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Slow Lane Of Life is Like Composting

Updated on March 7, 2016



Early Morning

Ever have those days when it is like being slapped awake at some silly hour of the night. If so, glad I do not stand alone. There is always a reason it happens to me. What I find is a need to pray for someone specific. To read something I'm supposed to read or simply sit quiet and listen to His voice. As much as I dislike the early morning call it is always a blessing to be a part of.

"Be still and know that I'am God" are the words resounding in the quiet of this morning. When we think of the word God we see a three letter word and yet when we think of His infinite power and might, we come to know He is God. The opening words of the Bible are "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

To me enough is said when I look at the word God and yet He has so much to say, so much for us to learn and so much to teach. "Be still and know that I'am God." Powerful words that touch the depth of our souls.

© Quill Collection
© Quill Collection


Welcome this early morning to the "Fireside." Help yourself to some fresh coffee sit back and allow me to rattle on for a little while. Should you feel the need to doze off, well feel free. That tells me you are comfortable. Even Quigley has taken up her post on her cushion at the fireplace. The only sound in the house is the tapping of the keys of this well worm Mac Book Pro and the gentle breeze coming from the mountains in the west.

This winter has been one of grace to us here on the Alberta side of the mountains. To this point anyway. At 2:10 am the temperature was +5 Celsius. For those who are still on the Fahrenheit scale that is 41 degrees. To some that may be cold but for us it is near cutoff weather in comparison to what we usually have this time of year.

Nature is a powerful tool when looked at closely through what God has to tell us about His majesty. His created order of life and the meaning of balance. It can be a beautiful thing or it can be a brutal place. Man has a way of sometimes thinking he is in control of everything. Technology, wisdom, power and might are all part of our makeup as people. You must admit we have come along way in the last number of years. Just pick a year you recall and compare it to what we see today. Yes, we have might and power but yet what happens when a crack of thunder rattles our bones, a flood bears down on us, fire is running wild and heading in our direction. It is then we realize just how small we really are.

Winter Peace

© Quill Collection
© Quill Collection | Source


For those of you who have followed and gotten to know me the name Yukon Territory, Canada is familiar. For those who have just taken a seat at the "Fireside" it may be new. It is located in the far northern reaches of Canada, just south of the State of Alaska and it's vastness and wilderness are much the same.

I lived there for many years and have watched nature turn on itself many times. Its cold in the winters are some of the most severe. Temperatures can go to extremes where it can reach 50 below for weeks on end. The coldest I ever witnessed was 72 below one winter. Man and beast take cover then and all that matters is keeping the fires burning and looking after your immediate needs and nothing more. A reminder of just how small we are in the bigger picture comes to mind again.

All soon to be forgotten when you are standing at a glacier stream in the summer months and fly fishing. Seeing the foliage coming to life again and the abundance of sunshine and all that nature provides. "Be still and know that I'am God." It comes to mind again recalling all He provides us with.

© Quill Collection
© Quill Collection

Your Blessings

Today I encourage each of you to take the time to be still and listen to that quiet voice within telling you that you are loved. It will come if you take the time to listen closely. It may come through another person. A total stranger that may smile, a kind word, it will come.

If I had a word for you today it would be the word "Love". A word which we all have a different thought of. Who is it that comes to mind when you hear the word. Take the time today in this fast paced world we live in to share the love you have with that person. A wave, a handshake, a hug or simply a smile may change another persons day. Take the time to sit and be still and know that He is God and know that He loves you dearly.

© Rolly A. Chabot


Ever have those days when you just need to stop and recharge.

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