an alcoholic mom and her druggy boyfriends. It does not matter if your gay or straight it's how you parent. A child needs to be shown love and compassion they need stability and reassurance you as the parent are going to be there for them. (On a side note studies have shown that kids raised in gay and lesbian homes are more well adjusted and tend to get higher degrees and higher paying jobs.Then those raised in Straight homes)

  9. profile image0
    icountthetimesposted 12 years ago

    If a relationship is stable and the parents love each other, I really don't think their gender is an issue at all. This is one of those issues where 40 years down the line people are going to look back at our attitudes to gay people and gay parents and be ashamed at how we as a society treated these people.

  10. atlovesbm profile image69
    atlovesbmposted 12 years ago

    I think it's a great idea. For one, the pair would WANT to have kids- Therefore they wouldn't treat the situation as if it was something they HAD to do. Like an accidental pregnancy. And I completely disagree with the negative comments. Yeah, you're entitled to your opinions- That's fine. But to say that the care and love provided to the child by two people (regardless of their sex) is dysfunctional? Take a look at the "heterosexual" individuals who did have childern and took their lives? You'd rather have a child live in an environment with a heterosexual couple, perhaps an abusive, negligent parent than with a couple who is willing to provide for the child? I think any couple, gay or straight should have the right to adopt children if they wanted to.

  11. ktnptl profile image76
    ktnptlposted 10 years ago

    I feel it will be the same as a straight couple as long as they can be mom and dad to the kid. A Child need mother and father, so if gay couple can provide love of mother and responsibility of a father then it is same as a straight couple.


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