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Ronald Weinland-May 27th, 2012, Jesus Christ Returns

Updated on June 7, 2012
Ronald Weinland
Ronald Weinland
His book.
His book.

The initial reaction is, "another whack job, looney, predicting the end of the world and Jesus returns based on the Book of Revelations", I'm sure. After all, there have been more than few in the past few years and each time, the date passes and life on earth goes on. The next question is, who in the hell is Ronald Weinland?

He is the pastor of the Church of God and is read in over 160 countries. In 1997, he claims God appointed him as his earthly prophet to warn all that he can that the final days of mankind is very near. According to him, the last of the seven seals mentioned in the Book of Revelations was opened and casted upon earth in Nov. 2008. The beginning of the 3.5 year tribulation, a time when earth and mankind will suffer immense pain, began in Dec. 2008, with the first trumpet that brought the world economies into a tailspin. Since that time, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th trumpets have sounded all causing more crisis and mayhem with the US influence greatly diminishing in the world. The 5th trumpet has not sounded, that is because, when this occurs, a major war or conflict will occur in the Middle East. The is war will be horrific and millions will die from nuclear and non-nuclear causes as NATO nations fight Iran, China, Russia. In this final time, God is allowing mankind to temporarily experience a false sense of hope and belief that he can solve his own problems.

A new world power consisting of 10 European nations will supersede the USA and the primary motivation of Iranian leaders is based upon their fervent Islamic Shiite belief in the coming of the prophesied 12th Imam Mahdi who will usher in Armageddon. Their belief is that by destroying Israel it will trigger “the coming” of the last Islamic Messiah. They believe that they are the ones who will fulfill Allah’s will to aid and help in the fulfillment with obtaining a nuclear device.

Now, unlike the other predictions, the events since 2008 seem to mirror Ronald Weinland's statements and one does not even need to be a believer to see that some sort of conflict is coming with Iran. If you deny it, you simply are being a "Alice in Wonderland". The situation in the Middle East suggests chaos on a grand scale is coming. Iran is not going to stop trying to get a bomb. Israel is not going to allow them to do it, with or without the USA. The US-Israeli relations are strained as Obama wants to wait and wait. If Israel attacks, it will unravel rapidly as retaliation happens. Will the US abandon Israel ? Many in Israel do not like Obama. But, like many have said, the longer you wait, the more time Iran has. If Iran truly feels as it does about the 12th Iman, nothing will change the course because it will come to past. The economic situation since 2008 has been nearly a depression and remains bad, despite what seems to getting better. One could blame it on the banking and real estate and greed, or, you could say a trumpet has blown allowing this sort of thing to occur.

While May 27th, seems to be in stone, in the course of three months, some dramatic events must unfold if the Book of Revelations is followed: Europe will became a dominant power, the Antichrist must come to power and control how millions will buy and sell and be forced to believe in him. Those that do not, cannot buy or sell anything via electronic means.

Maybe we are just entering into the first 3.5 yrs of the seven year tribulations, or maybe this is the last 3.5 yr. period, in any case, watch and see what events unfold. Be open and not a naysayer because until May 27th does or not pass, who knows?


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