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What Is Theosophy?

Updated on October 25, 2012

A spiritual solution for the idealist.

In 1882 a century before I was born, the theosophical society centre was established in Adyar, India and since 1922 it has been the manor, in Sydney Australia. Helena Blavansky, Henry Steel Olcott and William Quan Judge originally founded the society in New York city, America in 1875. Their initial common interest was in mediumistic phenomena but this rapidly evolved and expanded after moving to India, where they were exposed to and influenced by eastern culture. Yet the global movement is only now, really penetrating the general populous and capturing attention. Although interest in theosophy has increased significantly recently, it is still a subject the majority of people know little or nothing about.

It's origins are Greek and it means wisdom of the god's, it is also known as the ageless wisdom. Not so much a religion but more of a belief as it practices no rituals, there are no rules to follow or figurehead to please, no judgement and exclusive of dogma or creed. Theosophical societies all over the world are inclusive of all people of any or no religious beliefs, any cultural background, creed, color, gender, class or race. Strong emphasis is placed on study however not in the traditional sense of the word, there is no scripture to analyse, no chanting or prayer just study of self, open respect and discussion of all religious and cultural beliefs, as well as science and general philosophical musings.

As an idealist, optimist and philanthropist theology is a concept I am becoming rather found of. Comparing the basic principles of the workings of the universe, the meaning of life and both of their origins are subjects that have been grappled with for millenia, is questioned now and will forever be the greatest of all mysteries, one of which I find myself wondering about often. Theosophy explores the thread of truth that runs through all thought, theory, story, symbol, scripture, ritual, teaching, song and word that leads to the basic elements of the truth and divine wisdom of the universe.

The shared concept is that true wisdom can not be captured within the written word but attained and discovered only through experience, alone by the individual for themselves. The objective of a theological society is to form a community of like minded individuals, hoping to establish universal equality in humanity without distinction or discrimination.To share their view's and experiences of their own personal path and journey of investigation into the unexplored laws of nature. Discovering powers and insights as yet untapped or unrealised is the aim, the way in which you chose to look for it and how you find it is absolutely unique to the individual.

The dictionary defines theosophy as 'any of various religious, philosophical systems claiming possibility of intuitive insight into divine nature.' However I don't entirely agree, the concept is immediately discredited by the word claim and philosophical systems is rather inaccurate also. I understand that it's format is to inform not to promote and of course it is designed to be brief yet I still can't help but feel this explanation of theosophy is a little demeaning.

I am a firm believer that there is only one race, the human race and that we are a spiritual family. The universe is abundant and humanity has the capability of a glorious, positive future. Compassion, knowledge and the elimination of prejudice can be achieved through a united intelligent collective. I am not immune nor blind to the ills and injustices of the world. I know that suffering and pain are great and many, I don't have all the answers, I don't think anyone does. As with any great undertaking I realise that it will not happen over night, nor will I see it in my life time, however I am of the belief that it is possible, I just don't know how or when.

I suspect that my interest in this subject will grow even though I am not part of any theosophical society local or otherwise, no badge, t-shirt or hat, it is by far the closest yet I have come to recognising my spiritual identity, after all I am an idealist.


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