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God is Holy! (Isaiah 6:1-2 KJV)

Updated on September 14, 2014
Isaiah yields to his purging
Isaiah yields to his purging

Posture means everything

The encounter that Isaiah the prophet had with the majestic holiness of God, in chapter six of the Book of Isaiah is most instructive. It is how we see God that will determine how we face Him. Humility is essential and is the way, we always should endeavor to seek Him, a broken and contrite heart God will not despise.

Isaiah acknowledged his woe and his humanity, that his mouth was not clean in the light of God's holiness. He postured and humbled himself, and it brought forth a cleansing which was symbolic of a hot coal from the altar being placed on the lips. Ouch! Purity is the goal to usher us into God's presence. Posture is absolutely relevant in seeking God's face and presence. Standing correctly, bowing in submission and posturing of the entire spirit, soul and flesh are stances we must ensure for our hearts to be found without iniquity that can veil His face. The throne of grace is where we ascertain that we deserve nothing, but we desire God alone.

We should search for Him with humbleness, meekness, awe and with an unassuming nature. When we acknowledge the blood that Jesus shed, it humbles us, and we know that we can only approach the throne of grace, because of His shed blood, and His sacrifice, and not on our own accordance. It is how we choose to see ourselves in light of who God is, that determines whether we will truly seek His face or retreat.

Isaiah saw the Lord, sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. He saw God on His throne exalted and high. How do you see Him? I’ll let you answer that. I liken faith to be as an aspect of spiritual braile, so to speak, we can’t see God with our physical eyes, but His Spirit sensitizes us, and we can see Him with our spirits. Braile is the language of the blind or unsighted and it helps them to navigate through life without having the ability to see, our faith is the braile, it navigates us through life as well without sight. We can only access God through faith and not through sight.

Isaiah's Vision

"In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly" (Isaiah 6:1-2 KJV).

King Uzziah was one of the more godly kings who ruled Judah. He ascended to the throne at the age of sixteen and ruled for fifty-two years. One king was dead, but Isaiah was about to make contact with the King who never dies.

Isaiah’s vision was of the Lord sitting upon a throne, exalted and His presence filled the temple. Isaiah also sees the seraphim’s, which cover their faces and feet. That is very interesting, the seraphim’s covered their faces and feet. The blood of Jesus covers our faces and feet.

Observe what is said about their posture and their praise. As for their posture (verse 2) they covered their faces and eyes, for even among the angels it is forbidden to gaze directly at the glory of God. We even learn in the natural, that it is rude to stare at people when not engaged in some kind of interaction. We also learn in the natural about posture, we learn how to stand, sit, walk, etc. Spiritual posture is equally important. Seeking His face doesn’t entail attempting to gaze directly at Him, without the acknowledgement of the blood of Jesus and his holiness.

The seraphim’s cover their feet signifying the presence of God to be Holy ground, as did Moses who knew that our feet connect us to the earth, they are symbolic of humanness. Although angels are not earthbound or human, they acknowledge their status as mere creatures in the presence of the Creator. In covering their feet they reject any intention to choose their own path and their intent is to go only as the Lord commanded. Isn’t that spectacular, shoes cover our natural feet for many reasons, none being parallel to the angels reasons.

As for the praise of the seraphim’s, they ascribe holiness unto the Lord and holiness is raised to the highest power! Holy, Holy, Holy, is their praise to each member of the Godhead. They sing, Holy to the Father, Holy to the Son and Holy to the Holy Ghost. Our personal transformations are the product, not so much of seeing the ugliness of sin, as of seeing the beauty of the Savior.

We should be awakened to the horror of sin, only because we can see the holiness of God. Holiness is moral beauty and majesty. We worship and praise His Holy majesty. Awareness of who God is leads to an awareness of who we are in Christ. The concept or image we have of ourselves has to begin by looking in the mirror of the Word; therefore we seek the face of God. True knowledge of God always leads to repentance. In seeking the face of God, there is a brokenness and pain followed by confession and repentance, which is unavoidable and inevitable. This in turn leads to cleansing and forgiveness.

Our shoes have no symbolic purpose whatsoever to holiness, but carry an earthly connotation. We have a spiritual path, we are learning and being taught how to walk, which has everything to do with holiness.

King David received that revelation as well; as he begins a prayer, unto thee O Lord, do I lift up my soul, O my God, I trust in thee, he then asks God to teach him in His paths, change my walk Lord, to agree with how You desire me to walk (Psalm 25.) The holiness of God first breaks and humbles us, then heals us. Finally, cleansing leads to commissioning, mercy leads to ministry, and having seen God as a result of seeking Him, what else is there to say but, here I am Lord, send me.

Seeking the face of God will lead to an encounter with His holiness, and how we see Him is of the utmost importance. The encounter that Isaiah the prophet had with the majestic holiness of God, is instructive for us today, as we seek His face. The first thing we will discover in seeking His holiness is our posture and attitude,that will be the determining factor, and take us successfully through.

We can’t seek His face without first seeing His holiness. This is and should be our daily approach entering into prayer. We need to see that He is a holy God, and we are shrinking and decreasing, as we prepare to go into the presence of His holiness, and that this shrink and decrease is the humility necessary. When His holiness is what we perceive and realize, our hearts change and we examine ourselves for any regard of iniquity that offends Him and we take the precautions of repentance with us. Spiritual responsibility personifies and translates into maturity, we know what we have to do and we do it, after all we are seeking His face, we will need an idea of what it looks like. Holy is His face.


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